Y3: Unexpected Stay

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A/N ~ tysm for all the reads omg!!! I'm so thankful :) i can't believe i already have more than 300 reads, that's soooo crazy! This chapter isnt the most important chapter but I needed to post something. Enjoy!

Y/N woke up with a start. The girls in her dorm crowded around her bed. They all looked at her with excitement.

"What?" Y/N said.

"Do I have a booger on my forehead or something?" Y/N asked as she went cross eyed.

"No silly!" Daphne said, shoving Y/N playfully.

"C'mon! Do you not know what day it is?" Pansy said.

"Obviously not." Y/N said as she slowly got out of her bed.

"First day of break!" said the two Slytherin girls in unison.


The girls looked at Y/N confused.

"We thought you'd be excited —"

"Why would I be excited?" Y/N shot at them, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Well I don't know, maybe cause Christmas is coming!" Daphne responded.

Y/N shook her head. Each year her friends stayed at Hogwarts, together, while she had to go back to Malfoy Manor which was the least place she wanted to be. Her mom was kind to her, but her dad, well that was a different story.

"You guys seem to forget that I have to go back home whenever there's a Holiday break." Y/N said annoyed.

Daphne and Pansy looked at each other and smiled troublesomely.

Y/N looked at them, her stomach dropped.

"I-I missed the t-train...didn't I." Y/N said.

"Never seen anyone turn that pale that quickly." Daphne said.

"I have. Let's be real, Draco —"

Daphne and Y/N rolled their eyes.

"ANSWER MY QUESTION!" Y/N exclaimed.

"You already know the answer," Pansy said dryly.

"Why did you guys let me go to sleep at six yesterday," Y/N said. "One of you could have woken me up," Y/N continued. "My fathers gonna be furious."

"Look on the brightside!" Daphne said sweetly.

"There is no brightside," Y/N said as she smashed her face into the pillow. "I'm gonna get a Howler." Y/N whined.

Pansy snorted. Y/N could hear Daphne nudged Pansy's side harshly.

"Yes there is," Daphne rubbed Y/N's back softly. "You get to stay here with us!" the blonde said. A smile grew on Y/N's face. "Plus, you get to see your boyfriend for an extra two weeks," Daphne said slyly.

Y/N's pillow rose into the air and flew violently fast at Daphne but missed. Y/N's eyes glowed red.

"Haha, very funny."

The three girls looked at each other and burst into laughter.

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵ ♆

The girls walked into the Great Hall. Y/N's eyes drooped and her hair was a mess. Y/N found the Slytherin table and sat down next to a black haired girl who Y/N assumed was a 2nd year. The girl stared at Y/N.

"D-do you need a brush?" the girl asked quietly.

Pansy's mouth dropped and Daphne clasped her hands over her mouth. Y/N took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

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