Author's Note

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Hello my luvs! ~ Welcome to my very first fanfic! It is a Harry Potter x Reader romance fanfic. This story starts in Y/N's third year at Hogwarts (our fav place duhhh) There is going to be a small prologue of Y/N's first year. Not much will be told about the second year cause we're still 12 and tiny ;) and Harry and Y/N's relationship would be platonic at the time (maybe not even platonic but enemies) Y/N is Draco's twin sis and was sorted into slytherin ofc. Don't worry Y/N will be friends with many of our fav gryffindors!

 Don't worry Y/N will be friends with many of our fav gryffindors!

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About Y/N ~

-She's a slytherin (i apologize if this isnt your house! It doesnt really affect the story too much)

-She's a very sarcastic person and everyone likes her (especially harry 😘)

-She's a Malfoy, Draco's twin sister but draco tends to be the parents favorite 🙄 Lucius and Narcissa are exactly like what they are like in the books. She has a very bad relationship with her dad but has a great relationship with her mom.

-She has a rare power that isn't found commonly in the wizarding world (dont worry youll find out what it is soon! )

About Harry and Y/Ns relationship ~

-sorry but there will be NO smut in this story!

-they both develop feelings for eachother the moment they meet but nothings official until 4th year

-lots of fluff cause its cute <3

About the story ~

-the original storyline will be the same but there will be some changes to fit Y/N in :P

-story will be told in 3rd person

-takes place year 3 - ?

-i will try to update at least once a week, maybe more (ilyk if i cant update in advance) !

-there will be swearing! And I will try to use phrases that they use in the books but I'm American so sorry if it's not accurate!

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵ ♆ = time skip

Lastly, hope you enjoy!


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