Chapter 71

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Chapter 71. The death of Clement "Ah Yun's colleague came to me for something, so...

    Since they happened to meet at "Superman" that day, the relationship between Lin Huaiyu and Lilith has inexplicably eased a lot. Although they are not "friends", they are already at the level where they can meet for a drink at the bar from time to time.

    Of course, this is all a later story. Lin Huaiyu received a call from Ye Bai just after dealing with the drunk Lancelot that day, asking him to come to the military headquarters under Lilith's jealous eyes.

    "Ahem," he hung up the phone and cleared his throat, "Ah Yun's colleagues came to me for something, it seems that Ah Yun has asked me for something, except for her, they only - trust - let - me -"

    He The last four words drew a long tone, seeing Lilith's tooth itching with hatred but unable to refute, she drove away in satisfaction.

    He knew that Lilith was not a bad girl by nature, and the bickering between the two was just a petty fight. If it really came to a big deal, she still knew how to measure it.

    Besides, Lin Huaiyu has never seen her pestering Pei Yun since the last time the two talked in a bar, knowing that this girl has probably given up, and now occasionally contacts Pei Yun, and really treats her as a friend.

    Lin Huaiyu drank some wine, sat in the driver's seat, turned on the autopilot, and was dozing off with his eyes closed, but his brows were slightly frowned.

    Even so, he still felt uncomfortable.

    However, he warned himself in his heart that he must not show any clues in front of Ah Yun, otherwise he would appear to be stingy.

    When he came to the military headquarters, Ye Bai was already waiting for him in Pei Yun's office. The two of them felt at ease in occupying the magpie's nest, and they used this place as their own office when Pei Yun was away.

    Ye Bai sat on the reception sofa, and tapped the seat next to him with his chin.

    Lin Huaiyu sat down and asked, "What's the matter?"

    Ye Bai didn't talk nonsense with him, and said straight to the point: "Before Pei was transferred to Newton, he actually went to investigate Newton's military headquarters."

    Lin Huaiyu nodded: "I guess It's here."

    "Then you know, what did she find?"

    Lin Huaiyu thought of all the things that happened in the Newton galaxy, and a suspicious blush stained the roots of his ears, but then he suppressed that charming thought, and shook his head calmly.

    Ye Bai's mind was all on business, he didn't notice what was wrong with him, and continued: "Someone was ordered to inject supernatural particles into the Kunpeng chip, do you know who the instigator is?"

    "The instigator is William Gordon?"

    Ye Bai was taken aback, before Pei Yun left, she had told her two things, one was optimistic about Lin Huaiyu, the other was to investigate Denor, due to the impact of the war, the military department was short of manpower, and Lin Huaiyu was a rare rich man. With potential and capable foreign aid, Pei Yun promised that she would let Lin Huaiyu know some inside information if she had to, but William's affairs had to be concealed from him.

    She didn't want Lin Huaiyu to know about these unclean things, and she was afraid that he wouldn't understand William's last resort.

    It's just that Pei Yun didn't know, when she didn't know, Lin Huaiyu had seen much dirtier things than this in the business world, let alone these, basically when Ye Bai mentioned the instigator but avoided the instigator I guessed it when I didn't talk about it.

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