Chapter One: Foster leaves the band

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  "It's all over the news, Mark Foster was leaving Foster the People, and without him, there is no band. His band members Jacob and Marcus were upset but they stood by his side. 'It was to much for him,' Jacob said, 'He is still heartbroken and a mess.' Mark Foster was checked into a rehab at California Health and recovery two months ago, he asked for no calls and no visitations. Yesterday he checked himself out and told his band members he was done with the songs and touring, and had decided that he was moving back to his hometown. Most people think he's moving back to be with his ex girlfriend Kali London from three years past. Him and Kali broke it off May 2011, when Foster came home to find her with another man, Ed Westwick."

  I turned off the television. My heart sank hearing that story again. I remember it all to well, it had been almost three years ago. At that time and Mark had been on tour for six months, different city, states and countries. I was very lonely. Half of the time he called it was after I was asleep. He was due to be back from tour within the next month. That night I met up with some old friends at a popular bar, one of my girlfriends brought my old flame Ed Westwick along. I had a little too much to drink and me and Ed ended up at my apartment. When we got there we had a few beers more and started to fool around. After only a few minutes I heard a door slam, and then Mark's voice, "Kali, I'm home." He opened my bedroom door and his grin turned into disgust as he saw Ed half-naked scrambling to get his clothes.

  "What the fuck?!" Mark yelled.

  "Babe I can explain, I didn't know you would be back so soon," I threw my robe over myself.

  I saw flowers in his hands, he took one look at me and pulled something from his coat pocket and threw it against the wall. I felt so ashamed of myself. I loved him very much. I could not believe what I was just doing and what more I could have done.

  Ed tried to apologize but Mark yelled at him to get the fuck out. Just as Ed reached the door Mark said, "hey buddy, on second thought you can have her, she's all yours," he didn't look at me, just walked out the back door and slammed it. I heard his tires squeal and drive off.

  Ed tried to comfort me and apologize but I told him nicely to leave. Truth is we had never got as far as having sex, but the tabloids claimed we had and that I was pregnant and did not know who the father was. I remember going back into the room and seeing what Mark had thrown. It was a small box, I opened it and seen a beautiful engagement ring, I pulled it out and started to cry. The ring was in scripted Kali Foster, Always and Forever.

  I tried to call him for months after that. Eventually he changed his number, but I continued to watch all his videos and talk shows he and his band were guests of, and through his fake smile, I could still see the pain he was in and the sadness in his eyes.

  Over the next three years his band members called and filled me in on how everything was, and how he was. Most of the time they said he was fine but that his drinking was getting to be too much. It wasn't until six months ago I got a call from unknown,


  "Kali?" It was Mark, my heart dropped. I did not know what to say so I hung up.

  He called me many times after that, but I was always to scared to answer. I thought maybe he still hated me, maybe he wanted to yell and curse at me. I was still heartbroken too, and had not seen anyone since we had parted. He began to leave me voicemails; each one had been a minimum of at least two minuets, he would just talk as if we were actually talking to each other. Some of those voicemails I could tell he had a bit much to drink. I can admit I was still in love with him, but I could not talk to him until he got help with his addiction.

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