At Night?

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2. At Night?


~A story of Teens, Rebellion, Love and the art Of Growing up Out of That Rebellion... ~ Foxes-Rock


" GET HER OUT!" Tomoe screamed at his father for the fifth time as the god whimpered in the kitchen.

Tomoe had spent the last few hours spitting and trying to get his lips to stop tingling. It was annoying and to be on the worst case senerio?

She was a human.

" She's leaving soon; she came to give you your fan and then she'll go back to the village." Mikage looked at him and sighed; his plans for getting his son a female companion were not going well.

What was he supposed to do? Maybe Tomoe wasn't ready for a girl; given that Mikage wouldn't let him leave the shrine at night. He had to be inside or in the courtyard, but never at the village.

What was the point exactly? Mikage sighed; If Tomoe sighed someone that would be great, but right now?

Tomoe was threatening to kill yet another female, and this time he was talking about putting her body in the river for what she did to him. He was ticked off and fuming harshly as the god sighed.

" She better leave!" Tomoe spat out and turned on his heel; he stormed out of the room and let the door splinter in hate and confusion. Not only did he have to deal with that human but he also had to go back to the village...

He had dropped the ingredients before so going back was his only opinion. He ground his teeth as his head started to hurt with annoyance. To think he had to deal with the village again within a two day period.

The fox looked into the living room and saw that Nanami girl glaring at him; he glared back and his teeth bared. Sadly he couldn't hurt her due to her little friend being a priestest. Meaning harm would not come to the girl...

Unless she wanted it..

He narrowed his eyes but to his shock she narrowed hers. Her eyes were large and had a beautiful hue of brown with golden specks; she would have been nice to look at if it wasn't for her attitude.

Her body wasn't that shapely, in fact she looked completely flat to his eye; but clothes could be deceiving. He folded his arms and huffed, This girl was like everyone else in the village. Stuck up and judgmental.

" Don't worry, " The girl stood up and continued to glare, " I'm leaving. Stuck up child."

Tomoe hissed in hate and Inari got between them before they could start hurting each other verbally. He sighed and showed Nanami to the door; That's when the girl paused and looked at Tomoe. She furrowed her brow but sighed lightly..

" Use Aloe on your cuts; they sooth and ease pain." She looked up and started to walk away out of the shrine. Tomoe blinked and then glared as his hands slammed the doors,

" I know how to take care of myself, Your blasted Idiot!" He ground his teeth and stood there fuming as Ianri sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder.

" Will you stop glaring at the door like a watch dog? You'll creep your dad out.." he sighed and Tomoe relaxed only for a moment. He had to prepare to go to the village, again. He wondered if he would even make it back this time, that or would he come back in pieces? He didn't know...

The fox stormed past the harvest god and walked to his room where he found his fan laying perfectly on his bed. He leaned down and gripped it in his fingers, its soft wood running over his pale skin and soothing him.

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