White Noise

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TW//burns, near-death

Tommyinnit's been here for about 4 months, but it felt like years, he left the TV on, the static better than the silence, he curled up in a corner, shivering aggressively as his body was built for lava, his body shivering aggressively against the floor as he clutched the thin black blanket close, back against the warm obsidian which stole the heat out of the room like a starving child steals the bread from a citizen leaving a store.

The room only produced static, he was fed a single bucket of lava a day, the only thing keeping him alive with both hunger and heat, without heat Tommy would die, but Tommy decided maybe that was better, he stopped eating the lava he had been given, it was cooler lava to so it was harder, almost like eating a liquid rock, Tommy used to snack on rocks and warped fungus before he was arrested, they were tasty, he liked the mud he found in the caves and the warped fungus was just a nice sweet treat, he used to think being in the cold caves was worth it for the mud, but that's what got him captured, he missed the nether where he could walk across the lava lakes and stay warm as he bathed in the lava falls, mocking the piglins who would yell angrily at him every time he stole something from their bases or even their pockets. He barely could speak the piglins language, let alone English.

He held his stomach which felt frozen without his daily meal that he'd skipped for 3 days so far, he'll die within 2 days if he doesn't eat, Tommy wished it was faster, Tommy held his eyes closed, trying to sleep so he could get his death over with.

The TV produced a strange and new noise, Tommy opened one eye in confusion, eyes opening wide when he saw a pair of hands reaching out of the screen, he stared in fear and shock, is death coming early to take him away? Tommy feels excited and scared at the idea, he doesn't know how to process the pale blue hands and arms covered in scarrage, the top of them covered in scales which some were torn out, clearly done by the creatures own hands, they bled a deep glowing blue, pale blue claws pulling the creature out with much desperateness, claws making an unpleasant noise as they scratched the obsidian floors, a head poked out, large scaled fin-like ears showing from a mess of dirty brown curls which clearly hadn't been cleaned or cut properly in a long time, pale human skin on its face along with blue scales, it was a hybrid like Tommy, also clearly a man like Tommy himself, he had his eyes clenched shut as he pulled himself from the screen, his body was so long as he continued slowly coming out, he was taller than Tommy by quite a bit he could see that much.

Tommy reached and grabbed the lava bucket next to himself, clutching it ready to throw if the man attempted an attack, a pleasant warmth in his arms but not enough to stop Tommy's shivering and change his skin back to red.

When the man was fully out, laying on the floor, giant wings on his back that he's impressed even fit through the screen, Tommy realised he wore the same clothes as he himself wore, his eyes widened, he had a power which he could use to escape, the man was a phantom mixed with... something else? After a few seconds, the man forced his eyes back open, flinching when he saw Tommy with the lava bucket in hand, he sat up and against the wall, blinking as if Tommy would vanish.

"Are you real...?" The man asked, Tommy let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, letting out a choked noise, clutching the lava bucket closer. He knew this man, though he knew he wouldn't know him, he remembered seeing him on a newspaper he accidentally dropped in lava after stealing it from a human who dared travel to the nether, he went missing, if Tommy remembers correctly he'd been gone for 8 years, but he wasn't exactly good at reading.

The man stared, clearly awaiting an answer, he had brown eyes, drained of most life, Tommy forgot how to use his voice for a second, "y- yes. Who are you?"

"Um... I prefer not to say."

Tommy nodded, barely understanding him, "I'm Tommy, how did you do that?"

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