Caught in Insanity

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TW//suggested self-harm, death

Tommy sits in his room half asleep in a darkened corner, staring down the hallway as a worker held the door open, she was trying to speak to Tommy, but he processed little to nothing she said, instead he had his eyes trained on a man being slowly dragged across the hall, he had a white aura, which wasn't right, Tommy sees auras which show what someone is feeling, but he'd never seen white, something bad scratched in his throat like Tommy knew something was off about that brown haired giants -his body was freakishly long- white aura.

Tommy was always troublesome, but never to the point of trying to escape, except for when he first got here obviously, but today, he wasn't technically trying to escape when he shoved the worker attempting communication to the ground, quickly walking the direction the white aura having brunette was dragged, Tommy got a good look at his face, it was pale, soft brown eyes open, unblinking and lifeless with thin golden rimmed circle glasses on his face uncorrected and almost falling off, he recognized him, this man comforted Tommy on his 3rd day in the asylum, he sung him a soft tune he wrote himself, and Tommy quickly realised what the white aura meant.

He was dead.

Now Tommy didn't know this man very well, but something sad sparked in him, the first and one of the only kind people he met in this hell-scape, being dragged away to God knows where never to be seen again.

Now, Tommy didn't speak the same language as most of the workers here, that random kind man barely understood Tommy's language, but Tommy knew he was in trouble when he finally snapped out of his trance with a firm gripped hand on his shoulder and yelling in his ears.

Tommy only thought about that dead man the rest of the day, to lost in thought to even process his punishment, what killed him? Was he murdered? Tommy only looked at his face so he wouldn't have noticed any wounds anywhere else, though he did see small puncture wounds in his head but they weren't lethal at all, probably just self harm or something, or was he killed by natural causes? Like sickness or age, maybe even a random heart attack? Maybe he died from one of the more intense punishments? Whatever it was, Tommy didn't feel comfortable with it. A few weeks later though, the strangest thing happened, he was outside, where only a few people are let out at a time, usually as rewards for something good they've done or after a super intense test or something like that. Tommy had helped someone pick up a bunch of shit they dropped, which the person chose to reward Tommy for.

Tommy heard the door of the exit open, seeing as a familiar brown haired man stepped out, he looked horrified, to say the least, eyes wide and constricted and staring at everything and everyone like one wrong move would kill him, his aura was the deepest purple he's ever seen, meaning he was scared, worried. Instead of wearing them on his face, his glasses hung from the neck of the uniform he wore, it was a black coloured one, meaning top security, strange, cause Tommy was in the white zone, meaning safe, they always separated the different danger levels.

usually he'd question the fact that he was level black when he was previously level white when Tommy first saw him, but he knew now that levels can easily change. The main thing which caught Tommy's eyes was a strange metal mask he wore, it hid his mouth under what Tommy assumed was a couple layers of metal and probably other stuff as well, there was what looked like a filter on the front, which Tommy assumed was so he could breath through the ugly ass device, only realising it was actually a device of some sort when he saw a few tubes, wires, and other shit that connected it into the man's head. Tommy remembers seeing holes and scratches in the sides of his head, but brushed them off as self harm or something, but this weird mask explains it better.

When the workers left, Tommy hesitantly began approaching him, he felt as a few people stared holes in him, soon the man himself looked at Tommy like he was holding a bloody knife. Tommy lifted a hand towards him and he flinched back aggressively, Tommy heard some people yelling at him.

"Kid! Don't touch that man, he's dangerous!" He heard.

"Get away from him! Everyone knows that black levels are no good!"


"Don't do shit you'll regret kid!"

Tommy ignored them, slowly pulling his hand away, despite already being shorter, he lowered himself slightly more to seem less threatening, watching as the purple aura lightened ever so slightly.

"Hey big man. Remember me?" Tommy asked, "We never exchanged names, but you were really kind to me and the others." Tommy said, managing to keep his voice lower than usual. The man stared silently at Tommy's face for a few seconds, but suddenly calmed significantly, the purple fading to a more violet colour, he was just nervous now, but still had an underlying fear from whatever happened to him. He finally nods, eyes dilating so Tommy could actually see their colour, very odd how his irises shrink as well and his pupils are almost slits, like a goat but the edges are pointed, Tommy smiled slightly, "ay big man! I missed ya, I dunno what happened to you two weeks ago, but I saw you being dragged around, gave me a slight worry for your well being, sense, y'know, I'm a good person" this seemed to trigger something, colour mixing with a deep blue and a darker purple, but his body's little visible expression stayed the same, Tommy was assuming the device on his face prevented speech at this point, "sorry! Sorry! Didn't know that was a sensitive topic."

The man tilts his head, oh yeah, he never told the man about his ability to see feelings, no one ever believed him anyway so he never bothered. "What's with the mask?" He asked, observing the strange metal mask on the man's face. He does a simple gesture, pointing at the device then putting a figure where his mouth would have been, confirming Tommy's thoughts that the device silenced him, but that grew more questions, "why?"

The man looks down for a second, debating his words- or, actions really, he sits down, gesturing Tommy to do the same, which he did, the guy dug up a bunch of dirt with his hands, which had impressively sharp nails, making a small tower, he did a talking sign with his hand and made it appear to scream or something, then he punched the tower over, looking at Tommy hoping he understood, a bit of yellow appearing showing hope. Tommy stared for a second, putting pieces together.

"You have a destructive scream?" Tommy guessed, the man's yellow changed to a mix of green and orange, happy and proud, the man clapped for a second with a nod. Tommy smiled, proud of himself for figuring it out so fast, "you have powers? That's cool! I do too but no one ever believes me." The man raised a brow, tilting his head, "I can see people's feelings, through your aura, yours is currently brown, either from confusion or curiosity." Tommy said, "it took a while for me to figure out and understand, but it's not too complicated," the man nodded, rubbing his face around the tubing and wires connected to his head in thought.

When Tommy looked closer, he realized the tubes were transparent, four tubes on each side, half had a light blue slightly glowing liquid in them, and the other tubes had a liquid that looked like lava in them, the man must've noticed Tommy's staring as he looked at Tommy weird, "oh sorry" Tommy said when he himself realised he was staring, "by the way, I'm Tommy, I feel like you deserve to know, I'd ask yours but, y'know." He gestures oddly at his mouth.

He seemed to pause and think about this, clearly getting an idea as he grabbed a bunch of nearby rocks, he started organizing them into letters, Tommy didn't think of that, then again he doesn't actually know how to read, not well at least he could mostly read numbers. The letters spelt out W-I-L-B-U-R, Tommy stared for a good 10 seconds trying to read it, "Wil... bur?" Tommy said in a questioning tone, it sounded like a name, so he assumed he got it correct. Wilbur nodded, aura going the purest green he's seen in years, Tommy smiled before being startled when a hand grabbed his arm, he squeaked in surprise, watching as Wilbur's aura went straight from green to violet as he looked up at whoever grabbed Tommy, pushing himself away with wide eyes.

"Calm down kid, it's Dr. Schlatt" Schlatt said as Tommy tried ripping his grip from the man's grip before soon giving up. Schlatt, one of the top workers, but also known as a more brutal one, saying 'calm down it's just Schlatt' is the opposite of comforting, the man forcefully pulls Tommy to his feet, pulling him to the entrance of the building, the smirk on his face made Tommy nervous, Tommy managed to get a glance of Wilbur staring with unspoken warnings in his eyes.


1589 words

This is an unfinished story i don't know if I'll continue, I really liked the idea but I didn't know how to go at it.

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