Chapter 1

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March 22, 2010 

"Will, that's not fair! You can't do that!" I shouted at my best friend. We were having a Nerf Gun War. We seemed like normal teenagers, right? We weren't. Will was trying to sneak on to my "territory." We're 16, and up until last week, we actually were normal.

My name is Merida. I have long, curly brown hair and blue eyes, just so you can get an image. I've always thought that Will looked like Taylor Lautner. They even have the same personality. Will's dad and my dad decided that we would be spies for us, without telling us. And apparently we never had a choice, they just never bothered to tell us about this.

Today we start training. I'm really not looking forward to it. "What if it changes us?" Will said. "Don't worry, it won't!" Though i wasn't so sure myself. My dad did tell me one thing about this job. WE GET HOVERCRAFTS!!! Pretty sick, right? We get to learn how to use them today! Wait a minute..

"William Tate! Don't you sass me!" 

"I didn't say anything! What are you talking about?" 

"I could have sworn i heard you say something." 

"Yeah? Like what?" 

"Like 'Whatever. You don't know.'"

Will's expression looked shocked.

"What?" I asked. 

"It's... Nothing. Never mind." 


I quickly brushed it off and read over the list of things we were going to be doing today.

April 15, 2012 

This job is living hell. I keep thinking back to 2 years ago when everything was all peachy. I can't believe my dad would sign me up for this. I would much rather go back to being 15 and innocent. I'm 18 years old now. We have more lessons today, still 2 years after we started. I feel like we're never going to get an actual mission. 

The rest of my group shuffled in and sat down, along with the mentor, Mrs. Decklyns. Mrs.Decklyns lost an eye taking a bullet for President Bush. Now she gets to wear sunglasses inside. Soooo lucky.

Mrs. Decklyns wrote something down then stood up. "Agents, believe it or not, but we have someone very special joining us from today forward." Oh, great. There was one empty seat, and it was right behind me. This guy would be bothering me forever. Can i just mention that i'm the only girl in the group so far?

The door whooshed open and in walked someone with a hoodie on. "Erin, please take your hood off." Mrs. Decklyns said. Wait, ERIN? That's a girl's name! I started doing a silent fist pump in my head. The girl pulled her hood off and revealed a stunning face. She was gorgeous. Sorry, sounds awkward, but isn't it always good for a spy to be pretty?

She sat down in the seat behind me. I turned around and said,"Hey. I'm Merida." 

"Erin.", She said 

"Get ready for living hell" 

"I've been ready"

I smirked at this and turned around. I liked this chick already. And by the looks of it, so did Will. 

"Will! Stop staring!" I whisper-yelled to him. He blinked quickly and turned away.

I wrote a small note to Erin: 


I'm pretty sure we'll have  

a mission sometime soon. 

I hope. 

You like field work? 


I pretended to stretch and dropped the note on her desk. Yeah, not my most discreet, but it's not like Mrs.Decklyns would notice, and I've already learned everything I need to know. I heard it drop onto her desk and put my arms down.

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