(1)Holy Shit, Life, Slow Down

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TW//Gender Dysmorphia, mild violence

"Can't believe you dragged me along to a concert," a pissy brunette complained, boney phantom wings shifting uncomfortably under his sweater which hid them, a winged father swatting him lightly with his own big black feathered wings.

"Oh lighten up Willow, it's good for you to come outside once and a while, and I thought you'd appreciate a front row concert," Wilbur shivers, he didn't like being called Willow anymore, but his family didn't know, he was too scared to say.

"I appreciate the sentiment but couldn't you bring me to one for an artist I know, who the fuck is Sallana Salmon? some pop artist?"

"She plays music i think you'd enjoy, she's also known for crowd interaction so if you're lucky you might get to join her on stage,"

Sounds like a nightmare.

Wilbur was just being bitter, he really didn't wanna go outside today, he never does, but he shut up when the concert actually started, pushing his long waves of hair out of his face, he really wants to cut it, a bunch of dancers and a few people with instruments in the back of the stage consisting of violin, guitar, cello, flute, and other acoustic instruments alike. Unique, okay. In the middle, a woman around his own age sat at a piano, a microphone in front of her, that must be Sallana judging by the spotlight and outfit, a beautiful flowing red dress just below her knees that matched her red and green scales around her body, a limp salmon-like tail hanging out from under the dress and against the floor behind her.

She do be kinda cute though- Wilbur ignores that thought, he already has enough wrong with him, pulling his beanie further to cover his boney phantom ears to hide them despite the sweat and heat from all the people around them, watching the figure play the piano with her eyes remaining closed and aimed towards the sky, if he's honest, the stage is shaped more like a runway than a stage for music.

Then she started singing a song, "for days, I thought I lived a life, full of misery," she started, voice beautiful with the violin beginning to join the piano, "all my mistakes being stakes that I, wouldn't have missed..." she plays the piano in a fast yet soft tune before standing and the other instruments kick in and play in the back to make up for the lost melody of the piano, she starts singing with the instrument, "i've search so far and wide but by this time i've never seen the one, and it feels to late!" Her voice raises, she sings, and sings, and it sounds like an angel, Wilbur can't help his investment, he cant bother to watch the dancers as he watched Sallana's smooth movement, ignoring Philzas barely audible snicker and 'told ya.'

She walks down the runway, people screaming as she passes, almost touchable if she moves a bit closer, "I look into their eyes and search for the one i'm looking for!" She sings loudly, her eye seems to catch Wilburs as she sings, he could tell she almost paused but she continues, turning towards him he's caught off guard, but he sees the way she tries to make it look like she's just singing towards that side.

Every song, they kept catching each other's eyes, what made her look at him so damn often? He's just a random brunette in a crowd of simps, fanboys, fangirls, and whatever the gender neutral term for fangirl and fanboy is, a fanenby? A fanby?

During intermission, he's left alone in his thoughts as Philza went and got snacks, when he got back and intermission ended, an announcer came up, presumably a manager or something, "hello everyone! As we do every concert," he began, catching Wilburs attention, "our singer, Sallana Salmon, will pick one special person at the end, and gift them a free signed shirt which will inevitably be to big, and a free signed Salmon plush," he said, "to this one lucky person, i will be happy to see who she chooses and if you're it, you're a very lucky person, thank you all for coming!"

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