Y4: Miss You (Nott)

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A/N ~ Welcome, everyone, to Y/N Malfoy and the Goblet of Fire! I decided to post this along with the authors note cause im honestly so excited for this year and couldn't wait to get started! Anyways, enjoy!

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The first half of Y/N's summer was probably one of the most boring summer's she had to endure. With Pansy travelling Europe the first two months and Daphne being grounded because she was caught sneaking out to meet up with Blaise and Y/N, Y/N had nothing to do. After all, Y/N wasn't allowed to see her new Gryffindor friends which her family so disapproved of.

But they did write letters to each other. Almost everyday, Y/N received a letter from either Hermione, Ron or Harry. In fact Y/N was just in the middle of writing a letter to Harry, when the door to her room swung open without a knock.

"Y/N!" Mr.Malfoy hissed. Y/N shot up from her bed and threw the piece of parchment under her bed covers. "There's someone here I would like you to meet," he said.

"Father, I'm in the middle of something," she said. "Don't you also think I look a little unprofessional to meet someone right now," she said, pointing to her hair which was in a messy bun. Not to mention, she was also in a baggy tee and pajama shorts.

"You don't look busy," he sneered. "And yes, I do think you look unprofessional but it's too late for that."

Y/N rolled her eyes and got up out of her bed and walked to the door. She shot a fake smile at her dad and said, "And who do I have the pleasure of meeting today," she said in an obnoxious tone.

Her father smiled at her, unpleasantly, and ushered the person into the room.

"This is Theodore Nott," he began. "I work with his father and he will be staying with us for the rest of the summer."

The boy walked in the room and Y/N couldn't help but notice that he was very attractive. He was very tall, had brown wavy hair, blue mysterious eyes and very sharp facial features.

 He was very tall, had brown wavy hair, blue mysterious eyes and very sharp facial features

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Y/N flashed a smile at the boy and then turned to her father and said with gritted teeth,

"But, father, you already said that I could go to the Wea— Parkinsons for the World Cup next week."

"Change of plans," he sneered. "I've already bought you and Theodore tickets to the Cup," he paused. "So you two can go alone."

Y/N groaned. She knew exactly what her dad was doing. He was doing anything in his power so that Y/N would forget about Harry, Hermione and Ron.

"This isn't fair," she gave the boy an apologetic smile and continued. "How come Draco gets to go with his friends and I can't go with mine!" she protested.

"Because you know exactly what I think of your friends, Y/N Malfoy," he said, not trying to hide his anger.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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