Mission: Jealousy

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Hey lovelies,

OMG I'm so sorry I disappeared! But I'm back and here's the next chapter! Hope you enjoy and please comment, vote, and fan!!!


Mission: Jealousy


The first few weeks of school went by uneventfully. Louis and Brooke were officially a couple now. We did homework went to class and had secret meetings. Paul had contacted us and we had come to know that Sage's dad was not only Prime minister of Genevia but that he was also a very intelligent computer programmer and that he had invented a super secret security program that the CIA was using. He was in constant protection and it turns out that a secret unknown organization had threatened Sage's dad that if he didn't help them break into the CIA they would take what's closest to him and that's why Sage was under our protection. Speaking of Sage, it was official I had a thing for her but I couldn't let my feelings get in the way of this mission the boys were counting on me so I was just being Dawn Jones her roommate and best friend for now.

I looked up from the book I was reading at Sage who was across from me, some of her long dark hair was falling across her face as she wrote something down in her notebook. She looked up as she tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled at me before saying, "are you done with that book? Did you find anything useful for our project?"

Liam who was sitting next to her looked up from his book as I replied, "I found some good things we can use for our presentation." Liam, Sage, and I were in the school library working together on a project for our English class. Technically Liam and I didn't need to worry about our grades but since it was part of our disguise as students we had to do our best and we couldn't cause Sage to fail because we were slacking.

"So did I," Liam added.

"Same here, so we just need to get our presentation put together and we are good," Sage said closing her book.

Yep," Liam said nodding.

"We can meet up here over the weekend and get it done before Monday," I said.

"I can't Saturday night but the rest of the weekend is good," Sage replied putting her books in her tote.

"That sounds good, see you guys later," Liam said stuffing his books in his messenger bag before slinging it over his shoulder. He waved before he walked out of the library.

I got up and put on my backpack as I wondered what Sage was up to Saturday. Sage and I walked out of the library as I asked, "What are you doing Saturday?"

Sage blushed as she grabbed my hand and said, "promise you won't get mad I didn't tell you this earlier?"

"I promise," I replied as my curiosity grew.

"I have a date Saturday!" Sage said as she smiled.

"A date? With who?" I asked as I saw how happy Sage was.

"Chris, you know him he has math with you."

"Yeah, when did this happen? I didn't know you liked him," I replied with confusion I felt hurt but, really I was jealous of Chris.

"He asked me after History class yesterday, he's a nice guy and he's cute so I said okay."

I nodded as we walked towards our dorm. I felt rage and jealousy inside of me, I really wanted to punch Chris but it wasn't his fault I couldn't ask out Sage. Sage talked on and on about her date with Chris and asked me what she should wear and how she was happy that she finally told me. I just nodded, smiled, and talked at the appropriate times but really I was broken inside.

Before you knew it, it was Saturday and I was sitting on my bed as Sage held up different outfit ideas to Emma, Blair, and I. I pretended to be enthusiastic as Sage gushed about how Chris was driving them into town to a movie and then dinner.

"I wish Niall would just ask me out already," Blair said as she laid down on Sage's bed.

"I thought you liked Zayn," Emma said as she looked through Sage's closet.

"Either one," Blair replied as she stared up at the ceiling.

"You just like them because they are famous," Emma replied as she held up a white lace dress to Sage.

"No," Blair exclaimed as she sat up. "They are cute and smart everything I look for in a guy."

"Yeah, yeah" Emma said rolling her eyes. I held back a giggle as I flipped through the magazine Blair had been looking at earlier.

"I am going to get going to meet Liam," I said as I slipped of my bed.

"I feel bad I'm not helping out," Sage said as she put away the clothes she wasn't going to wear.

"You have fun we'll just begin the presentation and you can help out tomorrow," I replied as I slipped on my flats. I waved at the girls as I walked out of the room and down the stairs. I headed to the boys dorm as I tried to cheer myself up. I knocked on Louis' door and soon it was opened by Niall. "Hey," I said as I walked in and slumped down on the couch.

"What's wrong Harry?" Liam asked as he put down the book he was reading.

"Nothing," I replied as I pulled the wig of my head.

"You sure?" Louis asked as he slipped on his Toms.

"Fine, I like Sage a lot a lot a lot!" I said.

"Oh," Louis said as Liam looked at me sympathetically.

"I know I can't ask her out I'm pretending to be a whole different person at least your still Louis you just have different hair! And I'm supposed to be her roommate and she's our assignment. I'm not supposed to fall for her just protect her!" I exclaimed.

"You can ask her out when the mission is over," Louis said.

"It's just a date Harry it's not like she's marrying the guy," Liam added.

"Don't worry Harry it'll all work out, I got to go meet Brooke now later guys," Louis said as he walked out of the room. Louis was taking Brooke to the same movie and restaurant Chris was taking Sage so he could keep an eye on her.

Niall handed me a bag of chips which I stuffed in my face as Liam looked for a movie for us to watch.

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