The Land of My Birth...

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8. The Land of My Birth...

He stretched, His body limberly moving and showing off his collar bone and beauitful shoulders.. He sighed out, his head showing off his bobbed hair, it was still slightly longer then a normal bob, leaving some of his white hair to cling to the back of neck from the sweat of the day, His tail flicking slightly from the stressful envirnment,

Nanami had already left to his upmost releif, his releif was settled and now he could relax and get to work pronto. Or at east he DID get to work right away. Now he was relaxing and sighing out as he stretched and acted as though he was perfectly find at the moment.'

Which he was...

" Ah..' Tomoe whispered and let a soft sigh leave his almost chapped lips, He seemed relaxed by this time around. Even if his father had been straring at him strangely since Nanami had left probably trying to think of ways to plan Tomoe into a relationship that he didn't want.

Tomeo stretched hs back stretching a bit befor elooking causuly over his pale shoulder,

" And what do you want?" The fox sghed out slightly as his father blinked but chuckled a bit,

" Oh nothing... I was just wondering about her... Wasn't that that girl that you got pissed off at for running into you before?' He blinked as Tomoe shrugged and sighed slightly, his eyes showed his annoyance with the human female before rolling his shoulder and sighing out, his sharp teeth gleaming slightly.

" It was.. Such a pain... I'd be surprised even more if she tried to continue driving me insane. Just because I ran into her.. Of all people, its rather annoying." he sighed out a bit and then shook his head slightly.

Mikage then nodded before sighing out a bit and then looking at his papers slightly, " Tomoe.. I've been meaning to speak to you. " he muttered and looked up slightly, ' I know how much you wanted to go out the other day, and I know how much it measn to you to have some freedom and all... I... I just want to say how proud I am that you didn't throw a fit about not being able to go." he smiled slightly making the teen pause...

Oh if only this man knew whathe had been doing sneaking out and acting like a fool.. that was him in a nut shell and now that he was being praised for doing something good? his stomach twisted slightly and he was tempted to get sick.'

" O-Of course..' The teen whispered as Mikage chuckled weakly,

" I know its probabyl hard for a seventeen year old to stay home and not go out.. hanging out in the village at night. But its dangerous too at night," Mikage nodded making Tomoe almost roll his eyes.

'Dangerous? Bah! He used to be DANGER itself. He knew what was dangerous and what wasnt.... he sighed out, not expecting to have his mind go back to Nanami and that one time when she kissed him.. Now that was, "Dangerus' In a whole different way... Tomoe blinked and paused before sweeping his bangs out of his eyes slightly and almost grumbling to himself.

Stupid thoughts and stupid mind...

Tomoe almost grumbled about how foolish he found this whole subject but his father kept talking right out and making him twitch slightly from how the man was running his mouth. Usually he was pretend to listen and just stare off into space as his mind wondered, unless it was Inari... if it was Inari he got smacked in the head with the back of the mans fan.

Stupid imbecile.

" BUT! I know a nearbye village two villages over, its a two hour walk but I heard its very worth the visit.. and your not known there..' The man trailed off as Tomoe gave him a blank look,

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2016 ⏰

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