Chapter 16

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Eleanor and I were going to meet up after prep for tea and biscuits. I had grown quite fond of ginger biscuits, really. They tasted absolutely delightful. I had also become great friends with Eleanor, and Harry was so sweet to her. They really were a perfect couple. I felt that I should take responsibility for setting them up, because, well, I did.


Eleanor's P.O.V.


I had just finished tea and biscuits with Merida and was headed over to Harry and the boys' house. When I arrived, I left my car in the boys' gigantic driveway and knocked on the door. Liam came to the door.

"Eleanor!" Liam shouted, hugging me. I walked in, seeing Zayn in the background. I hugged him too and walked further in. I heard Harry's voice coming from the living room. I saw Harry pushing Louis up against a wall forcefully. 

"You did it!" He shouted. His hair was straight and his shirt was off. I busted out laughing, I couldn't help myself. Harry and Louis' heads shot my way. Harry's face softened a bit. He released his grip on Louis. Louis rubbed his shoulder. They both smiled at me. I walked over to give them both hugs. I kissed Harry on the cheek. He smiled down at me. I wasn't very much shorter than he was, I was actually a merchandise model for Sears and other companies or agencies that needed me. And then there was the spying. The thing I really loved. It helped with confidence, surprisingly. The point was, Harry was not much taller than I was. He put an arm round my waist, pulling me closer. He kissed the top of my head. My heart fluttered at that. 

"So why is your hair straight?" I giggled, poking his toned abs.

He rolled his eyes jokingly and looked at Louis.

"That's what I was figuring out." He gave Lou an expectant look. Louis held his hands up innocently.

"Right, let's go." I tugged Harry's arm, pulling him towards their back yard. I pulled my swimsuit cover off when we reached their pool. I heard Harry's wolf whistle. He pulled off his shirt as well, tossing it to the side. I grabbed his hand. He began to count down from three.



1!" We both jumped in, kicking our kegs high. I felt the cold water splash around me in waves formed from our weight. I floated around for a second, taking in the feeling of being completely in water. It felt so nice. I closed my eyes, feeling refreshed by the temperature.

Harry's hand closed around my arm, pulling me up. I gasped for breath, realizing that it must have looked like I was drowning. Harry's ginormous hands grabbed my face. He looked me in the eyes.

"Are you okay?" He said worriedly. 

"Yeah." I assured him, nodding. He smile at me, showing his dimples and his perfectly straight, white teeth. 

I heard a huge splash. Our heads flicked that way, watching as somebody's head emerged from the water. I saw Merida and Niall's hair, but the rest of the boys jumped in to the pool. The water splashed into my eyes. I turned back to Harry, forgetting our friends. I placed my lips on his, feeling the sparks I'd felt every other time. He actually was the perfect boyfriend. Our kiss was cut short as Louis knocked us apart violently. This caused anger to well up inside of me. 

I brushed it away, not wanting to start anything. I swam over to Harry and sat on his knee. He looked down at me. I saw the sun setting behind him. It looked so beautiful, beautiful enough to be a painting. We heard a door slam and we all looked that way. I recognized the man as one of the Management people. His face was bright red and his mouth was set in a scowl.

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