The Start Of Chaos

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Horrors Pov:
"Since when did you have that?" Dust looked at me and said "Have what?" "The dumb cut that Dream pointed out." "Oh you know when that ' accident' happened with killer? Yeah I got it from that." Dream stopped healing dust and said "That's all the healing I can do; for now we are gonna just have to let the other wounds heal naturally. I still need to heal killer's wound so it'll take a moment." I nodded "Thanks for helping us dream. You didn't have to, we are your enemies after all." "It was no biggy! I honestly don't mind helping y'all unless y'all are trying to cause havoc." 'Damn well that makes since because we cause havoc all the time' dust just got up and started heading towards his room. Error was crashed earlier from the fight but he's now awake. Due to his phobia of being touched it's been very hard to heal him. "I'm gonna go check on Dust." I said as I got up and started heading towards dust room. 'I need to see what is really going on with that secretive bitch. Maybe before I go to his room I could get a snack.. some beef would be nice.'

'Ughhhh where am I? Oh god both my neck and my back burns like hell right now oh lord.' I was looking around the large bedroom I woke up in; it was a very bright room. The walls were orange and yellow the bed that I was on was yellow and lavender. And.. 'Wait. What is on my neck?' I went to touch my neck but it burn when I did. Like what happens when I touch positivity; it burns. 'God damn it! Well that's gonna leave a mark. What the fuck- there's fog and shower noises coming from underneath that door.. oh god. I'm in swads mansion. Ohhhhh shitt I'm fucked.wait I can just.' I tried to summon my tentacles so than I can just breakdown the door but it didn't work. 'Why are they not working? I swear to god once he come out I'm gonna kill that bitch. What the fuck did he even do to me?' Than I heard the door start to open; it was a bathroom and swad just got out of the shower. "Oh, good morning I see that you've rested well." "I didn't rest asshole. You fucking knocked me out!" "Don't be so restless; I've earned you. I've loved and cared and worked hard for years to find you and here we are." "So what? I'm not that special anyways so just get this shit off of me before I-" "Before you what? Your minions? We're in a alternate universe only gods and powerful beings can make portals to here. Besides... you'll be just fine." His words sent shivers down my spine. Swad picked me up bridal style and started leaving the room. 'Who the fuck does this wanna be dream ass think he is?' "Swad, for Christ sakes I can walk for myself." "But on the other hand if I let you go the positivity would be too much for your little legs to handle." "MY LEGS ARENT LITTLE BITCH. Your just built like a damn tree." When I said that I saw the anger being built up that he's trying to keep in. 'I have to make him snap some how. Because I remember when we were younger he'd get irritated and drop everything he's carrying and go attack whats bothering him. But instead he started holding me a little tighter. "You know, I could increase the positivity on you collar. But I'm not going to do that just yet, Darling." 'Uggghhhhhh he still remembers that dumb fucking nickname that my mom gave me. She was a horrible mother.' "Fuck you." Swad just kissed me on my cheek and continued down the stairs we were on and sat me down at a dark purple chair. "You know I can walk right?" "You'll have to earn that privilege around here ,Darling, now I'm gonna make us some dinner." 'What a asshole. He's treating me like a child; wait a minute. The front door is open! Ohh this is my chance to run. But wait, I have to be smart about this; I remember when I was younger I used to sneak out after Dream was asleep. So I'll just try to sneak out while he's well sleeping.' "So, now that I finally have you all to myself I was thinking maybe we'd do something 'fun' tonight." "What the fuck do you mean?" "Never mind than. Here, Alfredo noodles enjoy." I knew swad so I check to make sure it that it wasn't drugged before I was gonna eat it. I saw him put something in it before but at the same time he is staring at me. Eh fuck it I'm hungry might as well just eat. I started to dig in on the alfredo until it was all gone. "Now, are you ready for the fun we are going to have?" "What fun swad. You fucking kidnapped me how can we possibly have fun? The only fun I'd have is to escape from your hell hole." I could tell I was starting to piss him off but he just kept his cool and said "you won't be smarting off like tht tomorrow I will assure you." I was confused about where he was getting to "Follow me." So I did. 'I really don't have a choice at this point huh?'
He took me to a basement i had the gut feeling to stop following him once we reached the door as he opened it he looked at me and said "are you coming or not?" "No, I am not going into a damn basement." Swad was on his last nerve. I could tell he was really pissed off at his point until he pulled out some type of remote and he pressed the button "AGHHHHHH!!!" I fell on the floor I was crying and screaming it hurt like hell. It was like a shock collar but instead of electricity it was positivity; it burned really bad I went to try to pry it off but it burned both of my hands when I tried. Swad pushed the button again and the positivity got turned down. "Now. I'm not going to ask you again. Are you coming or not." I just got up and continued into the basement; I had a really bad feeling about what's about to happen
I pissed off swad enough and I was honestly started to be scared of him he has so much power over me like he can do anything he wanted. I turn around to see swad locking the door "Swad, what the hell are we doing in your basement..?" Swad did say anything but just walked behind me and bent me over a desk. "You've been very bad today, Darling. It's time for a 'punishment'."
(If you don't feel comfortable reading this part you can skip over it. Next time I give the warning will be the end of it.)
He started taking off my pants. I was to scared to even move until I felt something rub against my ass. He shoved his cock inside of my ass quickly. I started crying it hurt like hell; at this point I am in hell. He started going even harder and harder. "M-moan already! Moan you slut." I was trying my best not to moan. But if I act like him enjoying it he might either stop or have this going even longer than it should. He stopped for a minute and started to take off my shirt. I got the chance to breath for a moment so while I could since I knew that my tentacles weren't working so I could fight back I used my physical strength and I punched him in the balls. "AHH! You bitch! The hell was that for." "That was for raping me. And this-" I punished him again "Is for kidnapping me." His blood was starting to boil. I really pissed him off this time. And the thing is when did it I finally felt like I was in control. The only thing I couldn't control was my legs. They were wobbly and hurt like hell I had to sit down or something soon but for now I have to continue doing what I was doing. Swad stood up again pissed I was kind of scared especially because he was 10x taller than me.
                    (RAPE IS OVER!!)
He didn't grab the remote so I praised god for that; but instead he grabbed me by my neck and started to lift me into the air. "I-.. I can't b-breath." He kept me there for a minute or two I was out of breath. Swad sat me back down I took a long breather until I looked up and saw him with a bat in hand. "And what the hell do you think your doing with that?" 'I'm about to feel real dumb for asking that.' "This." His grip on the bat got tighter and he swung it against my skull...
Horrors pov:
   "Dust, buddy, you ok?" I got no answer back. I went up to go check on dust after grabbing me some beef jerky from the fridge but he wasn't answering "I know your in here dust. Just show me or like tell me that your-" 'until I heard a slight scream from the bathroom but it sounded like they were trying to hold it the scream. I walked up to the door quietly just to listen in to see what happening. I looked underneath the door to the bathroom and I saw blood.. purple blood. Like dust's. Holy shit. Yk maybe I should knock at the door..'  I knocked at the door and said "Dust, u ok?" It got silent "Yes, I am fine. Just about to take a shower is all. Can you get me three towels? I am out in my bathroom." "Yeah, of course." "Thanks." "Anytime and I was wondering if we can talk after your shower?" "Oh ok." I walked out of the room 'what the fuck. Next time I see that or hear that again I'm gonna open the door. But just for now I'm gonna go look for some towels.' I walked into the living room to check on everyone to see how there doing killer was just watching tv with error, Dream ink and blue was in our kitchen. Maybe I should talk to them after I give dust his towels. And cross is still in his room I don't think he's came out since boss got taken; he wasn't even able to say goodbye.. Poor dude. I walked over to the clean laundry and grabbed three dark purple towels and went back up into dust's room. I knocked at the bathroom door. "Dust, I got your towels." "Thanks, hold up." He opened the door and he had his jacket on and his hood over his head. I could tell he was having another 'episode' but oh well. I have him the towels and went to go talk to ink, Dream, and blue. "So, what are we gonna do about the nightmare situation?" I said. "Well, mainly for now we don't know what we might do. But I know a guy that most likely will. His name is" "Sci." I finished inks sentence and he was slightly shocked "you know sci?" "Yep he's the one that helped us heal killer and dust when they fought the other day." "That just makes things easier but we need my brother back he's too important to loose, without a positive and a negative there is no well how do I say this.. it's hard to run life."  Dream said. 'I mean like even though nightmare hated Dream he actually seems like a good brother.. it could've been what happened in the past which separated them two.'

2016 words.
hello there! I am so sorry I haven't been posting school has just been crazy lately and I hope you enjoyed this chapter

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