The Village Girl

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Hey Guys! I had this idea and this WAS going to be a one shot but I got inspried and thought; eh? Why not? I thought it would be cute giving that Tomoe will be unexperienced and yet a little wild..

Plus I'm sick so I have A LOT of free time! XD


Here Is My New Story; The Fox and The Village Girl


Mikage sighed ad patted the foxes head as he slept peacefully on the porch outside; It was rather late and even though Tomoe drank only one cup of Sake his new familiar had conked out and was now whimpering in his sleep.

He looked tired but in a way that made since giving all that the teen had been through in the past two months; one of those things was become a familiar; which was a large thing t handle in everyway possible.

Giving that the fox was only a young yokai didn't help matters; by his appearance he could be seventeen, No eighteen years old if he was a human. The blond god sighed and chuckled to himself quickly.

Another thing had been discovered that Mikage and the rest of the shrine decided to keep quiet about; and that was Tomoe was the blood son of the marrige god through an affair. Mikage himself wasn't expecting this and he remembered his mother's cain when she found out he had fooled around with a female Yokai.

Oh how it hurt..

Mikage sighed and looked at the teen; he had become a familair and gained a father in such a short time. Other things had happened to him as well and that was the fact that he lost someone important to him. Sadly the boy was not allowed to remember this until a certain time in his life.

Tomoe left out a whimper and a long whine escaped his mouth due to the cold of the night. The god couldn't help but chuckle.. he was innocnet and yet he wasn't. It made sense in a way to look at the teen as a son.

It was easy and now it felt completely right once Mikage found out the details. The god pulled the teens haori over his body and made sure he was warm before grabbing the sake tray and standing.

He didn't have the heart to tell him to get up and go to bed; he would let the teen sleep and dream about who knows what. He was probably dreaming about girls or something, giving he was at that age. Mikage shook his head and started to go inside quietly.


It was bright; to bright... Tomoe moaned and moved slightly; only to fall off the edge of the proch with a loud thud; He moaned as his back landed on the harsh ground and he looked up at the sky in pure hatred.

Maybe because it was raining and he landed right in a puddle that soaked him down to his undergarmets. The fox slowly sat up and shook his hand to clear mud and slime from it. he gagged at the feeling of the water seeping into his clothes and he cursed as he stood and made his way towards the door.

Thank goodness the shrine wasn't locked, ( Which had happened before when he had to... Um.. Relieve himself. ) The fox stepped in and stood in the doorway with sopping wet ears and a ticked expression.

Two months in the shrine and they still didn't seem to notice he was standing there moping. He growled loudly which snapped Mikage out of his thoughts and Inari out of his News Scroll.

The god blinked when he saw Tomoe with muddy water seeped into the seat of his pants; his ahir was soaked and he was shaking from the cold. Inari blinked a few times before bursting out into continious laughs. He snorted and pointed as Mikage stood up and put a blanket over Tomoe's shoulders.

The Fox And The Village GirlWhere stories live. Discover now