Chapter Seventy: Beauty

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I had set everything up for this day, early in the morning, before the first rays of light hit the horizon. I wanted this day to be perfect. 

The archway was a white structure with white transparent curtains on either side, decorated with white flowers that trailed around the edge and overlapped. 

Stone steps lead downwards, with the white runner on top, and within the centre. The long wide length ends right by the double doors where my beloved would come through once they opened.

Around the edges of the runner were thousands of pink petals, and on either side of the aisle and runner, were various amounts of white chairs for guests and family to sit within and watch the celebration unfold. 

I was standing patiently at the front, close to the floral archway, with Thor to my right, close to the front row of seats

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I was standing patiently at the front, close to the floral archway, with Thor to my right, close to the front row of seats. 

The Midgardians were all scattered about, filling up the chairs as best as they could, dressed in their Midgardian formal attire, patiently sitting, and waiting for the music to change to announce my love's arrival. They didn't need to wait for long.

The music soon shifts to a harmonizing melody, and the Midgardians all stand up as the double doors slowly begin to open outwards. 

My attention locks on the opening doors as two figures step out from the building and into the light, stopping briefly to take in the scenery, and adjust their vision due to the dense rays. 

A wide smile spreads across my face, my eyes now solely focused on her. My beloved. She was angelic. Beautiful wouldn't do her justice. How she graced our presence was beyond words. Even the word 'Goddess' wouldn't do. Not today. 

Our eyes met, and it was as if time came to a halt, and nothing else mattered but her, us. It was as if there was a bright light shining behind her body, highlighting her beauty.

My smile grows in warmth and adoration, and an angelic smile spreads across her face as she begins to walk down the aisle, accompanied by Tony.

She was moving forward, towards me at a calculated pace, with time beginning to occur at its natural rate. She was possibly anxious that she'd fall over. It was quite amusing, and adoring.

I see her eyes dart to a few unoccupied chairs before she shakes her head and turns her attention back to me, staring at me with a genuinely bashful and overjoyed expression, highlighting her face, with a light chuckle escaping my lips.

I hadn't noticed the bouquet in her hands until now until she was a few feet from me. Natasha gently takes the flowers from her and sits back down in her seat.

As she reaches the front, just before she takes the steps up, Tony places both of her hands in my now outstretched palms, and I hold onto her gently, lightly stroking the top of her hands with my long fingers.

"You're absolutely a delight to gaze at, my dear. It's as if you came from Valhalla."  I tell her softly, which makes her giggle in response.

Her nerves seemed to have disappeared, and she now seemed more confident, more ready now that the walk down the aisle was over.

Her expression was rather tender, with a beaming wide smile spreading across her face. She was such a beauty, though she always has been, especially in my eyes. No one else could be compared to or even meet her level. 

We both compose ourselves, never taking our eyes off each other as the priest who would marry us begins to speak, with the music coming to a steady and natural stop. 

It was quite a long-winded speech as the priest read from a tome, though I was still starstruck by my love's radiance. 

"Do you, Loki, take YN Stark to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness, and health, as long as you both shall live?" He asks.

"An idiotic question... Of course, I do. I've been waiting such a long time to marry you, my pet." I speak with a wide smile on my face. 

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