Chapter Sixteen

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The next thing you knew you were looking out the window, waiting for your two partners to come. Where exactly were you? You were in a, well, pretty beat-up diner, but it was the closest place you guys could meet up without any hassle.

You looked down to the table, your belongings were all scattered around, by your right side you had a simple cup of [favorite hot drink], which by now, should be lukewarm. Your stomach felt like it wanted out of your body, and you tapped the table with the pencil you had in hand repeatedly. What's taking them so long?

Diana was the first to arrive, but to her disappointment, she only found you. She clears her throat and brushes her hair off her face before taking a seat in front of you. You stopped tapping the table and mumble a greeting, reaching in to push your mess aside to give her some space. You decided to ignore her expression, the last thing you wanted was to start something that would get you into trouble. Diana was popular, unlike you, so if she'd wanted to, she could probably make your life a living hell.

"Dee still isn't here, huh." She broke the silence, not even looking at you while she took her laptop out of her bag. You simply shake your head, "I just got here, though, so..give him some time." you lied through your teeth. In reality, you've been here for at least half an hour, but you weren't gonna tell her that.

"You and Dee are pretty close, right?" She sighed, a smile forming on her face. Her question took you off guard. "I mean, I think we're just forced to hang out with each other," you reply quickly, and once again, you two fall under awkward silence.

God this was torture.

"Have you started your half of the PowerPoint?" Just like that, she moved on from her sudden question. You felt extremely confused, but weren't sure how to even ask why. You follow her lead and get to work, discussing and researching Mexico's culture and places to visit. As you worked, you realized that Diana was smarter than she seemed. For a popular girl, she seemed serious about her studies and planned to get nothing but an A. You, yourself, learned some new things, how Mexico had a holiday for children, the traditions of Los Días De los Muertos, and more things about their holidays.

Time passed faster than you expected, and before you knew it, you were almost done with your part of the project. You also ordered a refill of [drink] and Diana had ordered a tea for herself. You were proud of your process.

"How about we take a small break?" Diana smiled at you while closing her computer. She holds her cup of tea and brings it close to her pink lips, taking a sip from the cup. You smiled back at her and nod in agreement, taking a sip of your drink yourself. Dee, still, was nowhere to be seen.

"Ugh, I swear if Dee doesn't show up I'm gonna have to tell the teacher how shitty of a partner he is," Diana sighed while letting out a chuckle. "But...He is pretty hot, maybe that's why I have a soft spot for him."

You almost spat your drink right there or then. You choke on the liquid and cough up out loud. You weren't sure if to laugh or cry. "You think Dee is hot?" "Don't you? Isn't that why you've been hanging out with him?' She tilts her head, raising her eyebrow at you.

The once comfortable atmosphere now felt tense. Her stare did not help whatsoever, if looks could kill, you'd be digging your own grave right about now. You realized that she was serious, and was waiting for an answer. You force out a laugh, shaking your head, "No way! He's just the first friend I've met- we kind of just see each other often." "Bullshit," she spat out, leaning against the table and resting her head on her hands. "You clearly like him," She stated with no hesitation. "Too bad, though...You don't really seem like his type." What exactly was that supposed to mean??

"Why the fuck do you care?" You snap at her, shooting daggers at her. "Why do you always bring up Dee when we're together?! All I wanted was to get this shit done and leave, but fuck...What makes you think you can just be insulting me!?" 

Diana snickered, covering her mouth with the palm of her hand. "Are you shitting me?" She replied, still snickering to herself. "Everyone knows you have a thing for him, it's hilarious actually...And embarrassing, deny anything you want, at the end of the day it's obvious how clingy and annoying you are. I bet he's sick and tired of your dumb shit."

Before you could even reply, a familiar blonde boy was now right by your side. You look at Dee, who had just arrived. His posture was relaxed, but he seemed annoyed to even be here. You look back at Diana, who was only smiling at Dee, as if nothing happened just now. Did he hear any of this??

He motioned you to scoot over, which you did. "I would guess that you two have been working, correct?" He asked, not even acknowledging the fact that he was late. "I have some suggestions to give, I have done some research early this week." 

You watched as he shuffles with his bag, getting his laptop out as well as some sheets of papers for probably notes. He didn't seem to know what Diana said, that, or he chose to not care. Either way, a part of you felt humiliated and mad. 

"What took you so long?" Diana ignored anything that Dee had said, her smile only getting bigger. Dee only glanced at her before turning back to his bag.

"I was just meeting an old friend."


AN: Hello! I apologize for the very short chapter and for publishing it very late. I definitely had more written, however, wattpad had deleted a lot of the chapter and would not let me update it for the longest time. I'm happy to announce that I am back and from now on keep a back up for my chapters.

With that out of the way, I'm happy to announce that the winner of the contest is @TeddyB_Honey!! Her character will have her debut on the next chapter and I am very happy with what I have planned for her amazing character!

There will definitely be more contests in the future, but I want to thank everyone who entered and participated!

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