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A/N ~ the prologue is very important so skip at your own risk! I hope you guys like the story :)

Y/N Malfoy was the daughter of two rich pureblood slytherins. She had short/long silky H/C hair and beautiful shining E/C eyes and of course a sarcastic and loving personality.

Y/N had a twin brother, Draco Malfoy. Y/N was the older twin and she loved boasting about it. Her brother was also sorted into slytherin like everyone else in their family.

Y/N also had a secret, a very uncommon power that only her immediate family knows about: She can move things with her mind. Her eyes turn bloodshot red when she uses her telekinesis. Her powers can be either charitable or devastating.

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵ ♆

"You excited for Hogwarts, Dray?" squeaked little 11 year old Y/N, nudging her twin brother as they walked into Kings Cross station. Her brother scuffed as he pushed his trolley around the station.

"No I am not, and how many times have I told you not to call me that" growled the blonde haired boy.

"Don't be such a baby Draco" Y/N hissed back as her eyes turned a dark red color.

"Fine! Fine..." said young Draco as Y/N and her family approached where platform 9 ¾ was said to be.

"Y/N! Under no circumstances you may use your powers, how many times have your mother and I made that clear." yelled Y/N's father, Lucius Malfoy. People began to look around as Y/N's dad lectured her about how no one should know that she can move things with her mind. Draco looked at Y/N. A small smirk creeped up his face. Y/N stuck her tongue out at him as he shot ugly looks at her. Draco and Mr.Malfoy began to trot to the brick wall and suddenly vanished.

"Oh Merlin, it's almost 11, we're gonna be late" whispered Y/N's mother. She grabbed Y/N's shoulders tightly and they began to walk towards the barrier.

The two girls looked at each other and smiled. They started off with a slow walk towards the hard brick wall and then broke off into a fast jog. Y/N closed her eyes tightly as her mom and her ran right into the wall. A huge force of wind blew against her and she slowly began to open her eyes. She found herself crowded by all types of witches and wizards. It was a beautiful sight. The gigantic train glistened above the train tracks wonderfully.

"Let's go honey, we've lost Draco and father." said Narcissa Malfoy as she grabbed Y/N's hand and began steering Y/N to what looked like Draco and her dad.

The Hogwarts express let out its first warning horn, giving parents the sign to say their goodbyes to their children.

"Goodbye Y/N, be good, don't get into too much trouble" sniffed Mrs.Malfoy as she gave her daughter a warm hug and kissed her forehead.

"And write to me every day" pleaded her mom.

"Don't worry mum i will" said Y/N as she stepped foot onto the red train.

Y/N found her brother once more and began to walk with him to a compartment that held two rather large boys. Draco greeted them.

"Y/N I suspect you remember Crabbe and Goyle." Draco said with an unwelcoming tone in his voice.

"Sadly." Y/N responded as she shook hands with the two boys that looked at her with awe. She then sat down next to her brother. This was going to be a long ride.

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵ ♆

"Draco, did you hear that Harry Potter is on this train?" said Goyle.

Y/N began to feel butterflies in her stomach. There was no way that the Harry Potter was on this train with her. She looked at Goyle, stunned, as he kept spewing information about the boy who lived.

"Well..." "What are we waiting for?" glared Draco. "Let's go find him," demanded Y/N's brother.

The three boys and girl left their compartment and began to search for Harry Potter. Y/N couldn't imagine meeting Harry Potter. He seemed unreal. He was the only person known to survive the death curse. And suddenly Draco, Crabbe and Goyle came to a stop. Dracos smirk grew as he slid open the compartment door.

"Is it true? They're saying all down the train that Harry Potter's in this compartment. So it's you, is it?"

"Yes," said a raven haired boy with circular glasses.

Draco's eyes widened and shot the boy a not so friendly grin.

"Oh, this is Crabbe, Goyle and my sister Y/N," said Draco carelessly, noticing who Harry was looking at.

"Hi Y/N..." said Harry. Looking like he didn't realize he had said that out loud. His face turned into a dark shade of pink in just a matter of seconds.

"Hey" said Y/N waving at the boy, also turning into a dark shade of pink. Y/N felt her stomach do a flip as the two stared at each other.

Draco looked back at Y/N and Harry, He shook his head and then cleared his throat dramatically.

"And my names Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

A boy with flaming red hair gave a slight cough which was most likely hiding a snigger. Y/N looked at him.

"Think his name's funny, do you? No need to ask who you are. My father told me all the Weasleys have red hair, freckles and more children than they can afford" said Y/N coolly.

Draco looked at Y/N and back at his two friends and gave them the I didn't know she had that in her look.

Draco opened his mouth and turned back to Harry. "You'll soon find out some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there."

Draco held out his hand for Harry to shake, looking confident.

" I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks" the raven haired boy shot back.

Draco looked furious, his pale cheeks turned a light pink as Harry Potter declined his offer. Y/N tried to hide a small giggle. Harry looked at her and looked back at the red haired boy, who Y/N later found out was named Ron, and he gave Harry a knowing look.

Draco, Harry, Y/N and Ron went at each other for at least 5 more minutes before Draco decided it was time to leave. He left the compartment looking disappointed. And so did Y/N. She lost any chance she had to be friends with Harry Potter. 

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