Surprise Crasher

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Scene 1:
Kaning is on her bed.
Kaning: (*checks her phone) I shouldn't have behaved so rudely with Gorya. I didn't even ask her anything about her return. Ugh! She isn't even answering my calls. I'm such a hopeless bestfriend. She must be angry. (*Calls Gorya but finds her phone switched off)
Kaning: That stupid Kavin, he hasn't even tried calling me, I unblocked him already. Must be sick of me already. Ugh! How long will I play hard to get? I'm tired already. (*Squishes her face on the pillow)

Scene 2:At the restaurant, Gorya: We are having such a good time here, wish Kaning too was with us

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Scene 2:
At the restaurant,
Gorya: We are having such a good time here, wish Kaning too was with us.
Kavin: (*sighs) I too wish the same.
(*MJ looks at him)
Gorya: Is something wrong between the two of you? Kaning has been behaving weirdly of late.
Thyme: You wouldn't wanna know it. That's a long story. (*Kavin sighs)
(*The waitress walks in with the bill. Ren pulls out his debit cards.)
Waitress: Sir, we only accept cash.
MJ: Shiaa, I only have (*checks his wallet with 6 debit cards but only 10 bahts)
(*Everyone looks at Aum because she's the only one carrying a purse right now.)
Aum: It seems, you people are poor. I'll have to pay. (*Sighs)
(*She pays and they all walk out.)
Kavin whispers something into MJ's ear.
MJ: (*passes his car's keys to Thyme) Thyme, I don't feel like driving now. Kavin will drive me home. Will you drop Gorya? Just take my car.
Thyme: Fine!
(*Thyme and Gorya sit in MJ's car and Thyme drives away.)
Ren quickly goes and opens the car door for Hazel, she stands close to the door and looks at Aum, with a slight nod indicating her to come. Aum strides forward.
Ren: Get on!
MJ: (*grabs Aum's hand to stop her, she kicks him on his crotch, leaving him in groaning in pain) Aum, wait!
Kavin: (*chuckles) Was that too...
MJ: (*with pain) Shut up! (*Gestures him to stop Aum)
Kavin: Aum, why don't you come with us?
Aum: (*turns around to face them, hitting MJ on his face with her hair) Why would I? P' and I are going to the same place, why would we travel separately? And I'm not comfortable with perverts like you. God knows what you might be cooking inside your dumb heads.
Ren: Let her go with us! After all, I'll be dropping Hazel home, she too can come.
MJ: (*mutters) That's the reason why we don't want her to be a third wheel.
Aum: (*raises an eyebrow) Did you just blabber anything?
Kavin: We were saying that, let Hazel and Ren travel peacefully and we will drop you home, we too will be going that way.
MJ: (*curls up his arm around hers) Please!
Aum: (*freeing her hand) Shiaaa, you wanna die?
(*Ren and Hazel look at them confusedly)
MJ: Please! Goddess, I beg of you, I'll buy you your favourite icecream.
Aum: But...
Kavin: Listen to us at least once in your life.
MJ: (*nudges Aum and whispers) You want your sister to remain single for the rest of her life or what?
(*With that MJ and Kavin quickly pick up Aum and lightly dash her into Kavin's car while she kicks and shouts at them.)
(*RenZel trusfrated)
Kavin: Don't worry, we'll drop her home before you reach. (*MJ smiles)
(*Kavin drives away with MJ and Aum. Ren too starts his car.)
Scene 3:
Thyme is driving. Gorya is sitting silently, would rather say sulking. Thyme looks at her and increases the radio's volume. Gorya immediately turns down the volume.
Thyme: Speak!
Gorya: (*irritated) Arai?
Thyme: Why are you pouting? Speak out the reason.
Gorya: Bao!
Thyme: Come on!
Gorya: Thyme, you know what? Our scores are still not even.
Thyme: Huh?
Gorya: There's still a lot of things we need to talk about.

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