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Scene 1:
Hazel hurriedly stands by Thyme's car's window and folds her hands and pleads him to stop and listen to her once.
Thyme: (*angrily) You dirty woman! How dare you come back here again? (*Gorya confusedly looks at Thyme) Never expected you to be such a (*pauses) Get lost! Never show your face again.
(*He drives away, causing Hazel to lose balance and fall down)
Hazel gathers up her strength and runs behind Thyme's car as he drives away but soon the car vanishes into the distance.
Hazel's POV: I need to meet P'Thyme. I'll try to explain him, I know he'll understand. But where will I find them?
Scene 2:
Thyme and Gorya reach a deserted place as Thyme brings the car to a halt. Thyme pants, Gorya wipes his sweat off his forehead.
Thyme: Khod tode na, Gorya. I have been very ignorant towards...

 I have been very ignorant towards

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Gorya: (*calmly) I'm not angry. But tell me what's all this mess? What were those reporters doing? Are you in a problem?
Thyme: (*explains everything from Hazel's accident to her actions) I thought she lost her voice, poor creature, I took sympathy on her but she turned out to be a snake. I don't know how I'll clear up this mess.
Gorya: Shiaa Thyme, couldn't you be more careful while judging people? Not everyone is exactly the way they look. Her innocent face deceived you.
Thyme: I know, I was wrong. Mea warned me, I should've been more careful. This  never happened before.
Gorya: Now what?
Thyme: I fired her. Now, I need to sort it out with Mr. Veerasit. I know he'll understand but what I'm worried about is Arthit. I don't know what's gonna be his next move.
Gorya: You shouldn't have started the enmity with him when you knew that he's so powerful.
Thyme: If it weren't for Hazel, then this would never have happened.
Gorya: (*grits teeth) That bitch! Why don't you turn her into the prison? Legal actions must be taken against her, maybe she'll spit out about Arthit as well.
Thyme: I would've done it a long time ago but...(*pauses)
Gorya: But?
Thyme: It's Ren who's stopping me.
Gorya: Why would he do so? Doesn't he know the truth?
Thyme: (*hesitantly) Actually, Ren is deeply in love with her.
Gorya: (*shocked) What?
Thyme: Yeah! I don't how it all started but he fell in love with her at first sight. And I'm apprehensive that any action of mine would hurt him deeply.
Gorya: Does he know about what she's done?
Thyme: Yeah, I told him everything but he isn't willing to believe. There's no way I can make him believe. (*They become melancholy)
Scene 3:
Hazel is sitting on the threshold of Gorya's house, waiting for her and Thyme to arrive.
Scene 4:
In MJ's car,
MJ: So you're saying that someone stole her phone just to send those texts?
Aum: Chai! And that's all! She never slept with Arthit, that photo is fake, I can bet. (*Sighs)
MJ: I know right, I still can't make myself believe all this but what about those....
Aum: Those evidences are false. But unless P' proves her innocence, no one would actually believe her.
(*MJ sighs)
Scene 5:
Outside Gorya's house,
Gorya gets down the car.
Gorya: Where will you go now?
Thyme: I tried calling mea, but her phone is switched off. I guess I'll have to visit Mr. Veerasit once. I'll be off now.
Gorya: Hmm. (*Smiles)
(*Thyme smiles and drives away)
Gorya stands outside the gate, watching Thyme's car vanish into the faraway road. She sighs.
Scene 6:
Thyme is driving.
Thyme: Shit! My cabin's keys, I left them in Gorya's bag.
(*He turns the car)
Scene 7:
As Gorya is about to enter, a puppy comes and wags its tail. Gorya sees it and sits on her haunches to pat its head.
Gorya: Shiaa, I forgot to tell Thyme about the red card. Maybe next time, he is too worried now. (*Stands up)
As she turns behind, three men attack her and try to get her into a van, Gorya resists but the chloroform makes her unconscious. Thyme reaches the spot and sees them, he tries to fight with two of the men. Hazel who had almost dozed off, quickly wakes up hearing the commotion. She sees Thyme fighting while they hit him on his head causing him to faint and they throw him into the van, next to Gorya. Hazel hides herself behind the bushes as she sees them driving away. She thinks of calling Ren but decides against it. Instead she texts him up.
Hazel: Thyme and Gorya are in trouble. Some men carried them away in a van. I'm following them, just get to the location on time with the cops. Use GPS tracker.
Live Location
(*She stops a tuktuk and gestures the driver to follow the van)
Scene 8:
At the cybercafe,
Ren: Just zoom in on the face. (*The cs experts complies)
Ren: (*bites his lower lip) I guess I've seen this picture of hers somewhere.
(*He unlocks his phone and searches for Aum's instagram account.)
Ren: That's it! This is the one! (*Shows the expert Aum and Hazel's photograph) Isn't this the face that has been morphed into the picture.
Expert: (*intently looks at the photograph) Yes! This is the one. (*A notification pops on the notification panel)

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