The Festival Of Lights

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3. The Festival Of Lights

Tomoe sat down the ingredients that he had gotten from Nanami. The woman had asked him about the festival again and he had brushed it off, saying that is was simple for him to go. He of course knew this was a flat out lie.

Mikage had made it clear that once the sun set Tomoe wasn't allowed to go anywhere. To be truthful it was a stupid lie since Tomoe knew he could take care of himself but he just threw the little rule off to the side for later...

This was later;

The fox ground his teeth as he pulled at some of the ingredients and rolled his sleeves to his elbows. Two seconds later he was up to his elbows in dumpling dough.

He hadn't really cooked for the shrine before; everytime he did Mikage would embarrass him and coo about how he could cook like a woman. It was irritating to say the least...

The fox kneeded the dough and paused, Did he have enough money for the festival tonight? He paused but then sighed harshly before pulling at the dough. Thats when Mikage walking and gasped in glee.

" Yay! Tomoe's cooking!" He patted his sons head and then grabbed some tea herbs as he put the tea pot on the fire. Tomoe pulled at the dough and paused as he stopped kneeding..

He didn't know what he was doing but he wanted out of the shrine. Just for once.

He would ditch the human and then enjoy himself for once. It had two months since he had been having fun. He had his hair cut and was expected to be normal...

He coudl have laughed at that; What was wrong with wanting have some teenage fun? He huffed out a breath and looked at Mikage.

" Hey..." Tomoe paused and Mikage looked at him.

" Huh?" He smiled with glee and Tomoe bit his lip. His ears perked as he glanced at the man and opened his mouth slowly,

" There's this thing going on tonight and...Um.. I was wondering if I could-"

Mikage sighed and shook his head maybe the fox sigh at his fleeting chance.

He growled under his breatha and started to kneed while mikage looked at him.

" Kido, We've had this discusion. Night is dangerous even for Yokai like yourself; also... Your a familiar now. There's nothing to do in the dark; I won't have you partying like you used too.. Your better then that."

He patted the foxes head before he walked out leaving Tomoe to sulk slightly.

He just got the, Your not going because your too young, talk. He was eighteen in human years so what the crap was this man going on about!?

Tomoe continued to kneed his dough in frustration, then he paused...

Yes, Mikage was his father but he had been on his own, living as an adult would for many years. No, Most of the time he didn't act like an adult but he wasn't going to let his ''Father'' Stop him from going to a festival.. That was just stupid.

The fox smirked to himself and fixed the dough with his hands, Rolling them and stuffing them as he pintched the corners. The rest of the dough would be used for something sweet, He smiled to himself as he started to steam the food...


Mikage cheered gleefully as Tomoe blushed in embarrassment. The god was ranting about how good his food was again and to be truthful it was embarrassing. Given that he was alone for so any years without anyone around...

Inari nodded his prasie as he chewed a dumpling and stared down the pie in the middle of the table. Tomoe bit his lip and looked away, ignoring their embarrassing praises. He wasn't used to being actually wanted in the world so he just had to keep his mouth shut.

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