Mission: Breakfast

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Hey Lovelies, 

I have been kind of busy the last couple of days but I sat myself down today and wrote this chapter for you guys! Hope you like it!! BTW I posted a new story called "It's You" I asked on my twitter for people who wanted to be the boy's love interests and I have one for all the boys except Louis so if any of you wants to be Louis' love interest in that story let me know!

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Chapter 5- Mission: Breakfast


Today was the first day of official classes for the students at Kingswood Prep. I woke up to my alarm which was an hour before everyone else on my floor got up. I had to rush to the showers early and be ready before the rest of them woke up so they wouldn’t see that I was a boy. I groaned as I lifted myself off my bed and grabbed my towel and girly shower things. “You’re always up so early,” Sage said.

I was surprised to hear her voice and I turned around to see that she was up and was also grabbing her shower things. “Yeah, I’m an early bird,” I replied as I watched her grab her shower things and put on her slippers.

She walked towards the door and turned to me and said, “Aren’t you coming?”

“Where?” I asked not looking at her eyes.

“The showers,” Sage replied motioning to her towel.

“Oh umm, I feel tired I think I’m going to go back to sleep for a couple more minutes,” I replied as I faked a yawn and climbed back into bed. I pulled the covers around me and closed my eyes and stayed like that until Sage’s footsteps faded away. That was a close one, what if she had come in while I was showering naked with all my maleness out for the world to see. I decided not to shower today and that I would shower late in the night now instead of early in the morning. I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face and then walked back to the room so I could change before Sage came. It was hard avoiding Sage; I was constantly running out of the room so I could change in a bathroom stall, or when Sage was changing. I had to wake up at weird times to shower, and on top of that it was hard using this high pitched voice all the time. I couldn’t wait for this mission to be over.

I pulled the white button down shirt, plaid skirt, and navy blazer that made up the Kingswood Prep uniform. My legs were smooth and shiny and hopefully this mission would be over before I would have to wax my legs again. I was slipping on my flats when the door opened and Sage walked in with her pink bathrobe. “You’re dressed already?” Sage remarked as she walked towards her side of the room. I nodded as I fixed my long brown curly hair (wig). She rummaged through her drawers and pulled out her uniform and undergarments.

I quickly grabbed my bag which held my books and said, “I’m going to get going.”

“Wait, we could walk together to breakfast,” Sage replied as she laid all her clothes on the bed and then began drying her hair.

Shit, she’s going to start changing and I need to get out of here. “Umm, I need to pee, want me to wait for you in the living room after I’m done?” I replied as I played with my bag’s zipper.

“Oh okay, yeah sure,” she replied as she put her towel down and moved her hands towards where her bathrobe was tied around her small waist. I quickly grabbed the doorknob and walked out of the room and closed it behind me before I saw anything. I didn’t want to take advantage of a girl, she didn’t know I was a boy and probably wouldn’t change in front of me if she did and I wanted to respect her privacy. I really didn’t need to pee so I headed to the staircase to go downstairs to the living room area. I walked down to see girls running about. I waved at Brooke who was talking with a girl who was also on our floor. I sat down on one of the couches and watched the TV which was on a news channel.

“Hey, Dawn, shouldn’t you be heading to breakfast?” Brooke asked as she sat down next to me.

“Yeah, just waiting for Sage,” I replied.

“Oh that’s nice, you should be excited first day of classes, and 1D is coming,” she added

“Yeah, very excited and kind of nervous about classes,” I replied as I played with the zipper on my bag.

“Dawn, I’m ready,” Sage said as she approached us, “Hey Brooke, How are you?”

“I’m good, you guys should get going don’t want to be late to breakfast or miss the morning announcements,” Brooke said as I got up.

“Aren’t you coming?” I asked.

“Yeah, after I make sure everyone has gotten up and left,” Brooke replied as she got up as well.

Brooke walked towards the stairs as we walked out the door. Sage and I walked in silence towards the main building. We walked into the cafeteria which was full of students in uniform. Everyone was talking and eating their breakfast. Sage and I went to get some food. I grabbed a plate of eggs, a waffle, and orange juice while Sage got an apple. We sat down with the people we usually sat with and began eating as we listened to the others discussing teachers, classes, and 1D. I watched the entrance and I saw a couple of RAs including Brooke and Louis walk in. They had papers in their hands and they began handing them out. Brooke approached us and said, “Schedules,” as she handed me mine. Brooke walked away to find other girls from our floor as Sage and I compared schedules with the other people at our table. I had 3 classes with Sage, 1 with Emma, 2 with Anna and Blair, and 1 with Chris a boy that sat at our table. I continued to eat as I looked around to see if Liam, Zayn, or Niall had come in yet or if I could catch Louis to signal that we needed to meet up. Louis and I hadn’t spoken in private since we had come here and I wanted to know what was going on.

“Good morning students, it’s once again the first day of classes. You all should’ve gotten your schedules from your RAs by now, if not please go see your RA after breakfast…” the principal said I ignored the announcements and ate my eggs. A couple of minutes later, Sage nudged me from one side and Blair grabbed my hand from the other. I looked up to see Liam, Niall, and Zayn walking into the cafeteria. They smiled at everyone and waved as they walked to the front of the room where Principal Ross was standing. “Welcome, boys, you should’ve gotten your schedules as well and are accepted to be in every class on time,” the principal said as Liam nodded. Niall was looking at the food line longingly as Zayn smiled at the students. “Okay that’s all the announcements let’s make this a great school year!!” Principal Ross exclaimed as he waved. He turned away from the mike and whispered something to the boys and soon they began walking towards the back of the room where the food line was.

The boys were approaching us and Blair squealed quietly. “This way to the food boys,” I heard Principal Ross say as he walked past me. Niall was following close behind; he didn’t notice me as his eyes were only on the food. Zayn and Liam were looking around and Liam saw me and smiled. He nudged Zayn who winked at me before looking away quickly.

Right after they walked past us Blair said, “Did you see Zayn winked at me?!?”

“No he winked at Dawn,” Anna said.

“I thought he winked at me,” Emma said.

“Maybe he didn’t wink at anyone specifically,” Sage said

“Yeah, I mean, why would he wink at any of us, he doesn’t know us,” I added.

“Maybe he thought I was cute,” Blair said.

Sage rolled her eyes at Blair as I suppressed a giggle. Sometimes Blair could be really annoying and I had my first class math with her, great. 

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