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the new Red Bull power Duos domination continues. We are already excited to see how they will do in the home Grand Prix in Spielberg."

I smirked at the headline and slid my phone over to Max.

"Maxia?" he raised an eyebrow and laughed.

"Could have been Helix.", I laughed, he slapped his hand in front of his forehead.

"Why are you like that?" he laughed.

"You seem to think it's a good thing. You moved in with me willingly, after all.", I poked him in the side with my elbow.

"Some days I wonder if it was the right decision," he grinned.

"You're a dumbass, you know that?"

He nodded "Your favorite dumbass.".

We function incredibly well as a team, pulling each other along and storming ever faster toward the title. And as sorry as I might have been for Charles and Seb, it was a great feeling. That rush of victory was unsurpassable. And I could live with the fact that they were Max wins, even though I was hoping to have another win of my own at some point, of course, because Melbourne hadn't really felt like it. Or rather, only for a brief moment.

"You forget that Kevin is my best friend," I smirked.

"What you prefer him to me?" he grabbed his chest in mock offense.

"You guys are pretty close," I laughed, pushing him back "Kevin has a hot wife and a cute daughter," I shrugged.

Max almost fell off your chair laughing "You're so weird sometimes, Heli."

"Likewise Maxie.", I stuck my tongue out at him.

"So I need updates.", Louise leaned back.

"Lu, I'll write you everything that's going on in my life. Every day.", I smirked.

"I want to hear it. So you and Seb?"

"That hasn't changed since yesterday," I laughed.

"Say it again. I want to see your stupid grin while you do it," she teased.

I immediately started grinning again. God I was way too happy.

"We're together.".

Lu smirked "I like it when you say that and maybe I'm repeating myself there, but I told you. He's your Kevin." she pulled me to her "And how's your new shared apartment with Max going?"

"Really good. I think it's good for him not to be alone. And it's fun having him around. Plus, we do a lot of simulator driving at our place, so you can always talk directly about settings."

"And how does your dad get along with everything?".

I shrugged "He's still not thrilled with Seb, but he doesn't say anything. It kind of sucks. I mean, I'm seriously happy and it's already kind of serious. What if he never comes to terms with it? And the fact that I live with Max now worries him too. I think he thinks I'm not coming back to Australia. But honestly, how could I not want to go there?"

"Well, he's worried. You're his little girl. Imagine what Kevin will be like when Laura is your age, when she has her first boyfriend."

"No way will she have a boyfriend! No boy is good enough for...," I realized what I had just said and started smirking.

"See? And I bet your dad feels the same way. I mean especially since Leo showed up.".

I was on my way to our pit to get ready for the free practice. Max was surely already waiting. Since Baku, it had become a tradition that he braided my hair. As a good luck charm, so to speak, because in Baku I had come out of the crash completely unscathed. It might be superstition, but since then Max always had to do my hair.

"Hey, Helia?", I winced when I heard Leo's voice.

"Leave me alone! I've told you enough times now. I don't want you in my life! Leave me alone."

"But you're my daughter. I love you. You're my everything."

"I meant nothing to you. For 28 years I meant nothing to you, but you know who was always there? My real dad. He took care of me. Always. He was there when I was good and when I was bad."

"But only because he kept me away from you!"

"You had your chance. Dad told me everything. You dumped Mom as soon as you knew about me. You didn't give a shit about me! Where were you when I had that accident in Bahrain? Where were you when I was sick? Where were you when I doubted myself? Where were you?", I felt tears welling up in my eyes "You abandoned me. And dad was always there! Dad loved me and protected me. He supported me, raised me! He was there. And I'm not going to say it again, just leave me alone. I don't want anything to do with you!".

"That's not how it works," I could see something shift in his gaze "You don't just leave. You owe me something. I fathered you. Without me, you wouldn't even exist."

"I don't owe you anything.", I hissed back "Then I wouldn't be here love!".

"That can be arranged." he grumbled and lashed out.

I realized far too late what was coming at me, but before his hand could hit me, someone had intercepted it.

It was a muffled laugh that escaped Sebastian as he grabbed hold of Leo's hand and then very slowly turned it "Touch her and you'll regret it.".

I had to admit that his voice scared me a little. Leo sank more and more to his knees in front of him.

"You have no place in her life. Do you understand me? And if you come near her again I will be there. Or Max. Or Kevin. And I'm not just speaking for myself now, but for them as well, we're going to punch you in the face if we see you even one step too close to Helia again. Is. That. Arrived?"

Leo yelped in pain.

"Did that arrive, I asked," he repeated.

Leo just nodded, Seb let go of his hand "Good. Nice talking to you Leo." then he turned to me "Come on babe. Max is probably waiting for you.", he took my hand and pulled me away from Leo.

Calmly he put his arm around my back and pulled me closer to him.

"I didn't know you were going to be here this weekend," I admitted, snuggling closer to him.

"Why so surprised? Have you been hiding your secret boyfriend in your garage?" he teased and then kissed my temple "I just wanted to see you."

"I'm so glad you're here," I murmured, intertwining my fingers with His.

"I have to take care of you after all." he smirked "Besides, I'm meeting up with Mark later."

"Wait, you're meeting with him alone?"

"Yes. I have to work something out with him."

"I'll go with you!", I said, looking at him in surprise.

"No, Heli. Not this time. He and I have to work this out alone. Trust me.", he stopped and pulled me to him "I owe him that, after everything that happened.", then he pushed my chin up and kissed me.

Immediately, countless photographers were at it again. I had gotten used to that by now. In the beginning it had been really strange that so many people were watching you when you kissed. In the meantime, I just didn't care.

I loved Seb, everyone could know that.

And it was a headline that was pretty dominant next to the Red Bull winning streak. God what crap they had written at the beginning.

"Romeo & Juliet - the forbidden Formula 1 love".

It had never been forbidden, but had probably sounded good.

"Can their love withstand the pressure of winning?"

Apparently so.

"True love or smart move by one of the team managers?"

Sure, we're in a soap opera here.

It had been fun, and we had shared the best headlines with each other in driver chat. It had always been a highlight.

"Now off you go, don't want you to be late," he smirked, interrupting the kiss "I want to see you drive."

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