A Broken Heart is All That's Left

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Scene 1:
F4 boys make a grand entry in the bar. All eyes on them.
Scene 2:
Woman: (*pointing at Hazel) Guys! She is Hazel, my schoolmate. She is back from Singapore just two days ago and she came here only on my request. And you know what? She is an amazing singer but is a bit too shy. So, please convince her to sing, I heard her sing years ago in a cafe and I want to hear her again. Come on!
Everyone at the party is cheering for Hazel to sing.
Hazel: (*shyly)
fa go deum deum dtae ti mai meuan deum
pro mai mi ter jak ti koey mi ter
ter yu ti nai ter bpen yang ngai yak ru
Under the moonlight
{Nighttime by Bright Vachirawit}
(*Everyone's smiling and enjoying her melodious voice.)
Scene 3:
Loud party music playing. MJ and Kavin start dancing between girls. Ren is sitting comfortably in a corner, Thyme walks up to him with two glasses of wine.
Thyme: (*hands him a glass) Take this!
Ren: Thanks (*gulps the drink)
MJ: It seems someone wants to get drunk tonight, eh Ren?
*Message pops on Thyme's phone screen*
Message reads:
Message from Gorya
"Thyme, I have reached Phuket safely. Missing you already! Chan Rak na" (*I love you in Thai)
MJ reads the message.
MJ: (*teasingly) Ohooooooo! It hasn't even been a day and Gorya is already missing Thyme.
Kavin walks in with a glass of wine in his hand. He sneaks into Thyme's phone along with MJ. Both tease Thyme. Ren smiles slightly.
Thyme quickly snatches the phone from MJ.
Thyme: Oiii, you aren't supposed to read others' private messages.
MJ and Kavin: Ummmm.... Private messages, eh?
Thyme hits their heads.
Thyme looks into his mobile screen and types a message and blushes.
Scene 4:
Gorya is lying on her bed.
*Notification pops*
Message from Thyme:
I miss you too, Sudteeluk (*my dearest love in Thai). Rak na! jub jub 💋💋💋
Gorya: (*smiles) Shiaaa, this Thyme! (*Face-palms)
Imagines: Thyme kneels and pulls out a ring from his pocket and makes her wear it. They both almost kiss, standing against the moonlight.

Gorya blushes like a teenager as she imagines the scene

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Gorya blushes like a teenager as she imagines the scene.
Scene 5:
Everyone applauds and Hazel smiles shyly.
Hazel's friend: (*opens a wine bottle) Thank you guys for coming tonight! Cheers to this lovely evening.
Someone offers Hazel a drink.
Hazel: (*shakes her head) Mai ao. (*No in Thai) I don't drink.
Someone: (*in a mocking manner) That's surprising. Well, who doesn't drink?
Hazel: Everyone else here might drink, but I don't. Well, I don't think that makes me inferior, Chai mai? (*Right? in Thai) {Hazel being a cold savage}
All turn to look at her. That someone walks away in embarassment.
Hazel receives a mail. She doesn't open to check it.
Scene 6:
A notification pops on Ren's mobile screen. Ren checks his phone and frowns.
Message reads:
Message from +02 343266591
Hope you are doing well by God's grace. I don't know if you remember me or not, but I'll be back in the town in a month, so, I want to meet you once I reach Bangkok. Waiting for your reply.
Your mea,
Supattra Dokmai Aira.
Ren clenches his fist after reading the message. Thyme, MJ and Kavin look at his clenched fist and sense the tension. Just then, a woman approaches Ren.
Woman: Remember me, Ren? (*Startles Ren and Thyme) It's been a long time.
Ren looks at her questioningly.
Woman: Mai chai? I'm Arica, the one whom you had fun with, after you returned from France. Why, don't you remember the kiss? (*Gets closer to Ren)
Ren: (*steps back, apologetically) Khod tode na, miss. I totally don't recognise you, and if I did something wrong with you that day, (*folds his hands) I'm sorry!🙏🏻
Arica shows him the video recorded by MJ that day {In case you don't remember this scene, it's in F4 Thailand/Ep-6, where Gorya sees the video in MJ's ig story}. Ren stands shocked.

MJ: (*slaps his forehead, murmurs) Shiaaaa!Ren: (*folds his hands) Khod tode na krub

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MJ: (*slaps his forehead, murmurs) Shiaaaa!
Ren: (*folds his hands) Khod tode na krub. I was extremely inebriated that day and was totally out of my wits and.....(*she holds his hands and covers his mouth with her other hand)
Arica: Shhh! Speak no more. I'm not here listen to your excuses but (*Ren frees his hands from her grip) to win you this time. Last time you were out of your senses, this time let's even the scores.
Ren: (*avoiding) Please miss, leave right now! (*She tries to get closer, he steps back)
Arica: (*Pulls his collar)C'mon, stop being a mama's lil boy.
Ren: (*infuriated) You are crossing your limits. I am repeatedly warning you to stay away from me.
(*Kavin tries to take her aside.)
MJ: Arica, please! He's not in the mood of hanging out with you right now.
Kavin: Exactly! In fact, even we are not looking for women right now. It's our boys' night out. So, try to understand.
Arica: But I like your friend and he seems to be interested in me. Even if he was inebriated, but I could still see him enjoying that day. Even after years I can still remember the taste of his lips.
Ren: (*strides forward furiously, flushing) Miss, I have been repeatedly warning you to leave. Whatever happened was a mistake, and it's almost been like 5 years. (*Almost breaks down) You don't know what I was going through at that time!
Thyme comes to control Ren. Ren pushes him. He drinks up two glasses of wine.
Ren: (*With teary eyes) Let me speak this time. My mea left me when I was a kid, Mira was the one who looked after me all those years.
Thyme: Ren, stop talking about Mira! She has moved on in life! She got married to the love of her life. Move on!
Ren: (*lashes at Thyme) It's easy to say that Thyme but you don't know how I have been doing all these years.
Kavin: (*consoles Ren) Stop it, guys!
MJ: Let sleeping dogs lie. {Don't get confused, it's an idiom which means you are warning someone not to talk about problems that have happened in the past}
Arica tiptoes as Ren turns towards Thyme and MJ. Ren gulps another glass of wine.
Ren: (*fully inebriated)You're talking about forgetting the past? When did this become my past? The mother I'm talking about is back and she wants to meet me (*shows the message) after almost 2 decades, why? The Mira I had loved so much left me for someone else and writes to me that I deserve better. Better? I don't deserve anything. (*Cries as he kneels on the floor)
Everyone around is looking at them. Thyme comes to support him.
Ren: (*looks into Thyme's eyes) Thyme, you know what? When I read Mira's note, I knew she was talking about Gorya and I too gave it a thought. Everytime Gorya being around me would make me happy and I would be blushing.
Kavin: Ren!
MJ: Stop it!
Thyme: (*gnashes his teeth) Are you in your senses?
Ren: Yes! I wanted to tell you but it was too late. Remember, when Gorya left for her village, I wasn't looking for her for you but....
Thyme holds his collar. MJ and Kavin stop him.
Ren: You can beat me up but let me speak my heart out tonight. I can't live freely with this guilt.

*The End*

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