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Nightmares Pov:
I woke up feeling like shit and well last night didn't go as planned. I am in hell and by that I'm being tortured like I am. I was still in bed and swad being in the shower. I felt very uncomfortable so I tried to turn over until I felt my back burning like hell; I flipped back over and tried to look at my back to see what was wrong and well even though I only saw a glimpse of it but it looked like swads double edged lightning bolt. It was burned into my back by his positivity. I decided that I just wanted a peaceful walk around the house with no swad in sight. So I tried to get off out of the bed but when I stood up my legs became wobbly. 'Well great swad fucked me to hard my shitty legs are wobbly.' I walked my way to the door trying to get balanced and finally when I opened the door swad came out the bathroom he didn't have his coat on and he also didn't have his shoes on. "Where's your coat?" "Where's your shirt?" "Ugh you stole it? Took it off whatever you did with it." Swad smirked and noticed that my legs were shaking. "Where are you trying to go." "I just want a nice walk and not have to see you." "Well no can do Darling." "Why can't I?" "Do you see how shaky your legs are? Look just go sit down and I'm going to go get you some soup it's already lunch time." He picked me up and well his positivity was relatively high today and it made me hurt a bit all over. He sat me down and left the room 'praise god he's gone.'

Bee's Pov:
I was I following around dust seeing what he's been up to I have no idea where I am but this place is all bull shit and fake everyone in here is acting even though it's kind of obvious that they are not "Bee" "what the fuck do you want I'm busy stalking you" dust just stops doing whatever he was doing "Weird but ok and should I start talking more to blue?" "Who in the goddamn world is blue?" "You know the quiet one that never talks??" "The weird ass kid that's always just there??" "Yes him." "Heh I bet you like himmmm it'll be like Blue and dust sitting in a tree k I s s I n g."  Dust got quiet and started blushing until I finally got the hint "OMFG YOU LIKE HIM??? WHEN AND HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?" "Well... I've been eyeing him for sometime now and I think imma just try to be friends for now." "When's the wedding?" "Bro i don't even know if he wants to talk or not yet don't get your hopes up." I'm so excited! I've only been here for about 2 days and I'm loving this. I saw dust walk up to blue trying to make a conversation "Hey, Blue, I was wondering.. if you'd like to walk and talk outside??" "Why I'd love too, Come on let's go!" Blue grabbed dust's wrist and ran outside with him. 'DAMN HE HAS ALL THE RIZZ 💀'

Errors Pov:
I walked into the living room to see blue dragging dust outside I smile and sit down on the couch as I begin to think 'How will we be able to save nightmare.. HES been taken for almost a week now. I thought we would've saved him by now but I guess things just don't work out. I want my best friend fuck he's the person that actually looked out for me and cared enough about me to make sure I was safe he did so much for me and I can't even do one thing for him. We need to get him home and quick I can just feel like that guy is well torturing him..' I zoned out of thought to see killer yelling at me to snap out of it waving his hands around and everything "Wh@T Th3 H€Ll @R3 Y0U d01nG K1Ll3r?" "I was trying to snap you out of whatever overthinking your ass was doin you looked like you were crying and glitching a bit more honestly I thought you crashed!" Killer said as he shrugged "W3Ll 1 D1dN'T N0W Wh3r€ 1$ Cr0$-" "With ink upstairs there having there own little brotherly time up there." "Oh 0K W3Ll C@n Y0U G€T tH3 OtH3r$ $c1 1$ cOm1nG b@cK f0R m0R€ 1nFo @nD 1n$tRucT1On$ @bOuT Th€ $1tUaT1On."
About 30 minutes later
Inks pov:
Everyone was in the meeting room except blue and dust. It was very unusual because blue is late to nothing and dust is usually earlier than this. "Is everyone here?" Sci asked "No, we don't know where blue and dust is. By what error told us is that there some where in the forest." "Well we need the two, how about this." Sci stood up "Killer, Horror, can you two go outside and look for Dust and Blue? We need them for this."

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