Foxes Hate Water, Nuf said...

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6. Foxes Hate Water, Nuf Said...


Tomoe bit his lip slightly and swallowed as he loked under his door, his eyes fixated on the light that Mikage liked to keep on until he went to bed....

Here he was, staring at the light with a pensive expression, Why? He was sneaking out again to see that village girl.. Lots would think he was up to something but it wasn't like that at all; He was mearly going to ditch this girl and go out and have a good time like he used too.. without getting kissed by her of course..

Tomoe bit his lip, his eyes watched the light and how a shadow pass bye.. The teen winced, knowing full well that Mikage- The idiot that he was- Was probably running into walls back and forth. he wished the man would fall over or play dead... just for long enough so that Tomoe could get out of here.'

The teen heard the old man yawn, say something as if he was muttering, and then watched the shadow walk into the other room...once the door clicked shut and the light went out did Tomoe relax and grabb his purple Hakamashita.....

" Thank god.." he whispered and swallowed... To be hones t his head was sinning, what was he thinking? he didn't know but all he could of think was if he were to get caught, what would he say?

' Oh hey dad? I wasn't here on prupose or anything.. the human made me do it, shes VERY persusive.....' Or the all time favorite or parents ( and the one that ade them scream in panic, ) ' Dad.. shes pregnant.'

The teen paused and then shook his head a bit, not wanting to think about excuses at the moment until it was all well and done, nope.. he was just gonne get out of here while he could.. The teen swallowed and then sighed out a bit before he lifted hsi window quietly and then climbed out,

Tomoe landed perfectly with his agile cat like abilites, not even making a sound as he then snuck to the steps and slid down quietly.. he breathed out when he made it to the bottom.... only....

His scarf got yanked from behind and the poor fox made a weak gagging noises that could only to idenfied as a loud choke.. Then you heard,

" Oh Erm.. Sorry.. My bad....' From a familiar voice that left him mentally twitching harshly... Oh Why! He was gonna ditch her and eveyrhting tonight! But how was he supposed to with her here bothering him so suddenly?

" Why ddi you do that?" he suddenly snapped and then loosed his scarf, wincing slightly from the whiplash he had gotten.... He turned his head to look at the girl slightly only to pause and tilt his head...

Okay no...... Why was she wearing that?

He paled slightly when he saw her kimono, it slipped off her shoulders in a disorderly fashion and she wore ace bandage around her breast and middle... what was he staring at and why? He suddenly twitched and looked away, getting way to many memories of not to long ago.'

"I was going to say hi But I couldn't resist.." she suddenly smiled brightly and titled her head, her long brown locks slipped past her shoulders making Tomoe pause slightly and then narrow his eyes darkly,

' What the hell am I looking at and why?" he arched his brow as Nanami blinked, her eyes went wide as she looked down and then blushed weakly,

" Oh Uh Sorry.." She smiled weakly " I was told that samuri were coming to the village tonight.. so I thought we'd go somewhere else since it might be dangerous for you.. I thought if I dress like this-

" You get mistaken for a protitute and you'd be kidnapped?" Tomoe arched his brow blankly, his eyes staring at her like he was unamused. The girl then blinked before she blushed like mad and gasped,

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