Just One Song

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This one's short but good i think.



"I... Wilby... there's only one thing I want before I go..." Tommy murmured from where he lay on the hospital bed, in a state of weakness Wilbur never thought he'd see in him, he wasn't able to be loud or boisterous like he used to be.

"What do you need, Sunshine?" Wilbur mumbled, fingers running through his younger brother's once blonde now whitening hair.

Wilburs eyes went wide when he saw tears develop in Tommy's eyes, a begging look on his face as he looked into Wilburs eyes, "I just want to hear you sing again..."

"What...?" Wilbur questioned.

Gosh he hasn't sung in years.

When Philza died and then Technoblade did too, he stopped, he killed them with his voice, ten years ago, he was only fourteen.

"Please...?" Tommy begged, "I- I want to see the- the happiness it gave you, you haven't genuinely smiled in so long...!" Tommy cried, "just one song?"

Wilbur is silent for a moment, mouth open as if he were about to say something, he clutched his eyes shut, biting his lip nervously.

Wilbur starts small, just humming a simple tune, tears developing in his eyes as they open and look at Tommy who smiled, "...you'll never know dear... how much I love you, please don't take, my Sunshine away-" he quietly sung, he knew it was one of Tommys favourite songs back when he used to sing him to sleep, "-the other night, dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held you, in my arms-" Wilbur does miss singing, it was his entire soul and being, he loved it, he used it to express himself, until he discovered his voice was different from others, he couldn't even use instruments because all forms of music he'd ever make was always different.

"When I awoke, dear... I was mistaken-" he was good at all instruments he's tried and an amazing singer according to those who used to hear him, but he knows now it's because the world wanted him to ruin people's lives, "-so I hung my head and I cried..."

Tommy smiles, reaching up towards Wilbur who took the boy into his arms, lifting him into a hug, "you are my Sunshine... my only Sunshine..." Wilbur murmured as he quietly sang, nervous, "you make me happy... when skies are- are grey," Wilbur couldn't help the sob he choked out as Tommys limbs weakened around him, "you'll never know, dear... how much I love you..." Wilbur hugged Tommy tighter as the boy went limp, tears flowing from his eyes, "please don't take... m- my Sunshine... away..."

Wilbur didn't need the flat line of the heart monitor to know his brother was gone.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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