some say

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Shortly after Mark, Kevin had also appeared. And if I was honest, he was probably the one of the three of us that Luisa could use the most.

Because while Mark still seemed to weigh the pros and cons of a relationship between his daughter and Sebastian, I just hung on my thoughts and stared into space. All this was doing something to me. Above all, it made me realize what it could be like to be truly and unconditionally loved. I was not sure if someone would have waited for me so long if I had been lying up there. Would anyone have waited to hear from me?

Kevin, however, was quite different.

He lost his patience after a short time, pushed himself up and talked to the woman behind the reception desk until she finally told him where Sebastian was lying.

"I'm certainly not leaving her alone." had been his, admittedly, rather passive aggressive words before he had disappeared with long strides.

He had, however, turned around again after a few meters and come over to us "Will you swing your asses now, please? With all due respect, but Mark get your shit together. She's an adult and if she wants to date Sebastian, I'm sure a telling off from her dad won't stop her. Besides, you know Sebastian. He's a reasonable guy. Like he'd hurt Helia. And she's way too tough for that. She'd have whacked Sebastian before he could even think about it," he said, then turned to me, "And you get a grip on your feelings! You mountain of hormones. You only have these many feelings for her because she has your back and yeah, that's cool, I know what that feels like, but don't ever confuse that with real love. So get over yourself or I'm going to punch you in the nose with a newspaper, I swear to God."

Sometimes I was surprised how many words came out of the Dane, because usually he was very silent and seemed to just observe.

But when it came to Helia, there seemed to be a lot of words. The two were very close and I knew that. They had an intense friendship for many years. Helia was even the godmother of Kevin's daughter. But what was even more crucial was that Mark respected him.

I had already noticed that he loved his daughter very much and always wanted to protect her. The fact that he let Kevin near her like that meant a lot.

But even now Mark nodded "I don't like it, I'll be honest, but you're probably right."

"Of course I'm right.", Kevin shook his head laughing "Now go on. I'm sure she's got it shitty enough. She doesn't need men to make her life even more miserable.".

I just nodded and then followed him.

Where did he get this self-confidence?

We met Helia in the hallway outside Sebastian's room. She was completely upset. Kevin was the first to get to her and protectively pulled her into his arms before calmly talking to her. I wasn't sure, but I suspected that he was speaking Danish to her.

Every now and then she nodded while she wrapped her arms even tighter around him.

Man it really hurt to see her like that.

"How is he?", I asked cautiously.

"He's not conscious." she whispered, sounding as fragile as I had ever heard her.

She had always been the strong one of the two of us, after all.

"We should get you back to the hotel.", Kevin said calmly "Charles will surely contact us if something happens here.".

The Monegasque nodded "Seb's sister will call me if anything happens." he replied dully "I'll come with you to the hotel.".

Helia went along reluctantly, but seemed far too debilitated to really put up much of a fight anymore. She just seemed to be exhausted.

It was a silent ride back to the hotel. Almost unbearably quiet.

No one dared to say anything, while Helia just leaned on Kevin's shoulder and cried softly. If only there was something I could have done....

We had taken Helia to her room and waited until she had fallen asleep before the rest of us had disappeared to our rooms.

But now I lay awake and thought about how it would go on.

Again and again my thoughts slid to Helia. She should not be alone now. I pushed myself up out of bed and was about to open the door to go over to her when a knock startled me so much that I almost stumbled backwards.

I opened the door. Helia was standing in the hallway, looking at me with her shoulders slumped.

"Can I sleep over?" she whispered tonelessly.

"Sure.", I answered and let her come in.

She went to my bed without waiting for me and I curled up on the still made side of the bed under the covers. I lay back down next to her and hesitated for a moment. I didn't know if I might be going too far with this, but then decided to lie down behind her and pull her back against my chest.

We had slept in the same bed a few times before, but never this close. Most of the time we had always just lain next to each other. Except for the one time she had sung to me. At that time I had slept on her belly. But otherwise it had always been just side by side. This went further. Deeper.

I pulled her close to me and felt her hands immediately seek a hold on my arms. I let my nose slide into her hair. She smelled so warm.

I got goosebumps and pulled the blanket over us before I started humming softly. I hummed the song she had sung for me. It seemed to mean something to her. I had heard her hum it a few times before.

I perceived so much when it came to her. I knew what she liked to eat and drink. I could tell immediately when she was wearing a different perfume. I knew what she did when she was nervous. I knew what she looked like when she was scared but tried to hide it. I knew that she always got into the car with her left foot first.

I didn't miss much when it came to her.

She was my yellow person.

She had saved me and I knew I couldn't and wouldn't live without her. She was my twin flame, my soulmate.

I buried my face even deeper in her hair as I hummed ever so softly. Her arms wrapped tightly around mine, then she started to shake.

"I'm scared, Maxie," she whispered.

"I'm sure it'll be fine," I assured her.

"And what if it doesn't?"

"You can't even think that. It's going to be okay," I promised, just holding her close.

"I hope so much," she murmured.

We lay there quietly for a long time, until her breathing quieted so much that I was sure she had fallen asleep. I didn't move a bit. I just lay there and watched her sleep while I held her tightly in my arms.

My brain was screaming at me not to do it, but I knew I was slowly losing myself in this. I was losing myself in her. I was falling for her.

And it wasn't going to just go away. I didn't want it to. I didn't want her to give up on Seb either. I could see how much she loved him.

But some small part, however small, would always wonder what would have happened if she and I were more than this.

I had fallen asleep over the thoughts.

It wasn't until the piercing hum of my cell phone that I eventually woke up again. I disengaged an arm from her and fumbled for my phone before finally finding it.

I lifted it from the nightstand and looked at the display.

It was 4:33 and Charles was calling.

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