Rays of Hope

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Scene 1:
In the hospital cabin,
It's 6 am, the sun has already risen. MJ and Ren are dozing on the couch. Hazel is still unconscious, Aum is sleeping near her.
(*Aum's phone rings)
*Incoming call from Basketball Trainer*
Aum wakes up hearing the ringtone. MJ too opens his eyes, half-asleep.
*Answers the call*
Aum: (*in a drowsy voice) Hello
Caller: (*in a grumpy voice) Aum, it's 6:10 already, why aren't you here yet?
Aum: Sir, so sorry I totally forgot to inform you but (*Aum walks out of the ward, MJ sees her and he too walks behind her silently)
Scene 2:
In the corridor,
Caller: See Aum, this training is very important. I don't want any excuses. If you want to play then you come otherwise we'll have to find a substitute.
Aum: But sir
*Call disconnects*
(*Aum looks stressed)
MJ: If you want to go you can. (*Aum gets startled) Ren is repenting a lot and I know he'll definitely take care of her till she recovers completely. We will be here, you can go for your practice.
Aum: (*irritably) And you expect me to believe you? If Hazel is here in this condition, it's only because of you guys. Then how do you expect me to leave her alone with you?
MJ: But wasn't getting selected into the national team your biggest dream? If you miss your practice, then they might replace you. If you don't believe us, at least believe the doctor and nurse, they're here to take care of Hazel.
(*Aum thinks deeply)
Aum: (*hesitantly) But will you be able to look after her in my absence?
MJ: I promise, we will take the best care of her. You can trust us.
Aum: (*nods) Then, I shall have to leave now. Please take good care of her. (*Walks away hastily)
MJ walks into the ward.
Scene 3:
In the Cabin,
Doctor walks in with the nurse. Ren walks upto Hazel's bed. Doctor checks her. She moves her arms.
Doctor: She might wake up soon. Nurse will bring her some soup as soon as she wakes up. Right now, she can only feed on liquid diet.
Ren: Okay, doctor. (Doctor walks out)
Ren sits next to Hazel's bed. He looks at her pale face devoid of any vitality. He checks the cannula on her hand. The other day she had aggressively pulled it out. Ren recalls the scene.
Ren: (*thinks) I don't know what will be her reaction upon waking up this time.
Ren: (*in a low voice) Khod tode, Hazel. Hazel! Hazel, that's your name I guess. You probably have never heard of me but I don't know why you seem so familiar. I never knew you were a singer and now I feel miserable that you won't be able to continue with your singing for sometime until you recuperate completely. I know it's gonna be difficult to forgive a man like me because of whom you've lost your greatest asset. But I promise you I shall not let you suffer for longer time.
(*Hazel hears him. She thinks to herself.)
Hazel: (*thinks) Phaw, taught me forgiveness and maybe it was just an accident and he is not to be blamed anyway. At least he's repenting.
(*Hazel opens her eyes)
Ren: (*nervously) Oh you're awake! (*Mutters) Did she just hear me?
Hazel: (*inaudibly) Yes, I did. (*Looks at his eyes)
Ren: Khod tode, I must've disturbed you. But I guess it's time for you to eat something. Doctor said that the nurse will bring the soup.
Hazel looks around as if searching for someone. MJ enters.
MJ: (*enthusiastically as if to boost Hazel's mood) If you're looking for Aum and your uncle, then they're not here. Uncle was feeling a bit under the weather so Aum sent him home last night, I'll bring him here in the evening. And regarding Aum, she received a call from her coach who asked her, rather I'd say ordered her to come for practice. So, I asked her to go because we are here to take care of you, aren't we, Ren? And are you okay with us being around? (*Pats her head)
Hazel nods feebly. Nurse enters with a bowl of soup.
Nurse: (*nervously) Sir, could her attendant, I mean her sister come and feed her this soup? Actually, I have to run an urgent errand. It would be great if someone could feed this to her, she must be weak enough to have it herself.
MJ: (*playfully) You don't have to worry when we're here. (*Proceeds to flirt)
Ren: (*hits MJ's feet with his shoe) Oiii! (*To the nurse) You may leave, we'll look after her.
Nurse walks away. MJ and Ren adjust Hazel's bed, so that she's in a comfortable position to eat. She tries to grab the spoon but her weak fingers flutter and the spoon falls off. MJ picks up the spoon and washes it. His phone rings and he walks out.
Ren: Shall I help you eat? Only if you're comfortable.
Hazel nods hesitantly. Ren blows on the spoonful of soup and feeds her like a mother feeds her child. You can definitely see the affection in his eyes, and Hazel too can feel it.
{Imagination is the greatest virtue of a reader, if you can actually visualise the scene, you'll be able to feel the emotions.}
Scene 4:
In Thyme's office room, Roselyn and Thyme are sitting.
Thyme: And that's how she ended up in the hospital.
Roselyn: This means that you'll have to find a new recruit, because it will be difficult to work with a mute employee.
Thyme: (*nods while brooding) I was quite impressed with her presentability and skills and still I don't feel like replacing her. But it seems I'll have to select another shortlisted candidate.
(*Tia walks in.)
Tia: Mea, our tickets have been confirmed.
Thyme: (*confusedly) You guys are going somewhere?
Tia: Yup, mea and I are going to Hawaii!
Roselyn: I am so exhausted with the work in the office, so is Tia, so, we both planned to go for an only girls' vacation.
Tia: Yesssss!
Thyme: Shiaaa! You are going to enjoy leaving all the burden on me?
Tia: (*winks) Just for a few days! We'll be back in like 25 days because after Hawaii...
Roselyn: We have some other destinations to go as well. We girls will enjoy this time. Wish Gorya could also join us, but hopefully we'll go together after your marriage.
Tia and Roselyn talk and laugh. Thyme smiles seeing them.
(*Thyme's phone rings)
*Video call from Gorya*
(*He picks the video call)
On call,
Gorya: (*exclaims) Thyme, Thyme, Thyme! Guess what?
Thyme: (*embarrassed in front of his mother and Tia) What?
Gorya: Boss said I'm a diligent employee!
Thyme: (*shyly smiles) Wow, that's good. Well done, Gorya!
Gorya: (*frowns) Why do you sound so awkward? Is someone around?

 Well done, Gorya!Gorya: (*frowns) Why do you sound so awkward? Is someone around?

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Thyme turns the phone towards Tia and Roselyn who are already giggling silently.🤭 Thyme covers his face in embarassment.
Gorya: (*embarrassed) Aunty, P' Tia, I never knew that you were there. (*Smiles awkwardly)
Roselyn: Never mind, dear. By the way how are you doing there?
Gorya: I'm good. The people here are really nice and I'm quite enjoying my job right now. How are you?
Tia: We're fine! Missing you a lot.
Gorya: I too am missing you all.
Roselyn: We were just talking about you a few moments ago.
(*Someone hands Gorya a file and instructs her.)
Roselyn: We'll not disturb you. You continue but please take care of yourself. Bye. (*Hands the phone to Thyme)
Tia: (*shouts) Don't worry you're undoubtedly a diligent employee!
(*Gorya shies)
Tia and Roselyn walk out.
Thyme: You've work now?
Gorya: (*looking at the file) Umm! By the way, how are Kavin, MJ and Ren? They haven't even called me once.
Thyme: (*in a low voice) Oh, because of the accident.
Gorya: (*tensed) What accident? Is someone hurt?
{Thyme: (*to himself) I should not inform her now, she'll worry a lot.}
Thyme: (*teasingly) Accident? What accident? Gorya, you'll have to get your ears cleaned after returning. You are hearing wrong things.
Gorya: Oii, I clearly heard you uttering the word accident.
Thyme: Not accident, I was saying pepsodent.
Gorya: (*confused) Pepsodent?
Thyme: Chai, Ren and MJ are busy carrying out tests on a pepsodent tube. I'll send you the video later.
Gorya: (*still confused, scratches her head) Is it? (*Her colleague walks in)
Gorya: Thyme, I have some work, I'll call you later.
Thyme: (*nods and smiles) I love you na!
Gorya: (*talks under her breath) Love you too! Bye-bye!
*Disconnects call*

*The End*

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