Burned Out

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Nightmares pov:
'Like he knows. I've raised my bad guys good enough with them I can get saved than after take out this mother fucker.' "Now.. since you seem well a bit dirty I recommend getting a bath." "No." "What do you mean no?" "I fucking hate baths or showers. Just leave me be." "Nope." "What?" He picked me up and started heading into his office "You know if you were smart about all of this you would've properly got rid of my gang," "that's a plan for a different day Darling, now" he sat me down on a chair in the middle of a very large library. "Since you don't feel like taking a bath I'd say reading a book would be nice.. implus I know you like them." 'Pff I used to like books but now they're just a waste of time.' "Now, I'll let you read and do whatever for a bit but later I have a surprise for you." Swad walks out of the room locking the door behind him 'There has to be a way to escape in here.' Nightmare explores the room only finding books, a table, some fake plants, and a window.  'Hm.. maybe if I grab this.' Nightmare grabbed a fake plant and started walking towards the window. 'Now just to break it.'

Errors Pov:
I was watching a movie with some of the gang trying to calm everyone down until Dream wanted to talk to me "Hey, Error, can we have a chat for a minute?" "Y€aH $uR€." I got up from the couch and followed Dream outside. "Ok so, do you know what happened in the fight between killer and dust?" "WhY @rE Y0U @sking?" "Well, dust just seemed really guilty about something when I was talking to him and well we don't want this while we are trying to save somebody. This arguing fight quarrel or whatever you want to call it might get in the way." "W€lL I c@N G0 t@lK tO k1lL€R @nd $ee Wh@T$ Up 1F y0U w@Nt m€ tOo." "That would be nice, thanks." "Y0Ur W€LcOm€." We both went back inside ink stopped me to also talk to me which I was weirded out by but I have to. "Ok Wh@T dO YoU W@nT $qU1D." "I've got in touch with sci and he said that he's coming tomorrow to try to help us get your leader back." "0K, Th@nKs F0R 1nF0rM1nG M€." I walked towards killer telling him to head to my room and I did the same with dust. "N0W S1n€e Y0U 2 @re F1gHT1nG 1'd L1ke 2 Kn0w B0Th S1d€s oF wh@t H@PpenEd. So Pl€Ase ExPl@in."

Dust's pov:
'Great we already apologized why do we need this now.' Killer spoke up "well we got in a fight over uno than after I was about to go get boss his favorite coffee until dust got on my nerves and I told him to shut the fuck up. Than well he kind of lost it and punched he and grabbed a bottle and hit me on the head with it." Error just looked shocked with what he just got told and turned towards me. "1$ Th1S TrU€ DU$t?" I just nodded and error just sighed and asked if I apologize and well I did and told me I was wrong for doing that and that I'm grounded for two days and killer is grounded for one day. "N0W L€@ve." As we both left the room we just looked at each other and started laughing "Bro you looked constipated while we were in there!" "Nah nah you looked like you were taking a shit." We we're both teasing one another having a good time for once like how it used to be. "Hey imma head to my room now but later if you can't sleep do u wanna play some video games or watch a movie?" Killer said with enthusiasm "Heh, sure." I walked into my room face planting on my bed. Than I felt a sharp pain in my arm; it was worse than I ever imagined. I took off my jacket to see that my cut had reopened and it looked infected and deeper than before. 'What the actual fuck.. that is disgusting wait. How the hell did it get deeper I didn't cut it this time.' I ran to the bathroom and looked underneath my sink for any disinfectant to try to help my wound. But it looked like we were all out so the best thing I could do is just wrap it up in a bandage and hope it gets better. 'You deserve this. This is your true punishment and it needs to happen. Maybe next time you should stab yourself  and hope that your soul will shatter.' 'No what am I thinking.' 'Do it~' 'Wait. Your not my thoughts who the hell are you?!'

Nightmares Pov:
I grabbed a fake plant and smashed it into the window it broke the window and the pot. I saw the opportunity to run I just jumped out the window without thinking and ran as fast as I could. I had to time to think or make a plan except just to run for it.. I made it pretty far before I felt it. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" It felt like my soul was on fire. It was the most painful thing I've ever experienced but just to make it worse swad slowly walked up to me "heh well that was fun. Now let's get back inside the house and than I'll give you your surprise." I started feeling light headed I collapsed and almost fell right to the ground until swad grabbed me and picked me up. He flew back to his bedroom. I look over noticing Hand cuffs and immediately knew what was about to happen. I would've tried to escape or even move but I was too weak, it hurt to even move..
He laid me down and started taking off my clothes. "Swad just stop. Don't do this." "Why shouldn't I?~ you ran off and tried to escape but you failed so I think you should be PUNISHED." He cuffed me and started licking my neck trying to find my sweet spot. 'Whatever you do. Do not moan.' He licked a certain place which made me moan even when I was trying not to. He started kissing and then bit the place giving me a hickey. He did this to multiple places on me than he flipped me to my back not knowing what to expect but instead I feel something burning my back. I started crying it hurt so bad but by what he said is it was his symbol claiming me as officially his. Than afterwards he lifted my ass into the air and then I felt his dick. It went into me so fast i lost a bit of breath. "M-moan already bitch." He was doing all he could to try to make me moan and to make me cum.
                (I got lazy there lmfao)

Dust's Pov:
'I am you.' 'Your not me! I am me. You must be someone else now tell me who you are.' 'Eh you can just call me.. bee.' 'Ok than bee can you maybe not tell me this shit.' 'Im only doing this to help you dust.. now that you know who I am maybe I can help you correctly now.' 'If you want to help than tell me where my boss is.' Bee just went quiet not saying anything until I heard my door open "D-DU$t. $c1 1$ H€r3 T0 G1v3 u$ $0M3 1nF0 G3T y0Ur A$$ dOWn H3r€." 'I will deal with you later.' "Ok, coming!" I rolled down my sleeve and ran into the living room to see everyone in there while sci is getting his stuff ready.
     "Oh hey dust, how've you been dude?" "Heh I'm doing good, could be better though." He chuckles and sat down about to give us the info we needed him for. Ink stood up and said "I would like y'all's full attention to sci anyways go a head." Sci nodded and said "thank you ink, now for the news. All that we did know was that nightmare got kidnapped by a skeleton that looks similar to Dream and his name is Swad." 'Sounds bad.' 'Stfu bee.' 'Sorry.' 'Now, looking into more information about him I'd that he came from a different dimension. And because of that finding him will be 10x harder but that also give us the advantage because we have our secret weapon Dream! If Swad is near Dream will most likely feel his strong aura and head towards the area. But about where he is and what will happen after this we are not 100% sure about where he is but from where we are guessing is in the other dimension there are other aus. Like us, and I'm just assuming that he's in the other dimensions dreamtale. Now, since Dream knows the guy I told him a head of time to tell y'all how he is and well basically everything he knows about the fella. Now take it over Dream!" Dream started talking "I've known Swad since childhood and well he's always had a eye out for nightmare. He was always so strange until one day I found his diary and it says in way to much detail about what he'd do to nightmares if he ever got his hands on him and well let's just say it's not the best thing to read. But before we completely stopped talking to him and well ghosted him he face nightmare this keychain it looked like it had some positivity in it but what I'm assuming is if we find the the keychain we can trace back to him and maybe we can find nightmare.

Killer's Pov:
'Damn I didn't even understand a single word he said. But it sounds like a good plan.' They all got done with the meeting and went back to whatever they were doing before but instead I went to go play video games. I grabbed the controller until my head started hurting.. so bad to the point where it felt like it was pounding I grabbed onto the thing that was nearest to me until I felt a scarf. It was cross "Yo you good bro?" "Since when did you get here?" "Sci told me what happened to boss and I wanted to check in on everyone and I'll prob stay. But anyways are you good." "Yeah I'm fine just a little skull ache." "It doesn't seem little look just stay here I'll go get you a glass of cold water." "Ok, thank you." "Your welcome."

AHH IM SO SORRY I HAVE POSTED IN SOOOO LONG. I would've posted sooner but I forgot abt the book so I had to re read it 😭

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