Something just like this

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I had no head for anything or anyone right now. I had already stayed too long in our box, although I had wanted to go to the medical center. But I had to clarify a few things first.

Two hours ago I hadn't spoken a word to my new teammate outside of meetings, and now I was so worried about her that I couldn't think of anything but her.

That stupid, crazy, brave idiot!

Shit, I had sworn to myself after the disaster with Checo last season not to let any teammate get close to me again. At least not this close. And then she came and threw my resolutions overboard by simply saving my life?

I ran my fingers through my hair. It confused me on far too many levels as I made my way toward the medical center to check on her.

"Max!" shouted Charles, but I didn't stop.

Instead, I turned as I ran "No time.", I called and continued on my way.

It took a moment, then Charles and Seb caught up with me.

"How is she?" asked Charles.

"Don't know.", I grumbled "But I want to be with her before she reads the press reports."

"Why?" asked Monegasque and Seb also raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"They write complete bullshit! That she wasn't in control of the car and something like that was to be expected from a woman, after all. If I get to grab one of them!", I puffed with anger "I've already told Christian that we have to publish our own statement. She could have easily driven through there, but then I would have been dead. Shit, I'm so pissed!", I unintentionally stepped up a little harder.

"I thought you couldn't do anything with her.", Charles laughed "weren't those your words two days ago?".

I shrugged "Just changed my mind. That was totally crazy going in there like that, but she didn't hesitate. Didn't even think about it. You can see it in her data. She saw me and hit the gas. Shit, she could have been killed protecting me. No human being has ever done that in my life. Do you actually know how that feels?".

I could hardly put it into words myself. She would have sacrificed her life for me just like that. Even though I hadn't talked to her or really done anything else to make her feel welcome. I didn't understand why she had done it. Just like that.

It made no sense to me.

I was still immensely grateful to her and Melbourne would be hers. I would single-handedly kick off the track any driver who tried to stop that.

I would fucking pay her back for what she had done for me today. I would protect her. Only someone should dare to get too close to her.

It was crazy.

I had never had such intense feelings for anyone so quickly. What she had managed in a few seconds, some people had not managed in years.

I had serious feelings for her. Especially concern and the urgent urge to protect her, but they were extreme feelings that I knew of myself almost only in relation to racing.

I could hardly get my heartbeat under control since I had run to her car. They had told me from the pits that she didn't answer and shit, I had been afraid to find her lifeless in the car. I had really had to jump over my own shadow and had been relieved that she had been conscious. But I had had to jump over my shadow again when she had thrown up. I knew that could happen, but damn, I almost threw up with her. Somehow I had managed to hold her hair back until I could put her in the medical car.

I had never felt like that before.
"Must be a crazy thought," Charles said a little more calmly.

"I don't even know what to think," I muttered honestly as we finally reached the medical center.

Fernando and Mark were already here waiting, engrossed in conversation.

Mark looked up and raised an eyebrow when he noticed us "I don't know if I like my daughter getting so many male visitors." he said as Kevin also came in behind us.

"I am here!" he said a little breathlessly "Where's Heli?"

"She's getting her arm put back in place, then we can take her. It's just a light...", that's as far as he got, because a broadly grinning and rather dazed-looking Helia came out of one of the rooms, supported by two paramedics.

"She's high.", laughed one of the paramedics.

Kevin was immediately with her. The two seemed very close.

"I'm going to give you a good tip now, Heli, just shut up," laughed Kevin, already pressing his hand to her mouth.

"You forbid my daughter to talk?", Mark raised an eyebrow.

"Trust me Mark there are things in your daughter's life you don't want to know. I'm her best friend. I know these things. It's enough to make me upset.", she let herself sink a little in his arms while Mark still looked at him inquiringly.

"You know Kevin, you're the only guy I let talk about Heli like that. But that's also because I know she trusts you. Just put her to bed ok? And we'll talk tomorrow, Nugget."

Kevin ran bright red "Oh god Heli, you're going to suffer so much from that nickname tomorrow." he snorted as he pushed Helia towards the exit "Max, can you give us a hand?" he asked, I immediately nodded and followed them outside.

It wasn't until we had taken a few steps towards the cabs and Kevin had made sure no one was around that he took his hand from her mouth.

"Kevy, do you mean if I ask Seb now..." he immediately put his hand back over her mouth.

"No, I can't take that right now Heli." he growled, I looked at him questioningly "Trust me, you don't want to know. You... Heli! Stop licking my hand!", he took his hand from her mouth and rubbed it on his pants while she giggled.

"I promise, not another word about it. But did you know I can do a cartwheel?", this time I was the one to grab her before she jumped.

"Thanks. That's why I needed someone second. And the others weren't an option right now," Kevin laughed.

I held Helia a little above the ground "That wouldn't be a good idea.", I grumbled.

"Driving into Lance wasn't a good idea either. I did it anyway.", she laughed as I put her back down and turned around.

"We can't go back in there with you now, though, because you hurt yourself doing cartwheels. The season is about to start. I need you in heal."

"Good point." she nodded, then looked to Kevin.

"No Heli! Don't look at me like that! I'm old and you can walk.", he panted as she put her arms over his shoulders and pushed her lower lip forward.

"Please?" she could barely keep her lower lip there, she was laughing so hard.

"Forget about it Heli. Your legs are fine."

"But today was so exhausting. And I'm high and tired," she whined.

"I'm still not carrying you piggyback," Kevin laughed.

"Come here.", I demanded and squatted down a bit.

She didn't hesitate long and in the next moment I had my teammate on my back. I grabbed her legs to make sure she didn't slide down while she put her arms around my neck. Her head sank onto my shoulder and her scent immediately hit my nose.

"I definitely owe you that after today," I murmured as my pulse went right back up.

"I'd say now that you don't have to, but seriously, I feel way too beat up to be fighting over something like this right now," she replied.

The vibration of her body moved through my entire body.

"Now she's officially your problem too.", Kevin smirked and shoved his hands into his pants pockets.

"I think I can live with that," I replied, feeling her slump even more against me.

She left nothing but warmth and I found that very pleasant. Maybe I should reconsider my plans not to befriend her, because after today I was sure that we had the potential to become more than just teammates.

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