Cheers to New Beginning

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Scene 1:
It's morning time. Hazel is getting ready. Zone knocks at the door. She opens the door and looks surprised.

 She opens the door and looks surprised

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Zone: (*looks at his watch) It's 5:28. I'm 2 minutes early today. (*Smiles at Hazel)
(*Hazel laughs)
Zone: You're ready?
Hazel nods, she gestures him to wait. She walks inside her room and brings along the Svarovski jewellery box and gives it to him.
Zone: But this one's a gift for you. (*Hazel shakes her head and puts the box in Zone's hand)
Zone: This one belongs to you. Long back when my company was just starting to make profit, I bought this for you. Remember, in high school you gave me a bracelet? (*Pulls out his bracelet from under the sleeve of his jacket) This one's just a return gift. Wanted to give this to you a long time back, but you weren't here. So, this one has always been yours. Please keep it. (*Hands it to Hazel)
Aum comes out. She has bathed already and is dressed in her sports uniform.
Aum: (*Whistles) OMG! Live K-drama. (*Zone and Hazel look at her embarrassed)Sorry! Did I interfere?
Zone: Bao! You are up already?
Aum: Chai! Need to reach the stadium at 7. Coach called us for some urgent news.
Zone: There's time. You can come with us.
(*Hazel nods and looks at Aum with puppy eyes as if pleading her to come along)
Aum: (*yawns) Don't feel like going. Too lazy. (*Hazel pulls her by her hand)
(*They walk out)
On the way, they don't meet Ren and Kavin.
Zone: (*smilingly thinks to himself) Probably, they aren't coming today. It's good!
Scene 2:
Aum, Hazel and Zone reach BK Park.
Ren, MJ and Kavin are already doing exercises there. Ren sees them coming and waves at Hazel with a bright smile. They walk upto Hazel.
Kavin: We came early today! Nice weather, right? How are you, Zone? (*Creepy smile)
Zone: (*in a serious tone) Fine!
Ren: The yoga instructor hasn't come today. That's why we are just doing our exercises here. You all can join us. (*Hazel nods)
MJ: Hoii, Hazel! Today's your first day as Parama Groups' employee and see you're glowing already. I was too lazy to come but came here just to wish (*pats her head) you luck and I think I don't regret coming (*looks at Aum)
Aum: P', Zone, let's go there. This area is too noisy, a lot of buffaloes are around here. (*Rolls eyes)
Kavin and MJ already lay down the exercise mats on the ground.
Kavin: Hazel come!
Hazel and Zone join them. Aum makes a face and then joins them as well.
Time skip
Everyone is exhausted and sweaty.
Aum: (*checks time) Shiaa! It's 6:49 already. I am supposed to reach at 7. How will I make it upto the stadium on time? (*Everyone looks worried)
Zone: Should've kept track of time. Still, let's go, I'll take my car from my home and drive you quickly.
MJ: Bao! Even if you take your car, it'll take you 5-10 minutes to walk back home. Aum, you do one thing, I have my car parked nearby. Let me drive you to the stadium.
Aum: I didn't ask you for any favours.
Ren: He's trying to help you, Aum.
Kavin: Be a bit more reasonable! (*Aum looks at Hazel, Hazel nods)
Zone: If you're not comfortable with him, let's do one thing, he can drive us both to my home and then I can take my car.
Kavin, MJ and Ren together: No!
(*Aum looks at them angrily)
Kavin: I mean, why to go in the opposite direction. He can directly drop her.
Zone: (*agreeing) Hmm. He's right, you go with MJ. I'll drop Hazel.
(*Aum makes a face but ultimately agrees to leave with MJ)
Aum: (*holds Hazel's hand) I probably won't be able to reach home before you leave for work. So, all the best. You'll rock! (*Hugs her) If you feel sick or find any difficulties while at work, text me, okay? I'll come to pick you up. (*Hazel nods) Bye-bye, take care!
MJ: (*pats Hazel's head) Nong, take care!
(*MJ and Aum leave)
Zone: Hazel, let's go then.
Ren: (*to Hazel) Don't worry, I'll come to pick you up on time. (*Zone looks a bit jealous)
Zone and Hazel leave. Ren tries to walk behind them but Kavin stops him.
Kavin: You silly, don't you have to get ready? (*Ren agrees and they both get into Kavin's car)
Scene 3:
Zone and Hazel are walking slowly on the pavement. Zone looks at Hazel, she looks back.
Zone: Aum told me that you've made up your mind to join Parama Groups. (*Hazel nods) You are joining today, right? (*Nods again)
Zone: (*smiles) I'm happy for you! If you really want to join Parama Groups then you should definitely do so. But in case you ever feel that your job isn't really good, do tell me at once. I'll make sure there's always a vacancy for you in my office. (*Hazel smiles with her eyes)
They reach in front of Hazel's home.
Zone: There you go! You get ready, I won't go in. Need to freshen up.
(*Hazel nods and turns to walk in)
Zone: Hazel, (*she looks back at him) All the best! I know you'll prove yourself to be the best. But if you need any help, don't be hesitant to give me a missed call. (*Hazel smiles and waves at him and enters into the house)
Scene 4:
MJ is driving, Aum is sitting beside him.
MJ: Morning practice session?
Aum: (*rudely) You don't have to know. Focus on the road.
(*MJ sighs)
Suddenly MJ makes a sharp turn and Aum almost falls over him. He smiles without her noticing.
Aum: (*embarrassed) Can't you even drive properly?
MJ: Khod tode! I was focusing a little to much on the road.
Scene 5:
Hazel is getting ready while eating toasts. Today, she is dressed in a white shirt and a fuchsia suit, with black pumps. She wears her wristwatch and sprays perfume.
She takes out the ID card from the cupboard and wears it. And walks in front of her father's picture. She sees her own reflection on the photo frame 🖼️ and smiles.
Hazel: (*thinks) Phaw, today's my first day. Wish me luck! Your little kiddo has grown up, now but,.. but you aren't here to see her off (*a tear flows down her cheek, she wipes it away) But I know what you would've said if you were here. Eat healthy, work hard, and stay happy! (*She smiles) Love you, phaw!
She walks out of her room.
Uncle and Auntie Ubon and her son are waiting in the living room. As Hazel enters the living room,
Uncle: My dear, you're ready? (*Hazel smiles) Did you finish your breakfast? (*Hazel nods)
Auntie Ubon: (*squishes Hazel's cheeks) You look like a perfect businesswoman. Now, you go and work. You don't have to worry about home. I'll prepare the lunch and make food for Aum when she comes back.
Auntie Ubon's son: P', All the best! (*Hazel caresses his hair)
(*Hazel bows in front of Aum's father)
Uncle: (*lightly touches her cheek) Good luck, my child! Work well!
(*She walks out, they wave at her)
Ren is waiting in his car. He sees Hazel and smiles, she smiles back. He gets down and runs to the other side, opens the car door for Hazel. She sits and he fastens the seat belt for her. He drives away.
Hazel: (*to herself) Now, it's your time to shine. You can't let Thyme down. He believes in you and you need to show your best performance. Yes, you can do it Hazel.
(*They reach in front of Parama Groups' office, Hazel looks at the building)
Ren quickly gets down and opens the door and helps Hazel get out of the car.
Ren: (*bends his knees such that his and Hazel's eyes are at the same level) I know you'll shine even brighter than the stars. All the best, friend! (*Pats her head) Bye-bye! Hazel waves at him and walks in. There's still a band-aid on her forehead wound and her neck region is bandaged with gauze cloth, people in the office are looking at her as she walks in confidently.
Background music: 'Who Am I?' OST instrumentals.
Scene 6:
Thyme is in his office cabin. He's speaking with Gorya over phone.
On call,
Thyme: Today's deal is super important. Wish me luck, you always bring me good luck.
Gorya: All the best, Thyme! I know you can do it. I shall leave now. My boss will be here anytime.
(*Hazel knocks at the door)
Thyme: (*loudly) Come in.
On call,
Thyme: Okay Gorya, talk to you later! Bye.
Gorya: Bye!
*Call disconnects*
(*Hazel enters and bows to Thyme)
Scene 7:
It's 11:45 am. Kavin takes his coat and asks his PA to postpone his today's meetings. Kavin's father walks in.
Kavin's father: What is it gentleman, that makes you haste so much?
Kavin: Phaw, actually, my friend has an appointment with the dentist and wants me to accompany to the doctor's chamber.
Kavin's father: And may I know who that friend is?
Kavin: You won't recognise. I'm getting late, bye! (*Walks out hastily)

*The End*

Next Break: Thyme welcomes Arthit. MJ and Aum talk. Arthit tries to molest Hazel, she cries helplessly sitting in a corner of a dark room.

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