A Piece of Me is Missing.

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Errors Pov:
"WH@T€v3R." I let Dream down, and the room goes silent. I sigh and leave the room heading down to the kitchen to make some cereal. I check the time and it was already 6:00 am, and barely anyone was awake or so I thought. Whenever I was finished with making the cereal I saw horror walking down the stairs into the kitchen and starting on breakfast. It looked like a whole entire feast. "WH¥ @r€ Y0u m@k1ng sO mUcH fO0D?" "I'm making breakfast for everyone. I know your already eating but would you like a cinnamon roll when they're done cooking?" "1 D0n'T $€E Wh¥ N0T." "Alright than." Horror went back to cooking and within time everyone was up. Horror handed everyone there food and gave me my cinnamon roll. I ate it and went into my room to knit for a while, I used to knit pretty often when me and Nightmare would have meetings or just talk and goof off when trying to have a serious conversation. 'Maybe I do miss him a bit more than what I'd think.. I mean like maybe I do miss his laugh and the fun times we've had together. Or maybe I just miss being around him in general, he was the only skeleton that could touch me without me crashing or well maybe I just miss his company and how much we could relate to one another.' I stop in my train of though and realized what I was knitting, it was a scarf. It wasn't like my blue one, it was green and black. It had a zig zag pattern on it and it was make out of soft yarn that is usually used to make blankets. I take off my blue scarf and put on my new one it took me a second but I realized, it was nightmares colors. I start to tear up slightly but stop. 'Why am I crying.. I don't need this but I'd rather have it than my actual scarf.' I rub my eyes and take off the scarf so I can change into my usual clothes. While putting on my shirt I heard my door open..

Nightmares pov:
"How'd you sleep?" "Like shit." The room went quiet. "Well I'm sorry about that~ maybe you can sleep better tonight because we are going to take a break today." 'Finally.. a break. It's been like 2 days and I haven't got a break. Praise god.' I sighed and sat up I moved towards the edge of the bed and got up swiftly. "Where are you heading?" "..to the bathroom." "Alright than." I walked into the bathroom too see how messy it was. There were towels scattered around the floor with socks and some clothes also, it was not a pleasant sight. It also smelled like rotten meat, I walk over to the mirror and start to wash my face. When I was done I left the bathroom, to see swad gone and the door to the bedroom wide open. I leave the bedroom and go down the stairs to try to find a key, I knew there was one because when swad brought me back I saw him lock the front door with a golden key. Since I was alone I took the opportunity to explore the house, I walked into one of the first rooms of the house and of course it was the kitchen. I saw swad cooking and it kind of reminded me of thanksgiving.. (NOT MY ART)

'It was always funny how anytime anyone would try to grab some food before it was ready he'd either smack there hand or give them a death stare especially

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'It was always funny how anytime anyone would try to grab some food before it was ready he'd either smack there hand or give them a death stare especially... wait. What was his name? He was the dumb white one with the X in front of him. I clearly remember who he is just not his name. Oh lord. Why don't I remember, I should remember he's one of my henchmen.' I was broke out of my train of thought when swad started talking to me "You ok Darling? You've been standing there for a while." "Oh yea.. my bad." "What's on your mind? You seemed like you were lost in your train of thought." 'Shit. Should I really tell him? I mean like why did I apologize to him. I don't apologize to anyone just in general. And why would he be asking such a dumb fucking question he already knows the answer.' "It's nothing." "Yeah if it was nothing it wouldn't of took you so long to answer that question. Now Darling, tell me." Swad said while setting a pan on the stove. 'Damn he's too smart.' "Its just a old memory. Nothing big." "Memory of what?" "Stop asking so many damn questions!" "No." He said while grabbing my wrist and grubbing it tightly. "What was the memory about Sweetheart." 'Ew that's corny as hell.' "Ugh. Fine I'll tell you." 'Why am I doing this again?' "It was a memory of my gang in thanksgiving. I was trying to remember one of there names since I forgot."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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