Y3: Expecto Patronum?

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Y/N was glad when the rest of the school returned shortly after New Year, and the Slytherin Dungeon became crowded and noisy again.

Y/N felt someone tap her shoulder softly. Y/N gasped and whipped her head around and saw the sly grin of her friend Blaise Zabini.

"Merlin, you scared me!" Y/N said as she softly punched the boy's shoulder.

"Good to see you too, Y/N," he said as he pulled her into a bear hug.

"So..." the boy said quietly. "How were your holidays?"

"Don't ruin the moment, Zabini," Y/N said as she hugged him tighter.

Blaise laughed lightly.

"Well well well." a cold voice said. "Look who we have here."

Y/N rolled her eyes and pulled out of the hug. She found her brother and his minions staring at her, all with smirks across their faces.



Y/N's blood boiled as her twin approached her.

"Good Christmas?" Y/N asked bluntly.

"Best one of my life," he said. Crabbe and Goyle sniggered behind him.

"Oh ya? I also really enjoyed being away from you." Y/N replied coolly.

"How were the gifts?" he asked mischievously. He tried to hide his laugh.

"Pretty good actually, mum got me a load of gifts, not to mention Goyle got me a little something too," she said.

Draco scuffed.

"GOYLE WHAT?" Draco's eyes wide.

"He got me a little gift," Y/N said. She just loved seeing the look of anger on Draco's face and the look of embarrassment on Goyle's face.

"We'll finish this later," Draco said as he and Goyle walked up to their dormitories. Crabbe followed behind them.

Y/N burst into laughter as she heard Draco yell at Goyle.

"Did he actually?" Blaise questioned.

"Yup," Y/N responded with another chuckle.

"Hey i'm starving, let's go eat," Y/N said.

"When are you not starving," Blaise said and shook his head.

"Shut up, Pansy and Daphne are already in the hall."

After two minutes of debating if Y/N is always hungry, Blaise agreed to go have some lunch. The two began to walk to the Great Hall. Every so often Y/N would greet her friends who were gone for break and Blaise just stood there awkwardly. (A/N ~ help thats me whenever one of my friends starts talking to another of their friends if we come across them 😭)

As Y/N and Blaise walked into the Great Hall, Y/N took a deep breath.

"Ahhhh, good to be back," Y/N said.

"You were here like 4 hours ago," Blaise said.

"I'm aware." Y/N said casually.

Blaise rolled his eyes and put his hands in his pockets. The two Slytherins made their way to the Slytherin table where Pansy and Daphne waited for them.

"Hey you two," Blaise said as Y/N and him sat in front of the two girls.

"BLAISE!!!" Daphne roared.

"Woah someone missed you," Y/N said, nudging Blaise.

Daphne turned a light shade of pink and looked away from Blaise. Pansy and Y/N flashed their eyebrows at Daphne once Blaise went to greet the other Slytherin boys.

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