Mission: Parents Day

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Mission: Parents Day


A couple more weeks passed. Sage went on some more dates with Chris but they weren't anything serious yet. Louis continued to keep an eye on Sage while she was in town on the dates. The boys and I continued working on our schoolwork and keeping an eye on Sage and a look out for any suspicious activates. But everything was normal.

In two days it was Parents Day, it was when parents of the students were allowed to come to the school and there was no classes.

"Are your parents coming?" I asked Sage as we got ready for bed.

"No, too busy. What about yours?" she asked as she climbed onto her bed.

"Yeah they are taking me out for the day," I said. My parents weren't really coming but Liam had somehow convinced Paul to let me pretend to go off campus as Dawn and then come back as Harry. Louis was going to bring me into town as Dawn to meet my parents and then I'd come back with Louis as Harry Styles here to see his friends and band mates at their school. I owed Liam because I was so happy I would get to ditch the disguise for a day and be myself! "Want to come join the Jones family day of fun?" I asked Sage. Please say no please say no I thought in my head.

"No I wouldn't want to intrude and plus I need to get somethings done and my dad said he'd Skype me," she replied pulling her covers around her.

"Awe but skyping is the next best thing," I replied as I turned off the light and headed to my bed. Good thing she said no.

It was finally parents day and I was in Louis' car heading into town as Dawn. Louis drove around town for a bit and then parked near the bus station where he was "picking" up Harry. I ran into the bus stations bathroom and changed into my regular clothes and stuffed the Dawn Jones stuff into a bag. I placed a beanie on my head and my ray-bans on my face before I slowly walked back to Louis' car as Harry Styles. I placed Dawn Jones' stuff in the trunk before getting into the car. "Good to see you Hazza," Louis said winking before he began driving back to school. Louis pulled into the parking lot and I got out of the car. There weren't that many students on campus since most of them were with their parents. I spotted Liam, Zayn, Niall, Sage, and Blair on the quad. The boys were kicking a football around while the girls were talking. "I'm going to go see Brooke, meet you back here in a few" Louis said waving at me before he walked towards Blackwell house.

"Okay," I replied as I walked towards the quad.

The ball headed towards me and I kicked it back towards the boys. "Thanks man," Zayn said looking up. When he realized it was me he said, "Harry! You made it!" He ran over and gave me a hug followed by Liam and Niall.

"Glad to see you as you," Niall said winking.

"Same here," I replied.

"Harry Styles?!" Blair said as she headed towards us.

"Yes, it's Harry Styles," I said.

"I'm Blair, nice to meet you," she gushed. "Sage it's really him!" She said motioning for Sage to come over.

She slowly got up and headed towards us. Her hair was out today and it flew softly in the breeze. She was wearing mint green skinny jeans and a white crop top. She stopped right in front of me and I smiled my most dazzling smile as I said, "I'm Harry Styles, and you are?"

"Sage," she replied smiling shyly.

"Sage, that's a pretty name," I replied.

"Thanks," she said.

"What are you guys going to do?" Blair asked

"Probably hang haven't seen Harry in awhile. Would've have been nice if Louis could've made it!" Niall said

"Yeah but he had family commitments," I replied.

"Blair!" a woman shouted from a black mini van.

"Hey mom I'm coming!" Blair replied waving at the lady. "Sage you sure you don't want to come?"

"Sure, it's fine," Sage replied.

"You can hang with us," I said smiling at her.

"Yeah that'd be fun," Liam said.

"Oh okay," Blair replied looking bummed. She hugged us all before walking sadly towards the black minivan.

"You guys don't have to hang out with me, you haven't seen each other in so long you should catch up," Sage said.

"No it's fine," Zayn said.

"We were going to head to the carnival over at the next town anyway," Niall added.

"Yeah, Louis is going to drive us with Brooke," Liam said.

"Yeah come, it'll be fun," I added smiling at her.

She stared at me for a couple of seconds before saying, "if you insist."

"I do insist," I replied smirking.

"Fine," she said.

"Good lets go," Zayn said.

We headed towards Louis' car where Louis was standing with Brooke. "Harry this is my girlfriend Brooke," Louis said introducing us.

"Hey Brooke," I said giving her a hug hello.

"Hey Harry, nice to finally meet you," Brooke said.

Louis got into the drivers seat and Brooke got shotgun since she was his girlfriend. The rest of us squished into the back. Sage was basically on my lap and it probably wasn't legal but I was definitely going to enjoy this ride.

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