First Love is Difficult to Forget

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Scene 1:
As Mira embraces Ren and cries hugging him, he hugs her back to comfort her. Hazel smiles feebly, the rainwater hiding her tears, she takes a few backward steps.
Hazel's voice: (*in background) He looked at me, and my heart didn't flutter for the first time, I didn't allow it to, because I knew he was simply busy worrying for her. He kept looking at me, trying to stop me but.....
Mira: (*hugs him and cries) You don't know how much I've been suffering of late. I need your help, Ren, will you please? (*Ren's eyes are still on Hazel as she walks away slowly and silently)
Ren: (*mumbles) Hazel, wait!
Mira: (*turns around to see Hazel at a distance) She has left already. Will you please do me a favour?
Ren: (*still looking at Hazel who has almost disappeared into the distance) Huh?
Mira: Ren?
Ren: (*distracted):Uhm, yes! What is it?
(*Hazel walks quite a long distance and slows down as she nears a bridge. She runs in full speed, recalling Ren hugging Mira and seeing her photos in his home, MJ talking about their relationship in Thyme's cabin the other day. She pauses to wipe her tears as she weeps bitterly)
On the other hand,
Mira: Ren, I know this might sound quite....
Ren: (*still trying to see Hazel in the distance) What is it, tell me first?
Mira: Could you please provide me a shelter, (*brown guilty eyes) for a few days? (*Ren's gaze immediately shifts towards her)
Ren: A shelter?
Mira: A home?

Ren: (*still trying to see Hazel in the distance) What is it, tell me first? Mira: Could you please provide me a shelter, (*brown guilty eyes) for a few days? (*Ren's gaze immediately shifts towards her)Ren: A shelter? Mira: A home?

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Ren: (*perplexed) You want me to take you to my home?
Mira: You know that I can't trust anyone better.
Ren: But your parents....
Mira: I'll tell you later. But are you willing to help? (*Her eyes pleading him)
Ren: (*breathes in) Fine! Are you coming with me now? (*Mira nods, she gestures the nanny to bring her child, Ren looks at the little girl and her tiny face that resembles Mira)
Ren: (*pats the child's head) She's cute. (*smiles as the baby giggles seeing him and opens her arms for him to carry, he takes the child in his arms and caresses her)
Mira: Nheng, Nheng is her name. (*Smiles seeing Ren and Nheng together)
Scene 2:
Hazel is in her darkly lit room, sitting by the window, recalling an instance from the past.
Ren, Hazel, MJ and Aum are having dinner together at Aum's place. The television is on but no one's really giving any attention to it as they are busy eating, chattering and laughing at MJ's dad jokes. As Hazel is about to serve more food to Ren, the newsreader reads out a news causing Ren's eyes to turn towards the TV.
Newsreader: Mira Renita Asavarattanakul, former model and socialite, the human rights lawyer who brought much fame to Thailand, suffers due to domestic violence. Today she was spotted outside the court for her DV case and divorce filing. Here's a clip from the same.
(*The clip shows Mira)
Reporter 1: Madam, is it true that you are divorcing Mr. Dominique Shun?
Mira: (*breathes in) Yes!
Reporter 2: Can you please tell us the reason?
Reporter 3: The two of you were considered a power couple but as the rumor goes, is it really true that Mr. Shun raised hand at you?
Mira: I am not very comfortable in sharing my personal matters in the public media. Excuse me please! (*Walks away)
(*Both Hazel and MJ notice the colour and expressions on Ren's face changing. He sighs and stands up.)
Ren: I just remembered, mea's blood pressure is to be checked. I am done eating, I think I'll have to leave early. (*Looks at Hazel.)
Hazel is worried for Ren. She looks into his disturbed eyes and nods, letting him go. He walks away hastily. Aum shrugs and carries the dishes into the kitchen. Hazel looks at MJ, a questioning look on her face.
MJ: You wouldn't wanna know about Mira. (*Sighs)
(*Hazel still looking at him, pleading him to speak everything out)
MJ: Have you ever heard of love at first sight? Definitely, you have but his story is about love at first song. A story of him falling in love with his childhood bestfriend. (*Sad smile) But the saddest moment is when someone you made so many memories with becomes a memory. But, you trust your Ren, chai mai? (*Hazel nods with a sad look on her face)
MJ: Please trust him! He doesn't have any feelings for Mira now, maybe he's just getting affected because they used to be close friends. (*Hazel nods and MJ pats her head)
*End of flashback*
Hazel's POV: As I heard Ren say her name in front of the two of us, she smiled and ran to him and hugged him tightly. Although deep down I knew I was the second choice, I smiled for the two of them, trying to hold back my tears. Perhaps, he is happy and that's what matters. (*Sighs)
Scene 3:
Ren enters his home with Mira, the nanny and Nheng. Supattra weakly walks out of her room, and smiles in surprise as she sees Mira.
Supattra: (*walking up to her) Mira, chai mai? (*Patting her cheek) You've grown into a beautiful woman, I often watch you appearing in the news.
Mira: (*confusedly looks at Ren) She? Here?
Ren: Yeah, Mrs. Supattra Dokmai Aira, or maybe just Madam Supattra, she's staying here with me for her treatment.

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