Mission: Maze

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Mission: Maze


We headed back towards the carnival and joined the line for the corn maze. I was excited for the maze, it'd be fun to go through it in the dark.

"Let's see who can get through the maze the fastest," Sage said as we waited on the line.

"Like a race?" I asked.

"Yeah," she replied.

"Let's make it a little more interesting," I replied waggling my eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" Sage asked.

"If I win you do whatever I ask you too and if you win I'll do whatever you ask me too," I replied.

"Whatever?" Sage questioned.

"Yeah whatever," I replied.

"Okay," she replied as she extended her hand so we could shake on it.

Soon we were in the front of the line and the guy handed us flashlights before we could enter. We turned on our lights and entered the maze together and soon we came to a cross path. "So, I'll be waiting for you at the end and you better be prepared to do whatever I ask you too," Sage said as she began walking down the left path.

"You mean I'll be waiting for you and you better be ready to do what I ask you too," I replied as I headed down the right path.

"We'll see," she said as she disappeared around the bend.

I better win this I thought as I turned left and then right and onto a dead end. I turned back and headed the way I came as I thought about how Sage was going to react to me asking her for a kiss. I heard people shouting, laughing, and talking in other parts of the maze.

I shined the light in front of me as I walked down another long path. Soon I was deep inside the maze and I couldn't hear the chaotic noise from the carnival. I walked slowly as I shined the light to illuminate my path. I heard whispering through the corn wall next to me and stopped to listen.

"I see the girl she's in the maze alone, I have the chloroform I'll get her don't worry," a man whispered.

What girl is he talking about and then I remembered Sage wasn't safe alone and that's the whole point why I was here. I heard the man's footsteps walking away. I then kicked and prodded the corn wall until I made a hole that I could crawl through to the other side.

After I was on the other side I quickly walked in the direction I had heard the footsteps go. I turned off my flashlight so he wouldn't see me approaching. I saw a shadowy figure ahead and I walked slowly up behind him and grabbed him. He struggled and tried to push the chloroform napkin in my face. I evaded him but I loosened my grip in the process which gave him enough leverage to escape and try to punch me. I ducked in the last minute and punched him in the gut. He came at my face and I kicked him in the groin. He fell over in pain and I picked up the chloroform napkin he had dropped and held it up to his face till he fell unconscious. I looked in his pockets and found a phone but it wasn't personalized and didn't have any numbers or any call history except for one call from a private number 5 minutes ago. I looked in his other pockets and found nothing.

I stood up and pressed the special button on my watch which allowed me to communicate with the other boys. "Guys, we have a situation. Found a guy trying to harm Sage beat him up in the corn maze sending exact location to you right now," I said into it as I pressed another button that would send my location to the boys.

"Harry, is everything okay, we are on our way," Zayn replied.

"Yeah everything is fine now the guy is unconscious," I replied as I studied the guys face. He had a small oval face with bushy eyebrows and small lips. His hair was blonde almost white.

"Okay, where's Sage now?" Liam said.

"Somewhere in the maze I should go look for her," I said as I wondered if she was okay.

"Our priority is Sage so go find her and we'll deal with the guy," Niall said.

"Yeah we are almost there go find Sage," Liam added.

"Okay," I replied as I took a final glance at the guys body before I turned and ran down the path to find Sage.


A/N: how is everyone? So happy spring is here and the weather outside is really really nice today! What do you guys think of this chapter??

Comment, vote, share, and fan please!

xoxo, S

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