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Tomoe groaned and whined out as he slept, his head was buried in his pillow... his eyes weak. He felt horrble, why? He had been out all night once again, and this time he took an unwanted swim. He had fallen into a hot spring and even though his body liked the quick bath, he hated the fact he got wet.

When he climbed into the window his pants almost caught him. WHY!? There was a nail by the window seal and it nearly made him slip into the ground. It was embarrassing but he had to be VERY quiet at the time, and his pants was wet and soaked to the skin. He was red n the face when he flopped on hs futon, AFTER he dried his pants.

He then passed out, slightly feeling like he had a shower. But his mind was swimming at what had happened tonght. He had pushed into a hot spring by Nanami, they had hid in a tight inclosed space, and got chased by a samurai. It was also strange to see Nanami dressed like a tanuki from the red light district.'

Talk about weird to see a human looking... like that. Attractively drawing, he didn't know what to think about that... to him yokai woman could hold a beauitful air about them, but seeing a human dressed like that.....

It was utterly strange for him.

Meanwhile the fox whined out, his eyes closed as he laid on the bed, his eyes closed. He seemed rather out of it, his hair was messed up and he seemed to sigh out slightly as he slept.. his lips were parted from being conked out, until his door slammed open and Mikage smiled brightly

" WAKEY! WAKEY!! EGGS AND BACY!!" He giggled but then blinked when Tomoe gurgled and didn't even move.. the air turned awkward before he poked the teen making Tomoe whine out and sniff a bit,

" Leave me be..' he groaned, his voice cracking as Mikage rolled hs eyes a bit. Teenagers, always sleeping in and acting like they owned the world. He shook his head and then pouted a bit before titling his head slightly,

" But you HAVE To get up! We have a guest..' He whined slightly and almost trailed off a bit. Tomoe then whined and paused as he opened his eyes and stared up at the man weakly, his hair a mess as he twitched from waking himself up to quickly.

" And Who is that?" He whispered and winced from the light when Mikage opened the blinds. Mikage then turned and looked at him slightly, hs blond hiar almost glimmering in the bright sunlight,

"I'm not sure.. some type of girrrllll." he cooed slightly, " I'm so happy I could almost jump for joy. A girl coming to this shrine!! " he laughed slightly, " And I want you to see her!! Shes a looker.. innocent looking with bright eyes-

He suddenly froze up when Tomeo held up his hand. He then slowly looked at Mikage with half asleep eyes... if this idiot was going to wake him up this early he was going to make sense!!

" And... Whats her name?" he mutttered slightly and almost casuiously... He then froze up when Mikage paused, tapped his finger to his mouth bbefore giggling happily,

" Nanami something?" he smiled brightly making her pause and then twitch in shock. His eyes went wide and he nearly twitched. He then shot up and then yelped when he slipped and flopped on the gorund, landing on his back slightly,

" Ow! OW! OW!.' Tomeo whined out and groaned as he cringed and Mikage helped him up and then slightly checked his back. He then winced slightly,

" Be more careful..." he winced as Tomoe shooed him off and quickly pulled another Hakamashita type. He then rushed out of his room shocking the man. Mikage then paused slightly and arched his brow a bit but shrugged it off and skipped out of the room.

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