Chapter 20

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As we moved swiftly away from the feeding ground, the eerie silence of the woods was punctuated by the growls of the beast, a constant reminder of the danger that lurked just beyond sight. Every sense was alert, each shadow and rustle in the underbrush a potential threat as we navigated through the dark, foreboding forest. We climbed the rocky terrain, our escape was abruptly halted by a gruesome sight. A half-eaten moose lay before us, its decaying form emanating a putrid smell that filled the air. The proximity of such carnage was a clear sign; the beast was dangerously close. With no viable option to flee, Lexa and the guard drew their swords, their faces set in grim determination. I pulled out my gun, readying myself for the inevitable confrontation. Lexa's gaze met mine, a rare show of vulnerability in her eyes, acknowledging the fear we both felt.

Without warning, the beast leaped over the concrete barrier of the enclosure. It was a monstrous sight – like a gorilla, but grotesquely enlarged, its muscles bulging and eyes wild with fury. The creature lunged forward with terrifying speed, attacking Lexa's guard. The guard fought bravely but was no match for the beast's sheer strength. With brutal force, the gorilla tore him apart, then hurled his mangled body against the wall near us, a chilling display of its power. In a desperate attempt to assess the creature's resilience, I fired a shot at its face. The gorilla's reaction was immediate and furious. It picked up a massive rock and hurled it at the wall above Lexa and me, causing debris to rain down around us. I fired several more shots at the beast, trying to throw it off balance. Miraculously, it worked; the gorilla lost its footing and tumbled off the rocks. But our relief was short-lived. Within seconds, the enraged creature was clambering back up, its roars echoing through the area.

Seizing the moment, I grabbed Lexa's arm, and we bolted, the gorilla hot on our heels. Our flight led us to a railing overlooking a steep drop-off. We had only a momentary respite before I leaped over the rail, racing down the pathway below. Lexa followed suit, but as she landed, a sharp cry of pain escaped her lips. Her cry shifted my focus entirely. The threat of the bloodthirsty gorilla, though still imminent, became secondary to Lexa's well-being. Adrenaline coursed through me as I turned back to her, ready to face whatever came our way to ensure her safety.

"Come on, Lexa," I urged, my voice a mixture of determination and concern as I gently guided her forward, her injury slowing our escape. The urgency of the situation was palpable, each second feeling like an eternity.

We spotted a small gate ahead, a potential route to safety. I quickly crawled through the narrow opening, turning back to assist Lexa. But as she attempted to follow, the gorilla's massive hand shot out, grasping her ankle with terrifying strength. In that moment of sheer panic, I grabbed her hand with a vice-like grip, determined not to let go.

"Leave me!" Lexa yelled, her voice laced with pain and desperation.

"Never," I replied firmly, and with a burst of adrenaline-fueled strength, I fired at the gorilla, hitting it repeatedly until it finally released its hold on her.

Wasting no time, I pulled Lexa through the gate and swiftly kicked the stick propping the hatch open, sealing it shut behind us. The immediate threat momentarily abated, I led her towards a larger door, seeking a more secure refuge. This area was enclosed by a caged roof, offering some protection from the beast's potential attacks from above. It was a small relief, but in our situation, any advantage was crucial.

"Give me your sword," I requested from Lexa, needing it for our next move. She handed it over without a word, her trust in my actions evident despite her pain.

I took the sword and deftly inserted it into the latches of the door, improvising a lock to secure the barrier between us and the relentless creature. Each movement was calculated and swift, driven by the need to protect Lexa and ensure our survival. The immediate danger behind the closed door, we were left in a tense but temporary safety, catching our breaths and preparing for the next steps in our harrowing journey.

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