He's awake

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Dust's Pov:
'Well, Killer is awake. Maybe if I walk up to him I can apologize to him' "Uh hey,Killer, I just thought-" killer jumped back " Get away from me you monster!" "Look I'm trying to apologize." "Just get away from me or I'll.." killer reached over for his knife but sci smacked his hand and said "Let the poor guy talk;he obviously feels horrible for what he's done just hear him out." Killer just nodded and said "fine, what were you saying Dust."
"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lash out at you like that and I hope u find it in ur heart to forgive me. And it's fine if you don't bc I wouldn't either but please just give me another chance.." killer stared at him and said "I'll think about it." And walked off 'Did killer just call me.. a monster? Oh lord why did he call me that..' sci just looked at dust and said "I'm so sorry about him. He's been acting that way towards everyone since he woke up; it could be in anesthetic we used to help his crack in the top of his skull." I just sighed and said "Nah, ur good it isn't ur fault." I pulled back up my hood as I went back to my room knowing most likely Nightmare was gonna be there but if he wasn't I was gonna try to punish myself..
When I got up there Boss was is my room just sitting on my bed on his phone till he looked up and saw me. "Dust, sit beside me please." I went up to my bed and sat down carefully "Tell me, are you okay?" "Huh?" "Are you ok? I can feel that strong amount of negativity from a mile away." I just stayed quiet and sat there. The more I was thinking the more I was close to having a break down. "It's okay.. I'm always here if you need a shoulder to cry on." I immediately let it all out on his shoulder when he said that.

Nightmares Pov:
'Well it was a metaphor but eh it works. This negativity really helps me but does not help him; I heard about what happened down stairs and I feel guilty for the both of them. Horror, Dust, and killer have all been best friends for years and seeing them like this is just well. Sad.' "Dust." He looked at me "Later we are going to go patrol the forest. Would u like to come or stay home?" "I'll go." "Okay you sure?" Dust just nodded and I can tell this is all I can do for now with dust so I just let him be since he wasn't in too much of a happy mood. It's not healthy to grieve alone but; alone time is always essential.

Dust's Pov:
After boss left I immediately went into the bathroom. I was looking for my old razor I used to use. 'Where the hell did I put it; ohhh there it is praise god I didn't through it away. I hate breaking promises but a little cut won't matter...would it?' I grabbed the old but sharp razor and cut my arm very deep. I watched as the blood started coming out of my upper left arm. 'Another one won't hurt a thing.' I cut again thinking it wouldn't be that bad but ohh bitch it was. I cut a bit too deep this time and I felt like I needed to scream it hurt so bad. I yelped a little bit and covered up the cuts with the rest of the bandages that was left in that first aid kit and started getting ready for patrol. I was in the middle of putting on my jacket when error walked in; I covered the cut as he fully entered the room "DuuSt G3t R3aDy f4R P5TrOl." And error left I might as well head down stairs maybe killer will forgive me

Killer's Pov:
         'Ok ok I know what your thinking I seem like a bad guy for not forgiving him right off the bat but yk I can tell that he wants forgiveness and I'll just give him that ease just to help him out. Idk why I let sci talk me into forgiving that bastard.' I saw dust walk down the stairs a little shaken but he's fine. "Look, Dust. I forgive you just don't do it again." Dust sighed I can tell he was relieved "Thank you, Killer."  I opened my arms to try to give him a hug but he just froze and I just had a awkward one sided hug with him. He was squirming while I was hugging him like he was well the one that was mad but at the same time he's never been a hugger so eh we're good. We were all ready for patrol; we haven't seen the stars lately so it's expected to run into them.
                        🤨time skip🤨
      We were in the middle of the forest which is a long way from our base. Just patrolling keeping our guard up; until we saw the stars. Aka ink,dream,and blue. "Why are YOU here." Blue said staring at all of us "Just patrolling doing our own thing. What are YOU doing here." Nightmare said. He seemed pretty irritated because first all of this drama was happening than the stars showed up. He hasn't gave us the sign to attack yet but it looked like he was tired. Boss never looks tired; something is wrong. "B0$s ÿOu 0K@y?" "I'm fine Error." Boss just looked like he was at the verge of tears until I noticed how much positivity was in the air. Boss can only handle so much positivity; he can barley stand even being near dream and if there's about TRIPLE amount of the positivity there usually is. Boss looked like he was doing ok until it was getting stronger. It felt like it got 5x stronger; boss started crying and said "Dream, what the fuck are you doing! You know this'll kill me." "I'm not the one that doing it!" "Than who is." I turned around and I saw a glowing light in one of the trees. "Uh boss. We've got company." I said hoping that nightmare would get the hint; dream tightened up his bow and arrow preparing for a fight. Same with everyone else but since there's so much positivity boss can't fight that well. Dream shot towards the light that was causing the positivity and the figure came out of the forest. "Hey hey. Calm down I'm not here to fight." A Sans that looked very similar to dream but he looked well.. not sane. He had a large teal thunderbolt in his hand and he was twice the size of Dream (dream is 4"11 and swad is 6"4) . "Who are you? I don't remember making a au like you." Ink said with confidence "Listen Ink, he have no time to think.-" "Dream, my friend we're still good buddies right..?" "NO! Screw off Swad." Boss just stood there crying he looked like he was fine but if there anymore positivity it could kill him or make him pass out. "What do you even want anyways." "You know, i hope it's not too much to ask. I just want my Darling." Boss immediately spoke up and said "Listen, swad I don't like you so just Fuck off!" Swad started getting closer to boss so he gave us the sign to fight. Almost automatically he had his positivity almost to the max "AAAHHHHHHHHH!!" Boss screamed in pain. His tentacles stretched out towards everywhere trying to hit swad but it looked like he was in too much pain to think. I ran and grabbed dust by the arm to try to get him to help me get the other Dream away from boss. We both was close to stabbing him while ink, Dream , blue ,and error was more focused on trying to grab nightmare and run well at least by the looks of it. We were trying to attack swad but he was too quick he ended up throwing his lightning bolt towards Dust and it hit his leg. The bolt flung back into the orange birds hand; I ran towards dust trying to re assure him "You ok dust?" "JUST FIGHT WITHOUT ME I CAN TOUGH IT OUT." I could tell he was talking out off his ass and that he wouldn't tough it out because he needed serious help at this moment but I gave error the signal to help me. He ended up tying swad with his strings for a minute or two at least long enough to move the hurt people over to the side and hit some decent damage to him without fully killing swad. Dream went up and started asking questions To swad and they almost seemed like they knew each other. Error, and Blue helped me pull boss away from swad and also started asking boss questions "bOs$ WhO 1$ H€?" "T-that is Swad. The Narcissistic asshole I've known since I was younger." Blue spoke up "How do you even know him?" "Well when I was a kid he used to b-be one of dreams best friends." Blue just nodded and went back to dream to go talk to him. "Look boss, you'll be okay just where does it hurt." "WHERE DO YOU THINK IT FUCKING HURTS?!" "Okay than everywhere." I was caught off guard when swad broke free from errors string he was just quiet. "Dream, your the strongest here with me and error right now just come on and help me for gods sake!" Dream nodded and started shooting arrows at swads wings but he was able to dodge it and ended up throwing his lightning bolt towards Dream but it didn't hit him. Instead it hit Error; which was behind Dream trying to keep swad still by using his strings. Error was hit into a tree with the bolt into his side. It came back out of him like a boomerang but he just got right back up again and continued-to try to fight but (he was in too much pain to think.) we were close to winning until he strengthened his positivity even more. Boss ended up passing out so I ran towards him until "AAAAAAGGHHHHHH!!!" It hit me the lightning bolt got my foot. Swad started to head towards the ground with a hurt, Nightmare, dust, error , and me. Dream finally took some type of risk and sat down his bow and arrow. I was confused at first until swad started moving towards boss; Dream ran up to swad and was very close to tackling him until swad used a force field "I didn't want to do that my friend. But no one will be able to  stop me this time." The force field recoiled Dream into a tree and he got injured but he looked like he was fine. The only thing is I wasn't paying attention to nightmare.. he was in the force field that swad made. "LET HIM GO!" I yelled trying to get swad's attention but he didn't even seem bothered all he did was say "listen, I'm not a bad guy. I just; I was never able to keep my eyes off of.." he picked up nightmare as blue and ink was trying to destroy the force field "you."  He swapped how he was holding nightmare; he was holding him bridal style. Ink was finally able to break the force field and was able to get a good hit at one of swads wings even though it looked like it hurt it didn't bother him one bit . He flew up into the sky with nightmare and he flew into a portal to his au. "FUCK." Dream yelled and started repeating to himself as he was beating the ground. 'Even though boss hated him Dream still loved his brother.. I feel horrible for the poor guy I would get up if I could but my foot hurts way to bad.' "Listen Dream, it's not your fault. Just come on let's go help the others and we can figure this out once everyone is in good health ok?" Ink tried to reassure Dream and it kind of worked but I can still tell he was worried.
                             ✨time skip✨
Dream's Pov:
"Okay so, your telling me that y'all had a argument and while your were in the forest with dust you heard something in the forest, is that right ,Horror?" "Yes it is, And I'm so sorry I wasn't there I would've came it's just-" "It's good. Shit happens." Dust interrupted horror. I was healing Killer and Dust while Blue was healing Error. 'Later I need to check out how bad my back is bc it hurts like shit right now.' "Oh, your awake dust! Welcome back."
"Anyways, where's boss?" "..." ink spoke up and said "That dude took him. We don't know where he is or anything about where he is. I think that Dream knows a little bit about what's happening but other than that we don't know; maybe we can get sci to help us figure this out. But for now we need to help y'all heal." Dust just looked shocked and tried to reach for his knife while I was healing him but I just slapped his hand like a child and laughed a little. While I was healing him I saw two deep cuts on his upper left arm but I'm not gonna question it. You never know what happens to a man within 24hrs "Anyways ,Dust, how did you get those cuts on your arm in the first place?" ".. I cut my arm when I dropped a glass of a table." 'Mm okay than I totally believe that'

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