chapter twenty nine

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The party lights are blinding. The music thumping in my ear just a little too loud.

Jungkook has my hand tightly interlocked with his as we make our way through the crowded floor of the club. Taehyung invited us out for his birthday, his Wooga friends rented out the vip section of one of the fanciest clubs in Seoul. The whole second floor being just for our little group. Or so I thought.

Jungkook and I make our way up the stairs, lowering our masks and hoods as soon as we get up to the top away from prying eyes. The security recognizes him immediately, removing the velvet rope and letting us in.

The second floor is decked out with a dance floor, bars and booths. It's crowded, more people than I had thought there would be initially. But Taehyung has many friends, I should've known. Jungkook pulls me closer to him, wrapping a protective arm around my shoulder as he guides us to a booth that has all of Bangtan in it. Along with a few other people I can't quite recognize from this far. He gets stopped every 5 steps by people who eye me before quickly looking to Jungkook, never rude, just curious. They greet him, and Jungkook as respectful as he always is, greets them back happily before excusing himself and letting them know he'll find them later.

We finally get to the booth, and Jimin jumps up from his seat instantly. Jungkook pulls me closer to him, but gets sent a withering glare from Jimin. He sighs and accepts defeat, placing a kiss on my cheek and whispering a "I'm gonna go get us some drinks" before he's letting me go into Jimin's hug. It's been a couple days since we've seen the whole group, so Jimin's hug feels extra tight.

"This is cute and all for outside, bub. But this place heats up quick and you're gonna get hot in this real fast." He states with a frown, rolling my thick hoodie between his fingers. His tone a little louder trying to talk over the music.

I laugh and pinch his side, "Jungkook and I came in together, I just didn't want anyone seeing who I was."

I strip the hoodie off and Jimin lets out a gasp. "Oh Jungkookie is gonna die."

"What! Why?!" My eyes widen.

"Why?" Jimin scoffs, gesturing towards my outfit. When I look at him with wide eyes, he shakes his head "Taylor, you're kidding right?" He laughs.

 When I look at him with wide eyes, he shakes his head "Taylor, you're kidding right?" He laughs

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"Bella?" I hear Jungkook say from behind me, turning around to look at him. His eyes scan over me once before he trails up to meet my eyes. Their usual wide appearance now smaller, darker. It sends shivers down my spine. I watch him saunter over, eyes never leaving his as he passes by me. After setting the drinks on the table, he is right in front of me. The casual way he was walking now thrown to the side, a more hurried, intentional aura taking over. Paying no mind to the man I was just talking to. He stands right between Jimin and I, fully blocking our view from each other. "You are so fucking beautiful."

He gets an arm around my waist , pulling me flush against his chest. Jungkook buries his face into the side of my hair, taking a breath. He lets out a playful groan,
"Now everyone has the luxury of seeing just how gorgeous you are" His hands possessively gripping at my sides. He leans in, placing a soft kiss on my nose.

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