Chapter 13

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 The twilight air was electric with tension as Bellamy's command thundered across the compound, reverberating against the cold metal walls, "Hold your fire, he's back. Open the gate!" His voice, a potent blend of authority and barely contained relief, cut through the evening mist, urging immediate action.

Finn emerged from the shadows, his face a canvas of moonlit pallor, streaked with the grime of the forest. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with deep concern, his eyes—a pair of worried pools—scanning me for any unseen wounds or trauma.

"You can't be out here," I responded, my words infused with an urgent intensity. Grasping Finn's arm, I felt the coarse fabric of his jacket, gritty with dirt, as I steered him towards the relative safety of the inner compound.

Abby and Clarke, their expressions a tumult of worry and relief, rushed towards us. Their hurried steps on the gravel echoed in the still night air. They each enfolded me in a warm, desperate embrace, their arms a fleeting sanctuary amidst the encroaching storm of uncertainty.

"What's happening? What did she say?" Abby's voice quivered with a mix of fear and anticipation, her eyes—reflecting the flickering torchlight—searched mine for answers as she reluctantly released me.

Leaning in close, my voice dropped to a hushed, tremulous whisper, burdened with the weight of our dire predicament. "If we want a truce, we have to give them Finn," I admitted, feeling a gnawing dread coil in the pit of my stomach.

"Why?" Clarke's voice was tinged with shock and disbelief, her clear blue eyes widening, reflecting the flickering flames of nearby torches.

Raven, her stance taut with barely contained rage, interjected sharply, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"That's their offer," I replied, my voice a thin veneer of calm masking a tumult of despair.

"That's not an offer..." Raven's voice faltered, her face a mask of shock morphing into a visage of brewing storm.

Finn, his voice a desolate echo, added, "That's punishment for what happened at the village. Blood for blood." His words, heavy with resignation, lingered in the air like a dark cloud.

"That's insane," Bellamy murmured, his features hardening into a mask of incredulity and resolve.

"And if we refuse?" Clarke's steady voice belied the flicker of fear in her eyes, contemplating the dire consequences of our choices.

"They'll attack," I murmured, the words escaping my lips like a somber, reluctant confession, heavy with ominous foreboding.

Suddenly, a voice from the crowd, brash and impetuous, shattered the tense stillness, "I say we give him to them!" This reckless suggestion ignited a cacophony of dissent and agreement, a turbulent sea of voices rising and falling in the night air.

"Give him to the Grounders," another voice demanded, more forceful, as its owner, a burly figure with a face set in grim determination, stepped closer, his shadow looming large in the torchlight.

"Back off," Raven snapped, her voice a fierce growl, her body instinctively moving in front of Finn like a protective shield. With unexpected strength, she pushed the man back, her eyes blazing with defiance.

"No, Raven, no. Listen, nothing is going to happen to him. I promise," Clarke said, her hands firmly on Raven's shoulders, her voice a soothing, steadying force in the eye of the emotional storm, striving to instill a sense of hope and control amidst the swirling chaos.

She nodded in understanding, but then, without warning, another man from the crowd, his face contorted with anger, aggressively stepped into her space. In a swift, reflexive response, she delivered a punch with startling precision, her knuckles connecting squarely with his jaw. The sound of the impact echoed sharply in the tense air. Instantly, members of our guard sprang into action. They moved with a well-rehearsed efficiency, their boots thudding against the ground as they swiftly intervened. With firm, practiced grips, they restrained her, her body taut with barely restrained fury, and carried her away from the escalating scene. Her eyes, still blazing with a fierce, indomitable spirit, met mine for a fleeting moment before she disappeared into the throng.

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