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Errors Pov:
It was probably past 3:00am and I still couldn't sleep. Something was wrong there's just no way that something bad won't happen tonight. 'The silence is fucking killing me..' I left my room and headed towards the kitchen, I decided I make myself some cereal and maybe I'd feel a bit better. When I opened the refrigerator I felt someone tap my shoulder. All I could see and feel was glitches. It made me hurt all over and made me want to scream but I held it in not wanting to wake the whole house I felt like I was moments away from crashing.

Blues Pov:
'Ughhh my head..' I turn over to see dust sleeping with his mouth hanging wide open with him snoring VERY loud. I sighed and got up moving his arms away from my waste trying not to wake him, I went down stairs to see a crashed error and Dream panicking signaling me to come towards him. "Ugh what happened to him. It's.." I looked at the time. "4;37 in the morning. How is he already crashed?" "I don't know! I came down here because I woke up from the negativity and I tapped him on the shoulder when I saw him and he crashed." "Oh, that's why. Dream, he has a phobia of touch he hates it and it makes him crash." "Oh." "Yeah. So what we gonna do with him?" "We can wait till morning to see if ink or killer knows what to do." "We can ask dust!" "Yeah your boy toy." "I WILL NOT HESITATE TO BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF-" "The hells going on down here." I turn around to see dust up "Babe, do you know what to do if Error crashes??" "Yes actually we take him to his room and leave him alone till he reboots." "Perfect." I pick Error up and notice how light he is "Wow he's a lot lighter than what everyone else is." Dream giggled and said "I mean I'd loose weight too if my best friend was kidnapped." I rolled my eyes "Dream, you have no room to talk nights your fucking brother you should miss him too." "PFFT-" I died laughing while carrying error up the stairs listening to Dream and dust fight. When I opened his room I expected a messy room but it actually wasn't messy at all, it was a very clean room with a bed, a Tv, and a bean bag. Sure there are strings all up on the roof but that was just normal. I sat Error down and I went back down the stairs, to see Dream and dust still fighting "Fucking retard!" Dream yelled before grabbing onto dust's upper arm. When Dream grabbed it I saw tears well up in his eyes.

Dreams Pov:
'What the hell.. did I grab him too hard or something.?' "You good?" I said before feeling a large amount of negativity slow into the room and all of it was coming from dust. "Dust?" He gasped and said "L-look give me a sec, I'll be right back." Before walking off into the bathroom "Dream, What the hell just happened?!" I gulped "I know as much as you! I think I grabbed him too tight though.." "if can't be that dream.. I should know." 'Yeah of course you should. You two were close to fucking and I had to make y'all chill out.' I felt even more negativity rush in I look at blue and say "How about we go check on him. There's tons of negativity coming from the bathroom" "Fine. Just don't make it awkward." We tried to open the door up it seemed to be locked "Dust, Babe, you ok?" "Yeah.. I'm fine. Just a old cut got reopened." "Do you need me to go in there and help you?" "I got it. Just go do something with Dream and I'll be right out." "Oh, ok just don't do anything dumb. And when you come out may I see it?" ".." I felt a tad bit more negativity grow. "Rather you not since it's gonna be bandaged, now just go." I felt a slight sense of negativity from blue as we left the bathroom and went to the guest bedroom that blue was originally staying in. "You think Dust will be ok?" "He probably will." I sat down with blue while he had a tired look in his eyes but he was giggling "Y'all's fight was hilarious though! I hate to say it but dust was roasting the shit out of you." "Ok now you sound like a 4th grader." I laughed a bit until we saw error walk into the room glitching more than usual "Wh1T€H 0N€ 0F Y0U D1€K H€AD$ €R@$H3D M3!?" "It was Dream-" immediately he whipped out his strings and tied me up

Errors Pov:
"D0 Y0U K#N0! WH@t 1n ¥H€ W0€LD Y0U W€R€ F*€K1NG D01NG?!" Blue looked at me and laughed a bit "He didn't know that you had haphephobia." "W€|| H€ $H0U|D KnO# N0W." I hung Dream upside down and turned around because I heard the door open a bit more "Hey sorry about the scare and you ok error?" "1'M F1N€, WH@+ H@Pp€N Tw2 Y0Ur @Rm?" He just looked at me and smiled and said "Don't worry about it."

Swad's Pov:
'Last night was amazing! Even though Darling passed out in the middle of us having sex it was still good. Tomorrow I have a 'sweeter' plan in mind~ but for now we aren't gonna do it today. Everyone needs a break sometimes mainly me.' I sat up in my bed and looked over at my beautiful Darling.. 'I still can't believe I have him all to myself now- but I still do know I have to find a way to dust his team. That team is trying to get him back and I know it that's why I have a plan B. And if plan B doesn't work I'll move on to plan c which is dusting all of them. I don't want to do it because of the balance but I will if it means keeping my darling.' I look back over at him as I see him waking up "Goodmorning Darling! How'd you sleep?" "Like shit."

Sorry for the short chapter! Expect more resent updates and stuff now since I'm off for the summer. Next chapter I'll try to make long and please give me suggestions in the comments! I'm starting to run out of ideas 😭

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