Chapter 7

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 Clarke was already there, her arms around Bellamy and Octavia in an embrace that spoke volumes. It was a scene of profound relief, a momentary respite from the struggles that still lay ahead. Her smile towards me was an unspoken invitation, and I needed no further prompting. I ran over to them and reached out for Bellamy. There was a momentary pause, a brief hesitation, before he reciprocated the hug. It was a genuine, heartfelt embrace, a physical acknowledgment of the bond forged through shared hardships.

Octavia's comment, laced with her characteristic wry humor, broke through the emotional intensity of the reunion. "Now, there's something I thought I'd never see. I'm glad you're ok," she said, her smile a rare moment of lightness amidst the uncertainty.

"You too," I replied, returning her smile. In her presence, I felt a sense of camaraderie, a reminder of the solidarity that had been our lifeline in the toughest of times.

Bellamy's attention then turned to Clarke, his expression serious. "How many are with you?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

"It was just Kegan and me," Clarke replied, her voice tinged with fatigue and a hint of sorrow for all that had transpired.

The conversation then took a turn towards Finn, his absence hanging heavily in the air. "Where's Finn?" I inquired, concern for our friend coloring my words.

Bellamy's response was heavy with implication. "He's looking for you," he said, his gaze shifting to Clarke. The layers of meaning in his statement were clear – Finn's actions were driven by more than just a search for missing friends; they were fueled by deeper emotions and perhaps a sense of responsibility. The complexity of our situation was palpable. Finn's whereabouts and intentions, the challenges of our current predicament at Mount Weather, and the pressing need to formulate a plan of action were all converging into a formidable task ahead.

As we stood there, reunited yet acutely aware of the challenges that lay ahead, a sense of determination began to take root. The odds were daunting, but our history of surviving against all odds served as a reminder of our resilience and strength when united. The joy of seeing Bellamy, Octavia, and Monroe – alive and standing with us – bolstered our spirits. It was a poignant reminder that in this fight for survival, our greatest strength lay in each other.


The situation was tense, each person weighing in with their perspectives and concerns. Byrne's caution about the unknowns regarding Mount Weather was a valid point. Their numbers, their capabilities – all these were factors that needed careful consideration. Sinclair's assumption, based on Clarke's insights, that the 47 people still inside Mount Weather were not currently being harmed, provided a sliver of hope. It suggested that we had some time, however limited, to plan our next steps. But his reluctance to leave them there underscored the urgency of the situation.

Abby's directive to gather intel on Mount Weather and send a team after Kane was a strategic move. It was essential to inform him that the Grounders didn't have the kids, a crucial piece of information that could impact his negotiations for peace. The mention of Finn Collins and John Murphy by Byrne brought a new layer of complication to the table. Clarke's outburst was a raw display of her concern for their safety. Abby's response, while sympathetic, highlighted the harsh reality of our limited resources. We simply didn't have enough manpower to launch multiple rescue missions and protect our camp simultaneously.

I felt compelled to support Clarke's argument. Finn and Murphy were out there, possibly endangering themselves or worsening our already fragile relationship with the Grounders. Abby's decision, though difficult, was driven by the need to prioritize Chancellor Kane's mission for peace. Her response to my comment was firm, underscoring the complexity and weight of leadership decisions. Abby's role as a leader often required her to make tough calls, ones that didn't always align with our personal desires or sentiments.

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