Chapter Three: Disgusted Touch

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The Grandmaster clicks his fingers and in a few seconds; you're surrounded yet again by guards, who restrain you, holding you and your wings in place, with a few of their weapons directed towards you. You lightly mutter annoyance under your breath. 

You keep your eyes on the Grandmaster, who moves around behind you and brushes his fingers against some of your feathers. It felt wrong. His touch felt rough, like sandpaper. You felt yourself squirming in disgust. You couldn't help it. Loki's touch was different. He was gentle and sincere and he loved to tease you. His touch could cause your knees to feel weak.

Thinking about Loki made your heart sink. You missed him incredibly deeply and wondered if he was alright. You hoped he was safe, wherever he had ended up. You didn't realise you had been crying until you felt moisture run down your cheeks. You needed Loki... Wanted to see him so badly.

The Grandmaster ignores your emotions. "You're the last of your species, who, if I'm not mistaken; were recently made extinct when your realm was destroyed. Amusingly. there were apparently no survivors.... Until now." He speaks matter-of-factly, moving around you, getting a good three-sixty gaze at you before he stops directly in front of you. 

You glare at him as he grabs your head, his fingers around your jaw and chin and out of nowhere; an unknown man appears, in a familiar portal. One of the same portals that had abducted you from Avengers Headquarters on Earth. 

"Well, well. Do my eyes and ears deceive me, or do we have a rarity in our mits?" The unknown man speaks, with an odd accent. 

He had the same lip marking as the Grandmaster, though his face was more square and he had pure white hair and eyebrows, with heavy black eyeliner framing his eyes. 

The Grandmaster releases his hold on your jaw and steps back, smiling. "Quite a rarity, indeed, brother." 

"I would so very much to obtain her for my collection." the unknown man speaks. You figured they were brothers; they looked similar. They seem to ignore you for the time being, only speaking to each other. There was, however, a glint in the newcomer's eyes. 

"She's all yours. We must preserve such a magnificent creature." The Grandmaster tells him, permitting him to obtain you as if you were some piece of furniture or a trophy or an animal that belonged in a zoo. 

You glare at both of them now, with a look of complete disgust. "I'm not anyone's property. I belong with my boyfriend. You can't own someone! That's fucking insane!" You speak fiercely at the two of them.

Realising that he hadn't introduced himself, ignoring your words completely, the newcomer bows to you lightly. "Oh, yes. Where are my manners? My dear... I'm The Collector." He was being polite. 

"I don't fucking care who you are! I belong to someone already! You may know him; The God of Mischief. So screw you!" You were extremely angry. 'Upset' would be an understatement. You struggle more, trying to get out of the guard's strong hold on you and the restraints they had placed. 

"You may have been his at one point, however; you are now a part of MY collection." The Collector speaks matter-of-factly, stubbornly. 

A sudden wave of lightning and light blinds everyone within the room and someone very familiar figure appears before you, stepping out of the light, making your heart quicken and relief to highlight your face.

"I'd hate to disappoint you two there; She's mine." Loki's voice was fierce. He was angry and possessive. He was wearing his full Asgardian armour and he was prepared to fight. 

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