Chapter 15

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I swiveled my head round, looking for any escape.

"Cover for me, will you?" I said to one of my mates as I slunk off to the bathroom.

I looked around for some kind of window, but there were none. The d*mn security of these places! I huffed in anger. I couldn't just go back there! My phone beeped with a text messages.

Rin: get back here, there might be hot girls!

I furrowed my brow at his inconsideration towards women. That little f*cker.


Merida's P.O.V.


I stood in waiting. The resistance were supposed to meet us at our HQ any minute now. A door busted open and in walked a group of mixed genders, races, basically everything. It seemed this would be quite a long day. I let small bits and bashes of songs run through my head. I found myself getting very bored of the voices of the resistance leader and my own group leader. 

"So, I'll just point out a person and their name." Said the resistance leader. 

"Rico, Tim, Molly, Jake, Jess, Rin, Buto, Mimi, Ella, and.... Well, we seem to be missing Niall." My ears perked up at his name being spoken. But no, it couldn't be. He told me everything! Everything. I refused to believe it. 


"Merida? Meridaaaaa!" Niall's accent rung through my townhome. I didn't know whether to go find him or just stay put. I took too long to think it over, as Niall was soon coming down the hall to my room. I tried to look very occupied on my phone. I looked over the tip of it and watched Niall sit down in my hangy chair. 

"Hellooo." He said. I did my best to ignore.

"Hello?" He tried again.

He finally came to sit on my bed next to me, leaving his plastic bag of whatever in front of my chair. I didn't want to be cold, but I had no choice. I rolled off my bed and strolled straight into the kitchen, not looking back. It hurt my heart so bad to do this. I heard his tiny footsteps coming closer. He stopped and stood in the open door frame. 

"You want to tell me what you're doing?" 

I turned my head halfway, seeing him out of the corner of my eye. His face looked cold. Hard.

"But I've already told everything. I gave it all." I said quietly. I turned my head forward again. He walked over to sit on the stool next to mine. I fiddled with my nails, not wanting to look at him. 

"What's this about?" He took a strand of hair and tucked it behind my ear. 

I couldn't hold it in any longer. I jumped back, furious.

"You didn't tell me! I had to find out from someone else that you were in the resistance! That you're who I'm working with!"


"No, Niall!" I interrupted him. "I told you! All you had to do was tell me!" 

He frowned at me.

"Merida..." He said softly. I looked him in the eyes. Those soft, blue eyes that-. F*ck!

"How can I fix it?" He said. I shook my head and shrugged coldly. I saw him nod. He gulped before standing up. I watched as he turned and walked into my room, coming out with the plastic bag I had seen him carry earlier. His face looked soft and hurt. Like he was about to cry. I followed him down the stairs, not saying a thing. He looked back at me and my hard expression. I couldn't bear to watch him anymore, afraid I might cry. I did. He reached back and wiped away the single fallen tear before turning to go. I shut the door softly behind him. My body shook, now overwhelmed with tears. I barely carried myself up the stairs and into my bedroom before collapsing onto my bed. I cried myself to sleep that night, and the five nights after that.

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