XVII. Biased Sovereign

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You try to be different,

But you are the same,

You try to control,

Everything you can.

No content for me,

No content for them,

And I see you still trying,

to understand,

How I can't be tamed,

How I can't be damned.

Are you really that scared?

Do you think I'm a sham?

Maybe this fire was too wild to face,

Or maybe I was just a little complex(?

For your tiny brain,

For your brutal ways.

Could not take it any longer,

Could not hear it again,

"To do as you please and do what you say",

That was what I was supposed to state.

Guess now you will tell me you don't feel the same.

Should've kept quiet,

Should've followed your reign.

Even if it damaged me in any way.

- e.k (11.02.2022)

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