A Troubled Remorse

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Swads pov:
'Maybe I went too far.. no. No, you didn't he deserved that for pushing my buttons. It's not that bad just a small crack. Uggghhhh what if he doesn't wake up and I can't ever see my darling?' Nightmare darted up like he had a nightmare and started hyperventilating and moving away from me "Darling, you ok?" "Stay away from me!" I'm tired of this bill shit. I pulled out the remote and increased the positivity I hate to see my darling suffer but it's the only way he will learn. "AHHHHH!!" He huddled into a ball and started crying I picked him up in hopes he would calm down and to my surprise he did "What the fuck were you thinking! Why the hell did you rape me?!" "Calm down it's not that big of a deal. That's the punishment that you get if you misbehaved around here." "Listen swad, you might've kidnapped me and now have all the control you ever wanted over me but you know this won't last forever. My minions are gonna come over here and save me their smart enough to do it." "Yeah right, they would've saved you already if they were to save you. Implus your stuck here for all eternity"

Dust's pov:
'That was great, I could've been caught. Dumbass you need to actually focus and not be caught it'll be all of your fault if you get caught. It's all of your fault, the fact that killer hates you. That boss is gone, that horror is going through so much trouble just to help you. All of it is your fault; your cause of actions which sent you to the horrible place you are and became now.' I felt light headed and looked down to see a puddle of blood and a painful really deep cut I panicked and went to go look at my hp. 'Don't look it's probably not that big of a deal anyways.' I shook my head and checked anyways. I was very low on hp by that I mean 1 hp. As much as classic always has well he gets by so I guess I will too. I cleaned up the bloody puddle that was under me and took a shower and put on a clean set of clothes. I walked out of the bathroom to see Dream on my bed. "Hey, Dust, may I talk to you for a second?" "Uh sure I guess?" "Horror told me that something seems up with you lately, you doing okay? Need anyone to talk too?" 'Don't tell him he won't understand how you feel. He can't feel how much pain your going through he doesn't know how much of a disappointment you are.' "Why are you saying this all of a sudden?" "Well by your reaction and also I can feel you negativity from a mile away. Now tell me what is wrong dust, I'm here to help you." 'He words things the same as boss when he used to comfort me.' "I don't want to say. It's personal." "That's fine dust, just anytime you need me I'm always open to talk ok?" 'No, your not.' "Okay, thanks." "Your welcome." "Why did you even come in here anyways..?" "Like I said I can feel a strong amount of negativity coming from you; and I just wanted to make sure everything was fine." "Okay, can you please leave now?" "Fine, but before I go here. Have this its a gift that someone very special gave me; it reminds me of you so you can have it." Dream handed me a knitted bear; it was half purple and half yellow and on the forehead or the bear was a moon "uh, thank you than." Dream walked out his room with a smile on his face and shut the door. 'What the fuck am I supposed to do with this thing?' I sat it on my bed next to my pillow 'it kind of reminds me of boss..' my stomach started growling 'fuck it who cares if killer's in the kitchen I'll just grab a snack and run back up here. That usually works if I don't wanna talk to anybody.' I got out from my room and started heading towards the kitchen. But before I entered I threw on my hood and was trying to make sure no one noticed that I was in there. I walked towards the snack cabinet and grabbed me a granola bar, and some old cereal 'wow the best meal ever I'm so excited.' I got up until I felt something grab my shoulder. "You good dude? Wanna watch a movie with us, lust is coming over tonight." It was killer "Yeah, I'm fine. And rather not I have a project I'm working on." "Cool! Can I watch you make it?" 'Shit I guess I actually have to make something now.' "I don't see why not." While I was heading back to my room with killer I was thinking about what I had to make. 'Hmm.. I have hot glue some cardboard and some metal.. maybe I can make a cardboard gun!' I grabbed the materials which I needed from underneath my bed. "So... ugh I hate to point out the huuuuggggeeeee elephant in the room. But yk I have to; look dude I'm sorry about being a asshole earlier." "It's all good." 'Still hurt.' "Uh.. can you go now." "Yeah of course." Killer left my room as I was putting the materials back under my bed. 'Now. I can finally eat in peace.' I took a bite of the cereal but I couldn't swallow. It was like my throat was closing up. I spit out the cereal to see if that was the problem but it wasn't. It got so bad to the point that I couldn't breath.. let's just hope someone helps me soon..

1020 words
Hey y'all I'm so sorry for the slow updates I've just been really busy! And sorry for the short chapter I'll try to make the next one a bit longer than normal ;)

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