I need a break.

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Nightmare's Pov:
'Another day another lecture I have to give killer and dust. Why can't these two just get along?! It's annoying; I enjoy the negativity but... it just gets old; it especially does not help the team when ever fighting Ink and his team. ' I sighed loudly as I said "Now, are you two dumb ass's gonna stop arguing now?" Killer just looked at me and said "But, I'm the one that won! He had no ri-" "I SAID ARE YALL DONE FIGHTING OR DO YALL NEED TO BE GROUNDED." I interrupted killer he was getting on my nerves and I was ready for this discussion to be over. they both just nodded as I left the room.

Killer's Pov:
      "He seemed pissed." I said "No shit, Sherlock. He has better stuff to deal with than just uno!" 'Dust interrupted me for the 50th time already ugh I feel bad for boss but he's probably enjoying the negativity we are giving off right now; maybe I should go see if we're in-trouble or if we have to go on another mission.. you know what? I can just fix him his favorite coffee! That always makes his day a bit better.' I got up from the table and started cleaning up the uno cards that was scattered everywhere. "Well I'll let you do that Mr. Goody-Two Shoes I'm gonna go to Lust's and see what's happening there." I felt my blood start to boil I was tired of fighting with Dust and I needed to get out my anger some how. "Dust, can you please just stfu?" He just stared at me for a hot ten seconds surprised. "What did you just say to me." "I sai-" he punched me in my eye and looked like he was trying to grab my knife that I left on the table 'IM FUCKED'

Dust's Pov:
I grabbed the wine bottle off the table nightmare was drinking earlier that day and smashed it against killer's head. 'Oh.. oh god. What have I done...?" Killer stopped moving; stopped resisting and just froze. Like he passed out. I just stopped and sat down the remaining piece of the wine bottle that I didn't break and was checking to see what HP he was at before picking him up and getting help 'Let's see here.. found it HOLY SHIT. He was only at 1 HP like classic.' I was about to pick him up until I heard some loud footsteps in the hallway; I hurried up and grabbed him  and got out of the kitchen as fast as I can. 'Boss doesn't need to know about this.. I can just clean up the glass later but for now I have to try to find a place that I can set killer down and find the first aid kit.' I went into my room and laid killer down on my dark red beanbag. 'I think the first aid kit was downstairs in the basement so I need to go grab that.'

Horrors pov:
'Why did dust run off like that? HOLY- what did he do to the kitchen! It's like a train wrecked in here... ohhh boss is gonna beat his ass later! You know what I'll just clean this up for him it's not too big of a deal.' I was heading to go grab the broom out of the cabinet in the basement than all of a sudden dust was running to the basement and almost tripped down the stairs; he looked scared like something bad happened. 'Maybe I should go talk to him.' I continued down the steps and was able to make it to the closet and was able to catch dust before he stormed off "Dust, what are you doing?" "Oh uhhh nothing much just ended up getting my arm cut- well gotta go CYA!"  'Well that was strange.' I thought as I was grabbing the broom I went back up stairs and was able to clean the kitchen before nightmare was able to head back down stairs, 'Hm Dust wasn't acting right. Maybe I should go see if he's actually ok.' I started going up the stairs into dust's room "Hey, Dust, I just wanted to check..." When I walked in I saw Killer which looked like he was passed out while dust was cleaning up his bloody and cracked skull and was putting a bandage on it till I walked in. "Listen, Horror, this isn't what it looks like." 'Did he smash the bottle against killer's head?!' "HOLY SHIT; YOU KILLED KILLER.. YOU BASTARD!" "Horror, just, please come in here so I can explain to you what the fuck happened." I sighed feeling chills down my spine as I walked up to him and killer. "Uh- okay can you explain what happened?" Dust sighed and looked at me and explained saying "Look, me and killer was arguing and we got in trouble with nightmare. And afterwards killer was cleaning up the uno cards and I told him that I was about to go to lust's AU. But my anger got the best of me and the thing is that he told me to stfu so I just lost control and started to beat the living shit out of him." 'DAMN note to self: don't fuck with dust.'  "Okay but, you didn't have to beat him till he was passed out! Is that why there was shattered glass on the floor?" Dust nodded and I just felt guilty for killer as I said "You know you have to tell boss, right?" Dust grabbed my shoulders "NO." He let go and got control of hisself. "I mean, no. He doesn't need to know about this." I just sighed and looked at him and said "Listen either way he's going to find out! And if you keep it a secret for too long you'll get in even more trouble; plus boss can heal killer so he doesn't have to have these dumb bandages on him." Dust just looked guilty after I said that and he admitted "I guess your right. Can you go get him while Im trying to bandage up killer's skull?" I nodded and headed out the room to go get nightmare.

Nightmares Pov:
I was working on paper work till Horror rushed in "Boss, we need help!" "Oh my fucking god. What happened this time?" "Killer's hurt!" 'OH god. I swear if this is one of there pranks I'll beat the shit out of them.' "Okay where is he." "In dusts room!" 'Why would he be there?' "Okay I'll be right there in a second thank u for telling me ,Horror." Horror ran back to where he came from 'Ugh okay than just great let's just go get this over with it CANT be that bad. Well if it is I'll get Error's ass out of his room to help me heal him so it'll be quicker.' As I was heading towards dusts room I stopped by error's room and got him to come with me to dust's room to go see how bad killer is hurt. When we walked into the room we didn't expect him to be THAT bad but; oh boy we were wrong. "WH@t Th3 F^Ck H@P9EnEd T0 H@V3 H1s @$$ B3@TTEn UP S0 B@D?!" Error yelled as he rushed over to killer to help him. "Dust. Come out here, NOW." I could tell he was worried for killer but he looked guilty. I could automatically tell hit was him because most of the negative emotions are coming from him. He walked out the door towards me but before I was gonna ask what happened I closed the door to his room. "What happened?" I calmly asked not trying to make things worse on him as they looked. "It was a accident I didn't mean to-" he started to cry "Look I can tell it was but please explain to me what happened." After he calmed down he explained to me very clearly about what happened. "So your telling me you got mad when killer told u to shut up so you beat the shit out of him and smashed a wine bottle against his head." "I said-" "AM I CORRECT." I interrupted him. "Yes, boss." 'Ugh of course this happened today. i should've just sent them to there rooms for the evening. I need a fucking break from drama from these two.' "Listen I'll deal with you after we heal killer just, don't cause anymore trouble today. You're enough trouble just being left alone with him for too long. Your not in trouble but, your not gonna get by without a punishment ok?" He just nodded and I wiped the tears out of his eyes.. 'I can tell he felt bad especially since he's already done this with no control to so many monsters and people.. but I can't just let him get by with something as serious as this.' I opened the door as error and horror were concerned about killer and was healing him at the moment I walked in and started helping error heal him while dust put the hood of his jacket up on his head and sat there just crying. "Horror, can you call sci to come here and help us, we'll need it."

Horrors Pov:
Boss dropped the portal to sci's au and I went in to go grab him and get him to help us with killer.
✨time skip✨
'We were able to get sci over here to help us heal killer; his wounds were pretty bad but sci was able to fix him up. Sure he's not fully healed but at least he's ok. Well by the sounds of it he will now has a big crack in his skull near the top/middle of his head. It's not as bad as my hole in my head but I'd still say it's bad in a minute we are all just gonna go patrol the forest since sci is here to look over killer to make sure he rests; I'm honestly scared for dust.. I wonder what boss told him and or what he's gonna do to him. He's had enough trama I feel horrible for the poor guy but he had it coming letting his guard down on his anger. But for now we are just waiting till sci gives us the heads up for us to leave the base.' "Hey dust?" Dust looked at me "hm?" "Wanna go take a walk through the woods and talk? If ya fine with u and sci ofc." He looked to nightmare and nightmare nodded and dust also nodded and we started to head out side towards the woods we got to a comfortable spot near the lake where we usually sit and talk abt really everything! "Hey, dust, you ok? You seem well off." "Yeah, I'm fine." "Just guilty I assume?" Dust just nodded as a tear rolled down his face "well if you need to talk about it I'm always here." He nodded again and started crying even more as he started to explain "okay, it's just... I haven't hurt someone that I care about in a long time just bc for something dumb like that in a while. And it's just getting to me; I just feel like he will hate me after what I've done. Like he will try his best to avoid me in any way he can and I just feel like I don't know how to fix what I've done." 'I don't know what to say.. dust has been my best friend for years and never has he once done something like this in a LOOONG time other than to the stars.' "Look man, it'll all be ok. Even though you think killer would do that he would never do that; he might do stupid shit but he would NEVER do anything that stupid. He cares for ya man, you two have something like sibling rivalry. You two fight like brothers and he'll get it if you just explain to him what happened." Dust started to cry and hugged me "Thank you, Horror. I really needed that." We just stayed in that hug for a while and we ended up both crying together. Until i heard a shuffling in the forest. "Did you hear that?" "Hear what?" "Never mind." 'Eh it's probably just in my head.' "Maybe we should start heading back it's getting dark." Dust suggested "Alright let's go."
As we were walking back I had a gut feeling we were being watched. But it was fine; when we came back to the base it looked like Killer was up.

Words: 2127

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