Chapter 68

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Chapter 68. Guardian "Before Admiral Pei comes out, you can't take a step...

    After Pei Yun entered the acquired power generator, Lieutenant General Joshua, who was handed over by Pei Yun to the temporary management of the base, approached Charles uneasily and asked, "Doctor, how long will it take for Admiral Pei to come out?"

    Charles replied : "This instrument transforms the human body, so it operates in the same cycle as the human body. The fastest is 24 hours, and the slowest is..."

    Joshua held his breath.

    "Twenty-eight days."

    Joshua felt that his eyes were dark, and he almost couldn't stand still. It was only because of the professionalism of a soldier that he could barely hold his back.

    Twenty-eight days, within these twenty-eight days, human beings must not take half a step back, otherwise not only the defense line of the first theater will collapse, or even the last hope of the war, the acquired ability generator and Pei Yun inside will be destroyed. Reduced to ashes under the bite of the Zerg.

    Once the instrument is started, it must wait for its operation to finish, and there is absolutely no such thing as pausing or stopping halfway.

    Charles patted Joshua on the shoulder, but his hands were pricked by the epaulets. In order to save the face of the chief project manager, he resisted the pain and did not yell in front of him like Pei Yun.

    He suddenly remembered that Pei Yun didn't seem to be wearing epaulettes.

    Although she seems to always wear the uniform meticulously and criticize her face every day, she is always unwilling to wear the uniform well and look the same as everyone else.

    A smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Charlie's mouth. Perhaps Pei Yun always carried a little bit of her own freedom and pride in her bones.

    However, as soon as Charles finished speaking, the base's attack alarm sounded.

    Lieutenant General Joshua, who was still depressed just now, swept away the previous downturn, and his whole body was refreshed. He immediately nodded goodbye to Charles and walked out of the temporary laboratory.

    A soldier came just outside the door.

    "What happened?" Joshua asked.

    "Lieutenant General, the outer line of defense is under attack, and roughly ten orders of magnitude of insect swarms are coming, and there are more to come!"

    Joshua's expression became serious, as Admiral Pei was fighting for them earlier It was said at the meeting that the swarm has obviously evolved intelligence, but out of fear of disturbing the hearts of the people, this news is temporarily classified as the top secret item of the military department and has not been announced to the public, and many people in the military department do not I don't believe it, I think it's her worrying unfoundedly.

    And the bug swarm was able to entangle so many bug swarms to attack the alliance army at the beginning of the experiment. This time the number was more than all the wars after the slime monster disappeared. It was obviously prepared.

    Now it seems that what Admiral Pei said is true.

    "The first, second, and third squads are assembled, and we will go to the front line immediately!"

    Seeing that he hesitated to speak, the soldier who reported the message thought that the lieutenant general had some orders, but he only heard him muttering to himself. : "Until Admiral Pei comes out, we can't retreat a single step."

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